Can you elaborate on that please? We believe that Jinns are sentient beings sharing the world with us, but they're not better than us or worthy of worship, they're also obligated to worship God, and they get into contact with so many humans through occultism, kabbalah, sufism, magick, etc.The identification of jinns seems almost paganistic and polytheistic but none of the three explain who or what angels are and how strong they are. Purportedly, Satan's power among many Christians equals almost that of God with the same types of minions which are of course depicted ridiculously in movies and the like and pictures of hell and heaven.
Angels are beings made solely for God's service and worship and they have no other use, but i'm pretty sure they're strong enough seeing as just one angel managed to utterly obliterate the 2 cities of Sodom and Gomorrah with millions of people living in them in a very short period of time