Apple Cider Vinegar... part II


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Brick said:
so you guys who think ACV is completely pointless and has no benefit to hair loss - Why do you keep taking time out of your days to open up this thread, read it, and reply?

Very confused by this.

Because it's fun throwing stones at a glass house?


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Brick said:
so you guys who think ACV is completely pointless and has no benefit to hair loss - Why do you keep taking time out of your days to open up this thread, read it, and reply?

Very confused by this.

haha I wonder this too :)

I don't think I ever, ever do that.

I mean, of course there are probably threads all over the internet and on forums I frequent that I don't agree with or can't associate with or whatever.. but I just... I find there are much more constructive things to do than to take time out of my day to purposefully go in there and try to tear them apart or cause damage. I don't find any satisfaction in that whatsoever...


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Hoppi said:
Brick said:
so you guys who think ACV is completely pointless and has no benefit to hair loss - Why do you keep taking time out of your days to open up this thread, read it, and reply?

Very confused by this.

haha I wonder this too :)

I don't think I ever, ever do that.

I mean, of course there are probably threads all over the internet and on forums I frequent that I don't agree with or can't associate with or whatever.. but I just... I find there are much more constructive things to do than to take time out of my day to purposefully go in there and try to tear them apart or cause damage. I don't find any satisfaction in that whatsoever...

Yes but you probably have a life hoppi mate... That's the difference.


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ajax said:
Hoppi said:
Brick said:
so you guys who think ACV is completely pointless and has no benefit to hair loss - Why do you keep taking time out of your days to open up this thread, read it, and reply?

Very confused by this.

haha I wonder this too :)

I don't think I ever, ever do that.

I mean, of course there are probably threads all over the internet and on forums I frequent that I don't agree with or can't associate with or whatever.. but I just... I find there are much more constructive things to do than to take time out of my day to purposefully go in there and try to tear them apart or cause damage. I don't find any satisfaction in that whatsoever...

Yes but you probably have a life hoppi mate... That's the difference.

What business is it of yours how anyone chooses to spend their time?


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Rogazzle said:
What business is it of yours how anyone chooses to spend their time?

It's not that man, I don't mind how you choose to use your time, as long as you don't try to disrupt the activity of others like us who are just minding our own business and having a discussion, THAT'S the issue here.

And to be fair I don't have the most active of lives right now particularly out of term time - I have website projects I work on, friends I see, etc etc. But pretty much everything I'm doing right now is actually constructive, that's the difference! :)


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Hoppi said:
Rogazzle said:
What business is it of yours how anyone chooses to spend their time?

It's not that man, I don't mind how you choose to use your time, as long as you don't try to disrupt the activity of others like us who are just minding our own business and having a discussion, THAT'S the issue here.

And to be fair I don't have the most active of lives right now particularly out of term time - I have website projects I work on, friends I see, etc etc. But pretty much everything I'm doing right now is actually constructive, that's the difference! :)

Being a counterweight to stupid is just part of a communities natural checks and balances system.

Welcome to democracy.


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ok so what was it we we're talking about again....

Oh YeaH! acvfans June picture updates!

Can't wait!

Me Too! BoinG, BoinG, boing, Boing

Me 3! Keep this b**ch alive!

Me FOUR! Hammertime! Holla!


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rwhairlosstalk said:
Since there are 42 pgs let me ask, does ACV suppose to help with hair loss or growth?

Read the thread and do your due diligence, like everybody else, and draw your own conclusion.

What's with people wanting everything handed to them on a silver plate all the time?

Want us to peel you a grape too?


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rwhairlosstalk said:
Since there are 42 pgs let me ask, does ACV suppose to help with hair loss or growth?

to be honest... there's no real agreement at all, as with many things on here. It depends who you ask.

I think it CAN help, as I believe hair loss can have a lot to do with liver health and gut flora in many individuals. But not everyone agrees with that suggestion, and not everyone agrees ACV is useful at all.

Just gotta make your own mind up I guess! :)


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I missed the part where acvfan's success was completely discredited? Someone said they were altered photos and that's the last I saw. Can someone please explain how acvfan's progress is false?


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Brick said:
I missed the part where acvfan's success was completely discredited? Someone said they were altered photos and that's the last I saw. Can someone please explain how acvfan's progress is false?

It's a few pages back, basically the same photo was posted twice (or two photos, taken seconds apart) with some lighting changes between them which made the hair density appear different. It was then claimed they were weeks apart and showed improvement from ACV, though he has now admitted that he made a mistake with the dates and I don't think he is now standing by the original claim.

I've re-added the image which shows that both images were either the same original or taken moments apart (you can see how all the clearly visible hairs are pointing and lay in the same directions).


  • datesp.jpg
    302.7 KB · Views: 311


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What's even funnier about all this is, the unquestioning n00bs who actually believes this sort of drive-by personal testimony bull-crap and spent time and money trying it. Not even giving it any closer inspection, just following the low IQ herd mentality.

Snakeoil's favorite customers.

"Golly it stinks. Must work."

"Thank God for stupid f*****g people."



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I still think it's a very strange decision to try to make out that acvfan has some kind of ulterior motive for wanting to promote apple cider vinegar of all things!

Just back off and give the whole thing room to breathe, stop jumping on the poor guy!

It's not THAT big a deal, and I have my own reasons for thinking it IS true or at least could potentially be true, but I don't mind being patient and seeing how the thread pans out.

Just ease up on things and see what happens :)


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I still don't see how this is all false. I read all of those pages.

acvfan - Please make your stance. It still amazes me that Rogazzle spends so much time and can instantly respond on this thread with what he thinks are arrogant and witty comments.

Those outside pics do not look photoshopped as you guys accused him of. and he also never said they were. Imma go rub some vaginacreamonmyhead :punk:


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Organic, unpasteurised, apple cider vinegar with the mother is great for the digestion system and overall health, in my case anyway. Whether it is good for hair loss or not it doesn't hurt to add into your daily regimen because its benefits for overall health is amazing.


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^^^ It's amazing at eating the enamel off your teeth and exacerbating stomach ulcers.