Anyone else considering totally checking out of society?


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listen mate

true story
although youd probably wont belive me or be skeptical as its normal,

im going 'on and off' soceiety all my life
im 25 too and really reclusive,
all my life
probably ive spent more than 80% of my time alone.

long story short - point is -

get your self a goal - and stick to it - ---
thats life mate
doesnt matter whats the goal is, and doesnt matter things that makes you stumble or fall - you go on no matter what .

than when you get to the goal - you set another -
and thats it.

thats life ---
even the people you think as of 'the perfect men/women' that looks great - have money and have health and everything anyone wants basicaly -
trust me - even them - they have the everyday problems and to over come them they MUST KEEP BUSY


Cue Bald

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Why don't people who are this bad get hair transplant's? i am a NW5 now and I am planning on getting a few FUE's - maybe a few 2000 graft FUE's, and then some BHT with Umar to finish the deal. Has anyone ever done a 10,000+ grafts in total FUE sessions? (say 3 donor FUE's and then BHT) - it would take at least 10,000 to give me "acceptable" hair on a slick NW5/NW6. the thought of maybe having hair again keeps me from being too bitter


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listen mate

true story
although youd probably wont belive me or be skeptical as its normal,

im going 'on and off' soceiety all my life
im 25 too and really reclusive,
all my life
probably ive spent more than 80% of my time alone.

long story short - point is -

get your self a goal - and stick to it - ---
thats life mate
doesnt matter whats the goal is, and doesnt matter things that makes you stumble or fall - you go on no matter what .

than when you get to the goal - you set another -
and thats it.

thats life ---
even the people you think as of 'the perfect men/women' that looks great - have money and have health and everything anyone wants basicaly -
trust me - even them - they have the everyday problems and to over come them they MUST KEEP BUSY

So basically life is just unfair where one gets a ferrari while another gets a banana.You try not to drown in misery but still do coz what one has is what he got.No room for a chance to get something they deserve at headstart.No matter where you are born, either in a dumpster or a castle to be happy, you should be trying hard (this is the key) or just simply drown in your own misery if you don't wanna work on it.
This is depressing not coz its a downer but its true. ITS ****!NG TRUE


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Why don't people who are this bad get hair transplant's? i am a NW5 now and I am planning on getting a few FUE's - maybe a few 2000 graft FUE's, and then some BHT with Umar to finish the deal. Has anyone ever done a 10,000+ grafts in total FUE sessions? (say 3 donor FUE's and then BHT) - it would take at least 10,000 to give me "acceptable" hair on a slick NW5/NW6. the thought of maybe having hair again keeps me from being too bitter
come on man, its thousands of dollars for a hair transplant


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The more you need a transplant (number of grafts), the less it is a good idea. It is a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. I like to encourage self-acceptance but that's not a popular option (even an option?) especially in this forum.


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A hair transplant is an ideal option for those who are NW4, and below. Possibly NW5 depending on donor characteristics. Anything above, and you're playing a wild card for achieving a desirable result. Illusion of density is tossed around a lot in the hair loss industry, and that's what it falls down to, achieving a result that gives the illusion of your native density with less FU per sq cm. When I say NW4, and below is ideal I'm talking in terms of restoring a dense, and desirable hairline that would include temple points, and a semi-aggressive hairline approach. Anything over, and you'll receive the typical 'conservative approach' which is a forehead so large you could fit the US constitution, and still have room for left overs.

Everyone has different outlooks, but I don't see the points in having a thin head of hair with a see through appearance. That's typically what you can expect when getting a transplant above a NW5.

An example of bad donor characteristics, and someone who is not an ideal hair transplant candidate. he'll never develop an aesthetic hairline due to having very fine hair, and thin calibre. Like I said earlier, hair transplant are about illusion of density, and someone with fine hair cannot achieve this. only option is a buzzcut with this type of hair. Notice the see through appearance. Looks like he he has hair but at the same time bald half way back.


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his hair wasnt that bad before and it looks perfectly fine with the hair transplant.

a little see through on the hairline but in the real world he is considered to have a full head of hair

you're a receder arent you?

uncomfortable man

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I like to encourage self-acceptance but that's not a popular option (even an option?) especially in this forum.

