Anyone Else Have Almost No Social Life?


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It depends on where you hang out.

I once went to a board-game shop (quite popular in England) where they play dungeons and dragons and it was incel fest. There were loads of really ugly people: weird faces, obese, bald, lanky - you name it, but they were all happy socialising with one another. I wanted to get out as fast as possible at first because they all looked so weird, but after speaking to some I actually realised that most of them were far more intelligent than most ordinary people.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . you wanted to leave because they looked weird?

what you think unattractive people are going to poison you or something? tempted to dislike this post


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No it doesn't. You're not ugly nor completely bald, so you don't understand. I seriously doubt those people were anywhere near as happy, and I wouldn't hang with those people just to be looked at by the ones like you who regards them as "looking so wierd", like if they were some animals in a zoo or a freaks in a circus, something "curious" to be looked at and laughed at.
yep. i'm very disappointed in johnson for saying this

but honestly i'm not very surprised since he seems to be a hot person in denial and is a semi slayer.


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I have never been with a woman that didn't expect me to pay

Nah, I've been on lots of dates and I never pay.

I mean I will pay my own way but that's it. If its there birthday or xmas then I will pay for them but that's about it.

This myth that men pay is a little old fashioned and stems from the times when men worked and women didn't. Now we both work it isn't really necessary - although in some cultures it is still normal for men to pay (asia and Africa) in the west things have become more equal.

Older women may expect a guy to pay, because that is the culture they are from, but young women - certainly in the uk - all have there own cash


ok i am back from applying minoxidil

I do not have a social life. Summer is great but it also reminds me that others have a social life and I do not.

After coming from work, I open the door of my apartment and it is dead silence. I talk a lot to myself. My neighbors would think I am crazy. I listen to music and imagine myself in a distant place - a place and time where I do not have my physical flaws and I am happy.

When I get bored of day dreaming a future that may never happen, I am browsing the hell out of internet.

No friends. No one to come home to. Just the humming of my white noise machine.


My Regimen
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It depends on where you hang out.

I once went to a board-game shop (quite popular in England) where they play dungeons and dragons and it was incel fest. There were loads of really ugly people: weird faces, obese, bald, lanky - you name it, but they were all happy socialising with one another. I wanted to get out as fast as possible at first because they all looked so weird, but after speaking to some I actually realised that most of them were far more intelligent than most ordinary people.
Aaaaaaaand disliked. Might dislike some more of your posts cuz wtf is looks discrimination doing on a baldness forum

You deserve more than one dislike