Any Other 40something Losers On Here?

Wolf Pack

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Typical mainstream media intro: "They might have people actually died from hairtransplant".

How? Some Turkish guy used a kebab knife instead of an FUE punch?

PS: The reporter is a 8 in my books. She has something that makes me tingle my wilie.

She's nice yeah, easy to game and get your foot in the door as she has that curious element. She'd be receptive.


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Did you see this yesterday? I thought of you, maybe the video only works with UK users. Shows the pain of receding when it gets bad. I get you're positive but I would get a full head, as the guy in the video says it's cheap and why settle for less? You have the looks to make it count, it will be noticeable. A receding hairline just looks off.


We all know this scene. A guy with a perfect full head of hair Norwood 1.0 telling you: "Yo mate why you do a haitransplant you are not even bald bald...I would just embrace it and be confident"

5 Years later and +2 Norwood levels: "Mate can you send me the link to your clinic pls?"


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Typical mainstream media intro: "They might have people actually died from hairtransplant".

How? Some Turkish guy used a kebab knife instead of an FUE punch?

PS: The reporter is a 8 in my books. She has something that makes me tingle my wilie.
We like different books. :D

Wolf Pack

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Anyone else on here in their 40s that are tired of watching their lives go by them with their friends all married with kids while you sit at home? Anyone else in their 40s that cant handle the side effects of minoxidil or finasteride so u keep waiting for a new treatment only to be let down time and time again by endless delays and procrastination? Any other 40 something's get depressed because they feel like there isn't anything they can do about it and feel out of options? You have tried the dating sites, working out, and all you get are fat chicks that boss you around and the memory of a beautiful you had relations with in the past? If you do, you are not alone. Maybe I am the only older loser on here, either way it blows. I wish one of the scientists like cotsarelis would try and speed things up so he could improve thousands of lives.

No one who makes a post like this is a loser to me, takes courage to look at life like this. Nowadays there are plenty of older people who are single through choice. I also recently met a couple in their 50s who decided not to have kids despite being together for decades. So outwardly, I'm sure you appear just fine and not a "loser". But I hope you get what you want in the end and are happy, don't give up.


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No one who makes a post like this is a loser to me, takes courage to look at life like this. Nowadays there are plenty of older people who are single through choice. I also recently met a couple in their 50s who decided not to have kids despite being together for decades. So outwardly, I'm sure you appear just fine and not a "loser". But I hope you get what you want in the end and are happy, don't give up.

How can a woman surpass her very instincts in not wanting to have kids? Can a child smile be replaced by a fancy car? I don't think so. It's like the MGTOW men saying: "I don't need a women" and jerking into fleshlights. I just don't buy it that they are happy.


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View attachment 97872

We all know this scene. A guy with a perfect full head of hair Norwood 1.0 telling you: "Yo mate why you do a haitransplant you are not even bald bald...I would just embrace it and be confident"

5 Years later and +2 Norwood levels: "Mate can you send me the link to your clinic pls?"
Its a good little documentary on hair transplants and its positive to see such a thing on the BBC.

I don't understand how his hair transplant was so cheap; how can it be $2000 with Erodogan?

I've seen a lot of people pay 3 or 4 thousand for 2000 grafts with that surgeon.

Wolf Pack

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Its a good little documentary on hair transplants and its positive to see such a thing on the BBC.

I don't understand how his hair transplant was so cheap; how can it be $2000 with Erodogan?

I've seen a lot of people pay 3 or 4 thousand for 2000 grafts with that surgeon.

Different Erdogan I think.

This is much more my sort of book.

Yes, we can't compare her with the other. She's got a great face: jaw, eye area, conventional.


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How can a woman surpass her very instincts in not wanting to have kids? Can a child smile be replaced by a fancy car? I don't think so. It's like the MGTOW men saying: "I don't need a women" and jerking into fleshlights. I just don't buy it that they are happy.

Ever drive a nice fancy car? Ever Jerk into a flesh light???? (well that second one I never did, but I had a buddy who owned one and swore it was awesome, lol. He told me this while holding the thing up in front of his wife)

On a side note, a flesh light cant be compared to just getting a hooker. I am sure if it was more legal here in the US and less stigmatized, real relationships and manlets would be disappearing rapidly.

Kids are a PITA to a lot of people and more people are starting to wake up instead of being pushed into societies boundaries. I never wanted kids and youd be surprised when Im honest with people how much they open up.


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Ever drive a nice fancy car? Ever Jerk into a flesh light???? (well that second one I never did, but I had a buddy who owned one and swore it was awesome, lol. He told me this while holding the thing up in front of his wife)

On a side note, a flesh light cant be compared to just getting a hooker. I am sure if it was more legal here in the US and less stigmatized, real relationships and manlets would be disappearing rapidly.