It is not self acceptance rather others acceptance of those with baldness that is the real issue at hand. Why should the burden lie on us when others cant accept us because of our condition?why not instead encourage people to treat us like human beings and not percieve us as inferior? . Teach a little tolerance instead, because from my experience people can be terrible creatures who could stand a dose of humility, humanity.


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It is not self acceptance rather others acceptance of those with baldness that is the real issue at hand. Why should the burden lie on us when others cant accept us because of our condition?why not instead encourage people to treat us like human beings and not percieve us as inferior? . Teach a little tolerance instead, because from my experience people can be terrible creatures who could stand a dose of humility, humanity.

this post shows you are lazy and whiny and want everything handed to you. You wont tolerate things (fatties) yet want everyone to tolerate you. Its not acceptance you dolt. They arent burning you at the stake like a witch, they just don't find you attractive.
You have much deeper issues than baldness you need to fix and if you had hair you'd be on a skinny, short, brown eyed forum botching about something.

When something is wrong I "TRY" to fix it. I work out, dress nice, have a good job, have investments, multiple houses (BEFORE AGE 30!), put myself through school... all on my own. No help, no money. Started by sleeping on my friends floor when I was 18.
You are a WHINER ..... plain and simple. Quit smoking, try to take on fitness, get a hobby. My hobbies include, the gym.... playing music (bass, drums, some guitar, song writing... ALL SELF TAUGHT), aquariums, home renovations, technology, writing, etc etc. Video Games are NOT a hobby, UNLESS you DESIGN video games. Just playing video games offers nothing to society as a whole.

You and Exodus are just lazy awful bichy whiners. Unless you TRY to fix something you DONT DESERVE to be able to whine.

Get off your asses and attempt something. Fred was pretty much a NW6 and went and got a hair transplant.
Maybe if you two degenerate trolls actually GOT OFF YOUR ASSES you could afford one like we did.

You are weak weak human beings and dont deserve to be with any women because the thought of either of you to breeding makes me want to vomit. I offered to start a fund for exodus and be the FIRST to donate for him to get a hair transplant and he denied it. You are both full of fear and fear anything different than your own misery because you know you will never be happy. If either of you two knew how difficult my life was coming up you'd know I would/should have checked out a long time ago. I may have bad days/weeks/months but I take my meds, keep my hobbies going, and still struggle on. Both of you should just hook up with each other at this point. Who needs a woman when you guys are so compatible.


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this post shows you are lazy and whiny and want everything handed to you. You wont tolerate things (fatties) yet want everyone to tolerate you. Its not acceptance you dolt. They arent burning you at the stake like a witch, they just don't find you attractive.
You have much deeper issues than baldness you need to fix and if you had hair you'd be on a skinny, short, brown eyed forum botching about something.

When something is wrong I "TRY" to fix it. I work out, dress nice, have a good job, have investments, multiple houses (BEFORE AGE 30!), put myself through school... all on my own. No help, no money. Started by sleeping on my friends floor when I was 18.
You are a WHINER ..... plain and simple. Quit smoking, try to take on fitness, get a hobby. My hobbies include, the gym.... playing music (bass, drums, some guitar, song writing... ALL SELF TAUGHT), aquariums, home renovations, technology, writing, etc etc. Video Games are NOT a hobby, UNLESS you DESIGN video games. Just playing video games offers nothing to society as a whole.

You and Exodus are just lazy awful bichy whiners. Unless you TRY to fix something you DONT DESERVE to be able to whine.

Get off your asses and attempt something. Fred was pretty much a NW6 and went and got a hair transplant.
Maybe if you two degenerate trolls actually GOT OFF YOUR ASSES you could afford one like we did.

You are weak weak human beings and dont deserve to be with any women because the thought of either of you to breeding makes me want to vomit. I offered to start a fund for exodus and be the FIRST to donate for him to get a hair transplant and he denied it. You are both full of fear and fear anything different than your own misery because you know you will never be happy. If either of you two knew how difficult my life was coming up you'd know I would/should have checked out a long time ago. I may have bad days/weeks/months but I take my meds, keep my hobbies going, and still struggle on. Both of you should just hook up with each other at this point. Who needs a woman when you guys are so compatible.

