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Then again, if I came across Dr. Pickart's SkinBio website for the first time today, I'd think he was a nutjob for pushing phermones... but I've been buying Folligen from them for years.

Maybe this is just what happens when small businesses try to write marketing copy.


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I just buy apple polyphenols at for $15 for 25g. That's about half or 1/3 the price, though it is not in capsules. I just dump half or 1/3 a scoop in my mouth at different times during the day.

It is sad that the only authorities looking into this stuff are the ones selling it. FDA does not look at stuff unless someone pays them to test it, or the seller claims it will cure a disease, in which case they make them remove the claim unless they can prove it. FDA does not know which stuff works or does not work. It just tells people not to say it works unless an FDA trial has proven that it does work.


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jakeb said:
Then again, if I came across Dr. Pickart's SkinBio website for the first time today, I'd think he was a nutjob for pushing phermones... but I've been buying Folligen from them for years.

Maybe this is just what happens when small businesses try to write marketing copy.
You've been buying folligen for a long time? How has it worked for you, and have you tried tricomin to compare? I recently bought a bottle of tricomin and it'd be nice if I didn't have to spend so much on a CP spray.


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Folligen has been good for two particular things I can tell.
1, reducing inflammation (good for plain male pattern baldness, even more so when you're dumping crap like minoxidil on there too).
2, turning white hairs black (hard to believe, yet I swear to god it happened).

On the down side, Folligen gums up your hair. It washes right out, but it's not really something you can spray on in the morning and walk out the door. Tricomin was nice in that way.


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i think im gonna try apple poly as im going a bit regimen crazy at the moment. i might just take one capsule a day to save cash as ive just ordered spectral dnc as well and 500mg is still a lot if they say its super concentrated.


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Heh... after all that bitching, I went and ordered a bottle of ApplePoly spray too.


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I still say it is cheaper to buy the bulk powder and make your own. I wonder if I'm making a big mistake by not staying on minoxidil.


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What do people think about the possibility of applepolys causing shedding? Somebody on another forum said the ApplePoly spray made them shed for the few months they were on it, but they were also on finasteride and minoxidil at the time I think, so that's extremely unlikely, right?


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Well can anyone here who has bought applepoly stuff tell me if it came with any certificate of analysis or list of specific ingredients, etc? I emailed the site asking for that several days ago and have gotten no response, and it has me a tad suspicious.


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This thread appears to now be dead, but whatever. Would it make any sense to buy apple polyphenol powder and mix it with my spironolactone cream? (I mean, make sense assuming apple polys work)


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you could - maybe something else in there to make it mix a little better but its too complex for me really. i think im gonna buy the capsules and see how i go. maybe just do one a day im not sure yet. id get the spray but three topicals a day is just too time consuming.


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Gonna bump this one more time :) ...

I've read about applepoly (I assume internal) being "dose-dependant" at higher doses. What exactly does this mean? Forgetting about cost, would it be flat-out better to take a higher dose of the pills every day or not?


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It means that the higher the dose they used in the studies the better results it has yelled.


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Newbaldy84 said:
It means that the higher the dose they used in the studies the better results it has yelled.
So why don't they just say that? :p I think I'm going to bite the bullet and take 4 pills (2g) a day. That's 200 bucks every 3 months. Not horrible, especially considering my parents won't mind helping to pay for this stuff.

Btw, this may seem silly to ask after all the weeks of reading up on apply polys I've done (although not that there's that much concrete to read about it), but do apple polyphenols act more as dht-inhibitors (treating a cause of hairloss) or as a growth stimulant (more like minoxidil)?


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Fat-Elvis said:
Newbaldy84 said:
It means that the higher the dose they used in the studies the better results it has yelled.
So why don't they just say that? :p I think I'm going to bite the bullet and take 4 pills (2g) a day. That's 200 bucks every 3 months. Not horrible, especially considering my parents won't mind helping to pay for this stuff.

Btw, this may seem silly to ask after all the weeks of reading up on apply polys I've done (although not that there's that much concrete to read about it), but do apple polyphenols act more as dht-inhibitors (treating a cause of hairloss) or as a growth stimulant (more like minoxidil)?

Apple poly doesn't work like either drug. It directly blocks the activity of TGF-beta, which is similar to the end result of what minoxidil does in the scalp, but minoxidil inhibits TGF-beta by entirely different means.


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What role does TGF-beta play in male pattern baldness?

And so apply polys are more of a growth stimulant like minoxidil instead of inhibiting dht?