Anyone else considering totally checking out of society?


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Anyone else considered "going Galt" on society? I just turned 25 yo and I cant really see much, if any, reason to continue to be a cog in societies machine. I realize no woman will ever love me other than seeing me as a potential cuckold and cash dispenser and its always been like that. I don't want kids because I know I'd make an aloof and uncaring father and I'm worried about getting divorce raped if I do. I don't really want a "regular" job regardless of the pay, slaving away 8 to 12 to 16 hours a day just to hit a glass ceiling that my attractiveness and baldness will eventually relegate me to. But even more that, why should I get payed 40K without benefits while the CEO makes 40K an hour. I cant help but look at everyone around me and see nothing but a bunch of selfish, dimwitted, stupid idiots completely bought off my gizmos and gadgets uncaring of the environment, humanity, and other issues in the world. And not to sound arrogant, I myself used to be one of these people; Totally blinded to the reality of life by being a NW0 pretty boy in his youth who cared for nothing but proving his self worth as a man by attempting to hopelessly please women, work a bull**** job,and pay taxes and all that other cookie cutter american dream bullshyte

I feel like hair loss has in a way "enlightened me" and allowed me to see people and society for what it really is. Everyone's just floating around desperate for attention and seeking it anyway possible be it sex, validation via social media, drink, drugs, etc... Going bald young has involuntarily castrated me and showed me personality doesn't mean anything in today's dating world. People are fake. Everyone's out for themselves. They will smile in your face as they sharpen a dagger in the background-ready to finish you off if necessary just to make 20$ more.

I can feel life suffocating me as I grow older. My parents pushing marriage and kids yet they themselves are miserably married and unhappy. I see friends hopelessly retarded when it comes to the reality of relationships yet telling "jus shave it brah", "girls are different, they dont care about looks brah". Yet they themselves couldn't get laid to save their life. I see myself extending my stay at college to get more degrees in a desperate attempt to avoid going into the working world. I cant for the life of me think of a single job I would want to do yet I have no worth according to society if I think like this.

I have honestly thought about just quitting society and buying one acre of land in the middle of nowhere somewhere and dissapearing. Letting all the rest of my hair fall out and to quit these cursed MEDS. Some people are born lucky into this world with looks, money, or status, or whatever and they have a warped world view in which all you gotta do is think positive yet they are totally oblivious to their privilege. I on the other hand have been born poor, bullied, used, cheated on, being homeless periodically in my life. I just feel like society's punching bag yet I'm supposed to be grateful for this and never say a bad word.

I'll never forget the Emerson quote about how most men lead lives of quiet desperation. Yet I dont think many of us, myself included have a choice. We dont want to, thats just the hand were given. this cursed life.


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I didn't read your entire post because I am tired, but to answer the question if I would consider checking out of society, yes. I am thinking about applying to that mission to Mars in 2020 just to get away from this society made up entirely by shallow people.


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Now we know, hair, decent or good looks is almost everything to have a fulfilling life and to be happy.

Sad but true. Of course we need our basics like food and water, a roof over our house etc, but aside from that good or decent looks is all you need. And without it, society treats you like an outcast. People saying looks don't matter is either completely clueless or liars.


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In your twenties I find it's all about looks, but as you get older if you have a good career you will then reap the rewards, and have the most fruits of the crop. I'd imagine the thirties is when you see the seperation in those who made something of themselves versus those who didn't end up going anywhere. At this age it seems like everything is coming together, and having the flexibility of doing certain things prevails.

But thanks to social networking even NW1 drop outs who never amounted to anything will still be able to pick up hotties of tindr :laugh:

Meanwhile baldie can take trips to the philipines, and thailand to find a mate with his hard earned money


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I tried going MGTOW but it's impossibly hard. Im basically supposed to go chaste and pretend I enjoy it but I guess I'm not strong like that. I know life is but a joke but man this sux


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MGTOW = Sexually deprived virgins retaliating against women for oppressing their desires


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MGTOW is a much more viable option here in Europe. You could go your own way and still be able to have sex regularly with very attractive escorts as it's 100% legal here.