This post x 1000.


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Fred, Im into the whole working out thing but your attitude is the type I respect. You dont care about and dont want to do it. Nothing wrong with that. I just cant stand the ones that claim they want the body but dont want to work for it. My brother in law is fat, claims he wants to lose weight but will do nothing to solve it. All he did over Christmas was shovel food into his mouth and complain. I despise that. I told him what he needed to do but Im met with nothing but excuses.


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I agree with some parts of swingline's post. Why won't you even try guys who are bald here? Don't tell me that you aren't candidate or that you don't have enough money.

You know who wasn't considered a candidate by a legion of surgeons? Me!

But I went for it anyway because I told my self, screw it! It's a leap of faith but I'm not going to remain bald and miserable.

By the way, uncomfortable man is tall so I don't think he would whining about his height if he had hair.

What I don't agree is the part about video games for example, I'm sick of people bashing video games online.

I completed the game Flower on my PS3 yesterday and that alone helped me to get me out of my depressed state.

I know it's also a trend that is part of the manosphere-PUA community to bash video games.

Like if you stop playing them, you're suddenly going to become super productive and going to sleep with a lot of hot women. Please.

Video games are big part of my life, entertainment is, I like to educate myself with them and if anything at least having fun and clear my mind for a while.

You know how I feel about the "work out" part, some of us don't give a damn about that. Bodybuilding culture does not exist in Western Europe.

No one in Belgium gives two craps about your muscles. Accept it as part of American propaganda and stop harassing us with that. Not everyone is American here.

I agree with the other hobbies, playing music, writing etc. these ones are fulfilling.

The the fact you did hair transplant is admirable agaisnt odds, surge ons opinión and many on the forum, should try to acomplish such feat if their life is put in too much misery

as for getting fit i consider people should try it helps you a lot with mental help regardless of american propaganda and im not talking about muscles, im talking about being fit. There are several whays of being fit besides beavy lifting much of them funnier


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I agree with some parts of swingline's post. Why won't you even try guys who are bald here? Don't tell me that you aren't candidate or that you don't have enough money.

You know who wasn't considered a candidate by a legion of surgeons? Me!

But I went for it anyway because I told my self, screw it! It's a leap of faith but I'm not going to remain bald and miserable.

By the way, uncomfortable man is tall so I don't think he would whining about his height if he had hair.

What I don't agree is the part about video games for example, I'm sick of people bashing video games online.

I completed the game Flower on my PS3 yesterday and that alone helped me to get me out of my depressed state.

I know it's also a trend that is part of the manosphere-PUA community to bash video games.

Like if you stop playing them, you're suddenly going to become super productive and going to sleep with a lot of hot women. Please.

Video games are big part of my life, entertainment is, I like to educate myself with them and if anything at least having fun and clear my mind for a while.

You know how I feel about the "work out" part, some of us don't give a damn about that. Bodybuilding culture does not exist in Western Europe.

No one in Belgium gives two craps about your muscles. Accept it as part of American propaganda and stop harassing us with that. Not everyone is American here.

I agree with the other hobbies, playing music, writing etc. these ones are fulfilling.

playing vid games is fine. But dont call it a hobby. I just picked up Infamous second son for my ps4 yesterday and am enjoying it. But you need constructive contributing hobbies as well.
Unless you can enter tournaments to earn money most hobbies should be something you can turn around and make some money at as well. Things you can turn into a profession and love. Why I said programming video games while playing can be a hobby. Or some other form of art based around them. Graphic design, story writing, marketing, etc

Ive never been to a PUA or sluthate site so I dont know what goes on there.

Working out doesnt mean bulking up. It could mean running twice a week or picking a sport. it could be weights or yoga. Anything active is working out and it has been proven to reduce tension and depression just as much as most medications. Make a workout routine of any sort and see how much it also motivates you elsewhere.

