Are some people cursed?


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i feel better after venting like a mofo. SO anyone who read what i wrote originally feel free to reply back, but i dont feel like keeping this up.


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Damn man....your life really sucks....

you have pretty deep issues here buddy

how old are you exactly?


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I didnt went throw the whole thing... but tbh, you sound like a spoiled brat, you dont have the slightest clue of what being cursed even cant even start to understand it by reading some bits and parts from this letter.. you are NOT sick in any way, OCD is a very common thing, you dont live in the street or something.. what exactly your moaning about??!?! your father doesnt make anough money to please you?!?!!??! just for a little comparement: my father used to beat the crap out of me, my bros and mother, hes in jail now :D .. we used to live 5 ppl in a 1.5 room apartemnt, i been to the idf and had 3 friends who used to sleep the next bed to me in boot-camp killed, we had to carry the leftovers in our coats, all i've been throw in life and i still say thank you god for giving me life, life is a blessing, even if im not f*****g rich as Bill Gates or whoever.... say "thank you god for i live in a wealthy family, peace, a home and a good health", get a degree, get out of your perants house if you dont like it...and stop your moaing, you making me sick...
and btw, whats being succesefull even mean to you? did you ever stop to think what it means? to be happy? or to be succesfull? what - do you think only if you are famouse or thealthy rich then you made it?? you will be suprised or maybe shocked to know that the "succsefull ppl" are something like 1% at best ... i can understadn some moaning here and there about hair loss, but you, my friend.. your a pure emo child! - grow up...

p/s: one line stills echos in my head tho " I have wiped my hands clean of her because I know that she will leach onto me when there is noone left to take care of her and she can't face the reality of the world thanks to her enabled life" your sister is clearly a mess, so instead of thinking "how i can make thing better for her??!" you worry about someday she will **leach** on you?!?! your not cursed.. not even close, but you are a f*****g selfish pos of a human being - i give you that! grow up!


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You need to learn how to be content with what you have. Think of less fortunate people in Africa or Asia. The fact is, your lifestyle is way above the world average, you just don't see it. You feel like a loser because you compare yourself to the select few.

Being content isn't exactly admitting to being a loser, it's about being happy within yourself and moving on. If you don't move on, you'll never succeed in life and you'll end up being a loser. However, if you manage to somehow move on with your life, you have a shot of building a good life for yourself.


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My dad was a depressed alcoholic, my aunty an anorexic who tried to kill herself. My mum even tried to overdose once.

I was bullied a lot due to something out my control (my race).

We all have sh*t to deal with, feeling sorry for yourself will get sympathy from me, there are people worse off (And I don't even mean starving Africans). And now, despite working my *** off to get a decent degree and post graduate qualification, find myself unemployed with not so much as an interview after a month of searching, meaning even if I wanted to treat my hairloss I can't.

Appreciate what you have. You only life once, when you're 70 and thinking about how you wasted your youth feeling sorry for yourself/self induced depression you'll regret it.


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I wrote that sh*t last night to clear my head. I have to keep my secret life just that, a secret to everyone. I dont talk about my problems to anyone especially my friends because it would only give them the satisfaction of knowing their lives are better than mine.

sometimes i got so much anger bottling up inside of me that ive never been able to talk because that would tell the reveal the old "family secret" that doing it anonymously on some forum helps me get out what im thinking about and i can relax again


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Smooth said:
I didnt went throw the whole thing... but tbh, you sound like a spoiled brat, you dont have the slightest clue of what being cursed even cant even start to understand it by reading some bits and parts from this letter.. you are NOT sick in any way, OCD is a very common thing, you dont live in the street or something.. what exactly your moaning about??!?! your father doesnt make anough money to please you?!?!!??! just for a little comparement: my father used to beat the crap out of me, my bros and mother, hes in jail now :D .. we used to live 5 ppl in a 1.5 room apartemnt, i been to the idf and had 3 friends who used to sleep the next bed to me in boot-camp killed, we had to carry the leftovers in our coats, all i've been throw in life and i still say thank you god for giving me life, life is a blessing, even if im not f****ing rich as Bill Gates or whoever.... say "thank you god for i live in a wealthy family, peace, a home and a good health", get a degree, get out of your perants house if you dont like it...and stop your moaing, you making me sick...
and btw, whats being succesefull even mean to you? did you ever stop to think what it means? to be happy? or to be succesfull? what - do you think only if you are famouse or thealthy rich then you made it?? you will be suprised or maybe shocked to know that the "succsefull ppl" are something like 1% at best ... i can understadn some moaning here and there about hair loss, but you, my friend.. your a pure emo child! - grow up...

