Antonio, you do have BDD. Exactly how you feel is how I feel. Part of coping with BDD is to find more flaws in "your competition" so you feel better about yourself. For, instance, people with BDD will want to see that Tom Brady is losing his hair because it makes him less perfect. No girl really cares if he is losing his hair but a person with BDD will be able to spot that flaw a mile away. Not only do you see your own flaws but you will try find them in a person you feel is better looking than yourself(an you do not have to be gay to tell if another male is good looking because we have all learned from society what a male model should look like) only so you can size him down so to speak and try to convince yourself that you are better looking so you feel better about yourself. But when you are in competition with a room full of male models with perfection you are definitely going to feel really crappy about yourself and your self esteem drops to an all time low. The only way out that situation is if a hot looking girl pays attention to you too in that same room if you are confident enough to get her attention. I have said this before and I will say this again, most people on this forum have a mild to extreme case of BDD. Otherwise they would now care about losing hair. There is nothing wrong with having BDD as long as you can control it. Basically, it just means you want to be attractive to a nice hot young female no matter how old you are and you just sometimes feel your physical flaws whether real or imaged may hurt you with competing with guys who look like fitness models. Why do you think people on here constantly post pictures of good looking male celebrities balding? Its their BDD that triggers them to find the flaws in the first place so it allows them to feel less competitive and more on the same level playing field. If Brad Pitt started showing gray hair, wrinkles, and drooping lids, and started to get gyno or fat, a person with BDD will spot that a mile away and of course so will the media and feel much better about themselves because now he has flaws too. Unfortunately, we probably won't see Brad Pitt with those flaws because he will seek out plastic surgery to maintain his look like do most of all celebrities but eventually his flaws will show and the media will expose it. Most people with BDD will come on here announcing and posting pictures of their flaw in hopes that people will say its not bad just so they feel better about themselves. I do not think there anything wrong with that but sometimes you have to realize that if most people are telling you its not that bad, you need to start accepting it and move on. I am not ashamed I have BDD but dealing with losing hair and getting older is no picnic either.