- - - Updated - - -

Fred, Im into the whole working out thing but your attitude is the type I respect. You dont care about and dont want to do it. Nothing wrong with that. I just cant stand the ones that claim they want the body but dont want to work for it. My brother in law is fat, claims he wants to lose weight but will do nothing to solve it. All he did over Christmas was shovel food into his mouth and complain. I despise that. I told him what he needed to do but Im met with nothing but excuses.

These are the ones I hate. Those and the ones with their BS new years resolutions!
If you werent losing the weight in August you ARENT in january. get off my machine (while on your phone) and out of my gym.


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swingline you are a mid 30s receder. shut the hell up boy. you have it easy lmfao.

you cant even handle being a norwood 3 35 year old, how do you think you would take being full blown bald like me and ucman? you would kill yourself

btw ucman has a wife and a daughter

someone's mad about the "grow a pair" comment lulzzz


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swingline you are a mid 30s receder. shut the hell up boy. you have it easy lmfao.

you cant even handle being a norwood 3 35 year old, how do you think you would take being full blown bald like me and ucman? you would kill yourself

btw ucman has a wife and a daughter

someone's mad about the "grow a pair" comment lulzzz

if he has a wife and daughter whats he whining about then? good god i hope his wife is a little more level headed or his kid is fuqd

full blown bald.... ?

OF COURSE I would hate it but you two act like people spit on you. Maybe they do but in the end there is no tolerance. This is not a holocaust. No one is denying you the right to vote. The simple fact is women dont like bald guys. But its preference. You think all girls should be taught at birth to love bald men? Be serious. its ingrained in people on a cellular level to seek good mates. Good genes to pass on. Baldness is not a good gene. The difference is you guys WANT to have it the worst. You revel in your depression just like my fuqing dad. He never wants to grab a set of balls before walking out the door. He never did ANYTHING to TRY and better himself. He is just a depressive mess who b****s and whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiines the world is against him and loves sympathy and being the worst case scenerio. You guys need meds. Well UCMan you always have the knowledge if you remain the way you are your kid might end up like me. Dont know if that is a condolence or not.
I may have days on here but spend 15 minutes with me and youll see regardless, how alpha Ill act. This is how I know tho, that unless you still have looks you go from being "confident" to "an arrogant jerk", but Im not changing my ways.
Realize maybe you need an internal change, I did years ago when I went on meds and never looked back. I dont want my idiot fathers horrid bald genes and attitude.


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if he has a wife and daughter whats he whining about then? good god i hope his wife is a little more level headed or his kid is fuqd

full blown bald.... ?

OF COURSE I would hate it but you two act like people spit on you. Maybe they do but in the end there is no tolerance. This is not a holocaust. No one is denying you the right to vote. The simple fact is women dont like bald guys. But its preference. You think all girls should be taught at birth to love bald men? Be serious. its ingrained in people on a cellular level to seek good mates. Good genes to pass on. Baldness is not a good gene. The difference is you guys WANT to have it the worst. You revel in your depression just like my fuqing dad. He never wants to grab a set of balls before walking out the door. He never did ANYTHING to TRY and better himself. He is just a depressive mess who b****s and whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiines the world is against him and loves sympathy and being the worst case scenerio. You guys need meds. Well UCMan you always have the knowledge if you remain the way you are your kid might end up like me. Dont know if that is a condolence or not.
I may have days on here but spend 15 minutes with me and youll see regardless, how alpha Ill act. This is how I know tho, that unless you still have looks you go from being "confident" to "an arrogant jerk", but Im not changing my ways.
Realize maybe you need an internal change, I did years ago when I went on meds and never looked back. I dont want my idiot fathers horrid bald genes and attitude.
you are norwood 3 at 35 yet you still piss and moan. you are as far from alpha as possible. somewhere above omega male but still below beta male


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you are norwood 3 at 35 yet you still piss and moan. you are as far from alpha as possible. somewhere above omega male but still below beta male

if you say so, but I attempt to do things with my life. Not b**ch out and compete over who's balder...... Even when offered to have someone else help you out you turned tail.