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Hi Guys,

Anyone tried ApplePoly? I was thinking of adding this on top of my minoxidil.

I would taking

1.25MG finasteride ED (each Day)
2x minoxidil 5% (each Day)
2x Apple Poly Topical and Capsual (each Day)

What do you think. Apple Poly offer the below. So if it does not work I will get my money back. Anyone tried it? thoughts Etc?

"You must have new hair growing- real hairs you can touch, and see-
or we will refund every cent of your purchase... period"


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I am on it. Been on it for 3 months. I started to see improvement after a month. I actually got regrowth and is getting better every week. I really believe in apple poly. Now I am on propecia apple poly and RU. and with this deadly combination I am getting my hairline back.


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Newbaldy84 said:
I am on it. Been on it for 3 months. I started to see improvement after a month. I actually got regrowth and is getting better every week. I really believe in apple poly. Now I am on propecia apple poly and RU. and with this deadly combination I am getting my hairline back.

Are you applying RU to temples & hairline or to the entire scalp?
Just curious


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Newbaldy84 said:

Cool. Do you make your own topical or do you buy it already formulated?

Mind if I ask where you get your stuff?


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I bought it mine from faith eagle. I mixed it up myself. It's very easy.
The way I use it 10G will last 4 months that means 100$ a month. It's not cheap but I think it works


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I know that I pay big $ for all this but my gaol is to make a regimen that will cover all aspects of balding with the best treatment available. I am willing to spend max 200$ a month. I don't want to lose my precious hair and since I am at the begining af a balding process My mission is to attack this sucker with all the best and stop it once and for all. For all we know thos combination might be able to stop balding process permanently. I am hoping for it.
my regimen.
apple poly
soon adding topical dutasteride.
I am already getting my hair back so I don't think I need topical dutasteride and I will see it I want to add it to my regimen.


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I was doing that netrition (NOxidant) for a bunch of months which contained 300 mg apple polys per cap - plus had a bunch of other stuff built into it. Was doing it all orally though.

Your approach sounds promising and I'm glad it's working out for you. Hang in there.


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Newbaldy84 said:
I know that I pay big $ for all this but my gaol is to make a regimen that will cover all aspects of balding with the best treatment available. I am willing to spend max 200$ a month. I don't want to lose my precious hair and since I am at the begining af a balding process My mission is to attack this sucker with all the best and stop it once and for all. For all we know thos combination might be able to stop balding process permanently. I am hoping for it.
my regimen.
apple poly
soon adding topical dutasteride.
I am already getting my hair back so I don't think I need topical dutasteride and I will see it I want to add it to my regimen.

the only other thing you might want to add to that is Tricomin every other day, and internal curcumin powder. RU should be very good. I'd do it if I had the money. I could do it if I save my grafts for years later, and just use RU now to keep what I have instead of trying to graft in my hairline. I think my topical spironolactone and apple poly and internal dutasteride will keep my hairline in tact until I graduate, and then I can hit it with RU later.


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it reverses vibrosis. It makes scar tissue much finer, so that it is like normal skin tissue. It is great for healing wounds without scars. Since balding follicles often have fibrosis after they've been balding a while, tricomin may reverse this and help bring back the hair. Maybe this is more important for guys who have been balding a while.


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I can tell you for sure that copper peptides reduce and a lot of times erase small to medium scars. I see like 70-80% reduction in my scars by using Copper peptides and exfoliation.

I just received my topical duta from
so should I add it or just put it aside for now?

sublime is this really your regime???
don't tell me you take 40 pills a day of vitamins and such???


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so where do you buy your apple poly from?

Do you take the capsules or the topical? Which do you feel is giving you more benefit?


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I buy them from apple poly website. It is hard to say which is giving me more benefits but if i had to chose one it would be capsules.


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yes that is the site. I know it's expensive. I don't know what I was thinking when I ordered my first supply. But you have to see that they backed their claimes with actual studies and not only studies on animals but also on humans. I also checked some japanese forums and people were getting good results from polyphenols. Polyphenols also have othe benefits. One of them is it being great antioxidant. It was given to mice and they lived longer then the ones that werent getting polyphenols. With each order the send me some new studies what polyphenols are capable of doing.

I ve been ordering both capsules and spray but if you dont want to waste your money on spray you could just buy capsules take one capsule crash it into alcohol/ppg/water solution.


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the new spectral DNC formula has proc b-2 in it.

If you want oral suppliments also you can hit up any heath shop and get Procyanidin and Polyphenols.


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sublime said:
"it reverses fibrosis."

CCS - Is that true even for older scar tissue?

I don't know. I thought they did not give a time limit. I'm going to start putting AC spray where my shaved moles are at. I'm going to shave 6-8 off myself soon too.