Kids are a PITA to a lot of people and more people are starting to wake up instead of being pushed into societies boundaries. I never wanted kids and youd be surprised when Im honest with people how much they open up.

are you f*****g kidding me? We are now realy have a discussion about fleshlight or a girlfriend/wife? is closed today?

I have had a fleshlight years ago and its better than using your hand for sure but its 5 dimension away from a real women.

Hookers are the closest you can come to have sex with a "real women" and even that is laughable sex compared to have sex with a girl that looks horny at you while she grabs your Finasteride dick.

To the car question. I dont drive and I have 0 intrest in cars for all fairness I cant give my 2 cents if a car or a child gives you more happines but you might know my answer.

I dont buy it from any women that she dont want to have kids. To a man that is enjoying his life I could say it might be the truth but not a women.

michel sapin

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Can't you resit a module to avoid doing the year again? It was probably a lack of passion on your part but I heard in law you can get away with predicting the type of questions that come up for each module? So you can make "template essays" for each topic before hand, were you caught by surprise with something? Practice papers are really good after the knowledge is concrete ideally.

Sorry I was busy yesterday. As you can see, the individual in question on the previous page already apologised to Exodus and further bans were to do with persistence and not just that battle. So a request for his ban would have been pointless. Although requests come in for bans, everything is carefully assessed between the team and already mentally noted prior.

No one is perfect and errors happen where human judgement is involved. Think of capital punishment - there's a reason it goes through so many different appeal panels. Although it wouldn't be right for me to comment on individual cases publicly although I've made that error before when trying to help out previously. Forum confidentiality and sensitivity to that user is crucial which is why the PM option is best, even vagueness there is understandable. If someone is still really struggling with an online forum decision, it's worrying for their health. So, if someone reliable wishes to be an intermediary we can communicate if it helps said person (wpb) with closure and understanding. However, no decisions will be reversed now as that was our consensus when we talked about this ages ago as a group. But we can open a door to talk so to speak.

Please now keep this thread off this topic and prevent it being derailed.

Did you see this yesterday? I thought of you, maybe the video only works with UK users. Shows the pain of receding when it gets bad. I get you're positive but I would get a full head, as the guy in the video says it's cheap and why settle for less? You have the looks to make it count, it will be noticeable. A receding hairline just looks off.

in fact the thing is that i have validated my Master 1 ( 4th year ) , but here in france the system is fucked for law study .And in order to get to the 5 th year , they study your whole cursus . ANd they have decided that even if i had some 10/20 to all my semester , taht wasn't enough . Other student had better mark . SO even if i have graduated this year , i have nothing at the end of the course ....
But you are clearly right that I really hated law , so I didn't put enough effort .
And I am not allowed to do the year again because i have achieved to get 10 ( its validated ) . I should have had 12 . to get a mention

michel sapin

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and the worst thing is that I have to wait until next year to start medicine course , because of the administrative system in france .
So here I am doing a shitty master just to pass the year .

michel sapin

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I went to my first class today of this shitty master , and among the student there was a 40 yo Norwood 5 .
And even if he as bald he had a better facial structure that all the Norwood 0 23 yo student . But the lack of hair killed his chance with the ladies


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View attachment 97872

We all know this scene. A guy with a perfect full head of hair Norwood 1.0 telling you: "Yo mate why you do a haitransplant you are not even bald bald...I would just embrace it and be confident"

5 Years later and +2 Norwood levels: "Mate can you send me the link to your clinic pls?"

Take it from a norwood 6 then, I don’t think this tiny recession needed a hair transplant, either. I would be more worried about living with my parents at age 26. But different folks, different strokes....


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in fact the thing is that i have validated my Master 1 ( 4th year ) , but here in france the system is fucked for law study .And in order to get to the 5 th year , they study your whole cursus . ANd they have decided that even if i had some 10/20 to all my semester , taht wasn't enough . Other student had better mark . SO even if i have graduated this year , i have nothing at the end of the course ....
But you are clearly right that I really hated law , so I didn't put enough effort .
And I am not allowed to do the year again because i have achieved to get 10 ( its validated ) . I should have had 12 . to get a mention
Seriously - who's financing all these years of study?


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It's free in Europe I think if you get certain grades. Just accommodation you pay.

You pay a fee of about 300 Euro per semester, but there are also loans and programmes that help you financing your accommodation and stuff.

michel sapin

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the year is extremely cheap in france for college ( not like in the us ,etc .. )
it is 300 euros per year . But only the top student will get the good job