You could even go to escorts once a week and it would only cost you 200€ or 250$. It actually costs way less than a "real" relationship, and you don't have all the hassles that go with it.


You know its amazing how women are in such denial about them feeding off the wallets of men... like this video here:


It's funny though, that the guy flat out says that nobody should rely on someone else to be happy and they shut him down for that too. And yes, I know, it's Fox News (a joke).


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You could become one of these sad individuals:

In Japan, a million young men have shut the door on real life.
Almost one man in ten in his late teens and early twenties is refusing to leave his home – many do not leave their bedrooms for years on end.

Quantum Cat

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I can relate to wanting to study for as long as possible V working. I was always happiest when studying in an academic university environment with intellectual like-minded people.

Then when you've finished you find yourself in the workplace surrounded by mostly total braindead morons and/or insufferable assholes. It's quite a sobering juxtaposition. You have no choice but to work with these people since you can't choose your colleagues and worse still, some of these idiots are your bosses.


When i was reading OP's post, I at times felt that it was me writing rather than some one else.

It is so relate able. I often oscillate between two states - one that makes me want to quit everything and go somewhere - some unknown place where i can be invisible, and another that makes me keep on working so I can have enough money for a future treatment. Somehow, I have reached a steady state. Which means that nothing happens and life goes on as before.

For some of us, hair loss is not the only issue in our life, it is one of many and it has a tendency to come to the surface more frequently because first, we realize very well that society cares only about your looks and second, we cannot do anything about it. It is almost like a final straw. Did my overbite and cross bite used to bother me before I went bald? No. Did my acne used to bother me? No. But as soon as I started balding, the whole world came crashing down. And I now think: If I only had a full head of hair, life would be so much different.


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I thought about quitting society a couple of days ago and I couldn't even quit facebook or twitter, too many strippers and nudes.
I am too much of a coward to commit suicide,my life is jusy fvucked right now,I quit drinking alcohol two months ago and my dating and social life are wrecked, I dont smoke or do drugs except the meds that are prescribed to me and I cant even start my day without taking those. This is best reality has to offer me?,this is bull****!.


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IDK, my posts are usually ignored anyways. I could advice to seek spirituality but then I'd sound preachy. All I know is, after realizing this paradigm you could go on exploiting your own individuality while giving two ****s or continue your life avoiding everything, which is much harder.

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Quitting facebook and stop viewing morons and w****s posting stuff is a great start btw


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IDK, my posts are usually ignored anyways. I could advice to seek spirituality but then I'd sound preachy. All I know is, after realizing this paradigm you could go on exploiting your own individuality while giving two ****s or continue your life avoiding everything, which is much harder.

Your right Mr. Patches,exploitation, they say, is the worlds oldest occupation,maybe I should go back to my old ways and have a few beers every now and then and socialize more and not give a ish. I sometimes wish I had a normal life like people that work a nine to five but paradoxically I'm too rich to work, I hit my ceiling level about a year ago and work doesn't seem to like me. My reality consists of prescription pills watching television and making music,I kinda realized how non social this was when my best friend called me a few days ago, I was depressed until now,so thank you for putting things into perspective. I need to socialize more.
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Quitting facebook and stop viewing morons and w****s posting stuff is a great start btw
face book is the devil lol, I saw my year in review and it went like this, I had a pic with my hair piece on frowning(before pic) and the year end pic I was smiling with my hat on(hat prisoner)smiling(after pic) it was an insult to me. The hell with face book, I'm just sticking to observing and sharing my input every now and then. I even have the desire to quit looking at p**rn, 2015 is my year, I just know it.


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Sad but true. Of course we need our basics like food and water, a roof over our house etc, but aside from that good or decent looks is all you need. And without it, society treats you like an outcast. People saying looks don't matter is either completely clueless or liars.

Well, it's mostly the sides of your head that is thinning. Ever consider a new hairstyle? Maybe something like this

And I agree with everyone here. Society is bulls.hit