The OP makes a comment downthread on page 1 about high norwoods tending to have thinned out eyebrows as well, citing Jason Stratham as an example of this. Anyone else agree or have noticed this?
True, I noticed this sh*t.
Truly balding people (NW3+ with top diffusing) all share some kind of hair defect that reverberates in all their body hair.
I want to specify these kinds of common traits are by no means a predictor of hair loss; but they are common among balding people.
These main defects I can recall are:
- thin eyebrow hair
- whisker hair above ears
- wispy beard
- wispy body hair
- wispy frontal hair
- 'lifeless' looking hair strands even at NW2 stage (lacking the fullheads' and women's lush)
- curly hair
- thin arm/leg hair
- back hair
- non conforming or hybrid hair pattern (straight on horseshoe area, wispy-wavy-curly on Norwood area)
I think all these correlate with the onset of hair loss. We need statistical significance studies about this but some non scientific studies about whisker hair are indeed available, like this one:
Further proof is needed. I think hair patterns and texture are predictors of male pattern baldness but I can't prove it. If it can be proven, individuals at risk may begin finasteride treatment before the onset, eliminating the chances of getting even a NW2 and staying NW1 way longer.
EDIT: progressive kinking of hair has been correlated with hair loss in this study too. They refer to it as a rare condition, but I think this phenomenon can be observed quite commonly at lesser extent in many balding people (I have like a half square cm line of this kind of hair above the ears!)!po=29.1667
EDIT: also, I just discovered about UHS
Many balding people lament the impossibility of combing because hair changed texture and pattern. UHS sufferers also display a slowed down hair growth, which is common in balding people.
I'm appalled by the lack of study of hair genetics and the mere classification of diseases, without a proper science behind it. We don't even know how DHT affects follicles in fact, we just know it happens. I'm appalled. The medical community truly failed in this field.