anyone subconsciously wearing hats more often these days?


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I used to wear a baseball cap everynow & again, but now I do more often. often its subconscious often its coz i dont wana take time styling my hair (which has always been a nightmare due to my curly hair which is resistant to most types of gel) & since ive had thinning on my hair- styling has been timeconsuming.


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I've felt okay about my hair lately but I still wear a hat about 50% of the times. It's more of a style thing nothing to do with balding. If it's a social gathering though, I rarelly wear one specially if it's indoors.


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I actually don't wear hats at all now..

When I had long-ish hair, if I didn't have time in the mornings I'd just put the hat on. Now my hair is shorter and I don't need a hat.


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Im rocking this bad boy at the moment, call me queer but i like it -



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I wear them while jogging but that is also because the sun seems to get more intense each summer.

uncomfortable man

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I wear hats all the time and it is not subconscious either. Then you have my friend Hatprisoner, who can't go 30 seconds without a hat in public. We just happen to be really self-conscious about being bald and choose to cover it up with a hat to make ourselves feel more comfortable while we are out in public. :dunno:


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dudemon said:
Before my hair transplant's, I never wore hats. After my hair transplant's, I wear them much more often. It sucks being MORE ashamed of my bald head AFTER my hair transplant's! What's the point of having them? I wish I only knew this prior to my hair transplant's.

This is true - especially in the gym. I never go near the gym without a ball cap now. It's kinda ridiculous: I NEVER take my hat off in the gym! Even when I'm doing flat bench press! The hat stays on so tight on my head, that you'd have to pry it off with crow-bar!

I guess because I used to go to the same gym before my hair transplant's. Now, people in there know I've done 'something weird' to my head. I'm sure some of them in the gym talk about my "hair transplant head" now behind my back. I'm sooo embarrassed!

Only by getting more grafts, can I hopefully someday disguise the fact that I've had hair transplant's. It sucks! My surgeon is very good, but I shouldn't have gone the hair transplant route - too bald to start with.

This is exactly why I've decided to work on acceptance a long time ago, instead of trying something desperate to save my hair. It's easier when everyone see that you're clearly balding and that's that. No cover-ups, nothing desperate. Nowadays I wear a hat only if it rains or if it's very warm and sunny and I'm outdoors for a long time.


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Musical Hat Prisoners : The guy from the Hoosiers.
Daniel Powter
Never seen these guys not wearing a hat.
Elton John in the 80's


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Couple more
The singer from Orsen
Ne Yo and LL Cool J


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uncomfortable man

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Not musical, but a hat prisoner none the less, Aiden Ford from Stargate Atlantis. I wanted this guy to be HP's avatar but he didn't go for it. :dunno:


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BTW where is HP these days? :dunno:

uncomfortable man

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I know, haven't seen him on the boards lately but we still pm back and forth. He has been occupied lately looking for work. I'm proud of him for that and wish the best for him. Also, I think he came to realize that this site can offer nothing more than a forum to vent and ultimately felt like his viewpoint was not understood by many of the posters. I wish he would chime in more often though.


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uncomfortable man said:
felt like his viewpoint was not understood by many of the posters. I wish he would chime in more often though.

It's not that his view point is not understood, it's that guys here are trying to help him out. I personally like his insight and agree with most of his views regarding the balding process. However, if we just nod in agreement to what he says regarding his job prospects and future, then the there is no purpose in consulting the forum and looking for advice.


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One last hatprisoner how could we forget this guy.


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I hate those guys. :firing:
There used to be one on here who proclaimed that baldness was like the greatest thing in the world and refused to accept that it has any negativity associated with it. :jackit:

uncomfortable man

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Whats a sly guy? I can assure you that HP will never be able to come to terms with his baldness, it will probably be the bain of his existence until he dies.

uncomfortable man

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Speaking of guys we haven't heard from in a while.....MetalHeadDude. Why do you think that is? :whistle:


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uncomfortable man said:
Whats a sly guy?
Sly bald guys Its a website where totally bald guys go on and talk about how great it is to be bald and how stupid it is to be guys like us on meds or having hair transplant's or wearing wigs ect. They all post pics of themselves and give each other comments like "You look great, so much better without hair" and "hey I dont miss my hair at all"

optimus prime

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s.a.f said:
I hate those guys. :firing:
There used to be one on here who proclaimed that baldness was like the greatest thing in the world and refused to accept that it has any negativity associated with it. :jackit:

Why do you hate them? I wish I could be like that. I think it's far better to have that attitude than the attitude where you look in the mirror to check your meds are working or even not looking in the mirror because you can't stand your appearance.