Nice one on the apology. The forum has largely been on auto play now and that's good for all of us. Now mods are only contacted about legitimate personal matters. Spot on with what you say. In general terms the more varied people you talk to, the more you'll learn about behaviour, social skills which goes a long way. Particularly important for those that are naturally shy, sensitive, too self aware where it limits them, autistic e.t.c. Interacting with others is also called living, we're social beings and it's important for health. I have faith that Exodus will turn his situation around as he has taken steps in terms of career and exploring the "normie" side of living.
You won't do any real research for at least 8 years and until you enter derm. Interested if your mindset will change as you progress. Hair loss sucks but it is somewhat "cured" by medication and transplants (in the eyes of surgeons and early intervention) yet there are other diseases which really screw you up and we don't even have control over it AT ALL. The cure for hair will come one day, but it will most likely be through research for other diseases. I am not trying to downplay research for a cosmetic illness (hair loss really does change your life) but there are far worse ones with no effective treatment in my book. I love hair surgery though and it's good money, a cure would make them shift roles

Either way, you're doing something noble and incomparable. You're abroad and there are good opportunities and ways to "skip bs" there in order to get to real research which is why you see movement of people.