p/s: one line stills echos in my head tho " I have wiped my hands clean of her because I know that she will leach onto me when there is noone left to take care of her and she can't face the reality of the world thanks to her enabled life" your sister is clearly a mess, so instead of thinking "how i can make thing better for her??!" you worry about someday she will **leach** on you?!?! your not cursed.. not even close, but you are a f****ing selfish pos of a human being - i give you that! grow up!
i dont want to talk sh*t back to you being that your a member of the israeli defense force and i respect that, but you dont have a clue what your talking about
that rant wasnt even about hair loss. i posted it in this section because this is the venting section whether or not it has to do with hair loss

i make you sick? im selfish? i should be thinking "how can i make things better" for a spoiled sick inconsiderate person who destroyed my family and any ounce of happiness we have had over the years?
You hypocrit, I hope you practice what you preach when your "wife and child beating" father gets released from prison dick.
You gonna welcome him with open arms? Think of how you can make his life so much easier for all the gifts he's given you? You think my sister didnt physically abuse my parents as well? I assure you the bleeding scratch marks all over my mothers and fathers arms throughout the years says different. SHes a girl though, but if she was a man it would have been fists just like your dad.

Dont call me a fcking emo child. I turned 27 years old living in my parents house surrounded by insanity, anger, and hostility not because I choose to but because I have been jobless for the last 3 months straight because noone gives me the time of day regardless of my efforts.

and where the fck did you get that my family is wealthy? I'm not wealthy, im not spoiled. I havent picked up an article of clothing in 5 years. I havent gotten a haircut in 3 months because I have zero dollars. I have no trust fund waiting for me...My parents fall behind in every one of their bills at one point my dad wouldnt answer the phone for months because it was bill collectors leaving messages on the answering machine. You dont know sh*t man.

I dont complain and sit in a room blaming other people. I have a fcking degree dude, i have fcking 2 of them! You think i sit helpless waiting for something to fall out of the sky? Did you read anything I f*****g wrote dude? I went back to school as well and along with my degree got classes and a certificate out of the way that would allow me to apply to grad school. I wrote it before, I do anything I possibly can to make my situation better. I wake up every fcking morning spending hours till I walk hunched over because my lower backs killing me from sitting at my computer all day and night sending out resumes, trying to network, sending email after email....
All I get from any of the contacts I correspond with for advice is how they kind of just "got lucky and fell into this position which turned into something better" Noone offers me sh*t but "oh this is what happened to me" when what im really looking for is "let me get your resume and see what i can do". Its as though they just dont get it, but they would rather tell me about how awesome their luck is rather than offering me any true help finding a job. Hearing all this crap from everyone i talk to jades the f*** out of me-

LUCK. PURE f*****g LUCK. In every instance. I dont have luck, I dont have sh*t dude..
And everyone always tells you to compare your life to Africans. How the f*** do you know Africans have it so bad if thats all they know from? Theres not one superstar African hanging out in the poor village rocking designer clothes and a luxury car. If all I knew were friends and acquaintances who lived a similiar shitty life that I did, I wouldnt feel so damn out of place but I dont. The only lives I have to compare mine to must be the damn luckiest humans ever graced by a higher power. So what the f*** am I supposed to do? Hop on a plane to Somalia and say "hey man at least I got it better than you do" because thats how my friends feel about me which pisses me the f*** off most of the time.


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Your rant was about your life being cursed or what-not, so tthere i go reading, paragraph by paragraph and wondering to myself "maybe he will get cancer in the next paragraph or something" you crying so much about how life mistreated you, how you dont have any luck? who the f*** owes you more luck then you already have got? you have 2 degrees, seems healty, you have a roof above your head, you still dont happy? - get out of your perants house, move on,do something fullfilling instead of feeling sorry for yourself! get a job, really make an effort! calling me an hypocrite?! you live inside your parent house and bitching about your sister leaching on them while she has OCD and you yourself dont have any job (work in M'cdonalds, or wash cars if you have to!) at least your sister has a reason, whats your excuse? your father work as a teacher you should respect that not moan about the fact he doesnt earn enough money, and btw most ppl in the US live with overdraft (let me remind you how Obama won the alection)... you think your so missreable becuase your parents cant take care of the bills? why dont you try helping them? i have nothing to conclude other then - your are just a spoiled emo child who has attention issues, your life are perfectly fine, change adtitude and YOU WILL find a job, but tbh, i think you not really trying, i think that you like to feel sorry for yourself, and this is why you feel how you feel...

And really this thread really piss me off, you trying to come out with excuses to feel sorry for yourself, you live in a loop and i dont want to drag into it, if you cant see it then its your problem i shared my thoughts you take it or leave it, its up to with your life, i really have no will or power to keep following this thread. :salut:

p/s; the diffrance between my father and your sister is that my father had a chioce... moron!

uncomfortable man

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Smooth said:
I didnt went throw the whole thing... but tbh, you sound like a spoiled brat, you dont have the slightest clue of what being cursed even cant even start to understand it by reading some bits and parts from this letter.. you are NOT sick in any way, OCD is a very common thing, you dont live in the street or something.. what exactly your moaning about??!?! your father doesnt make anough money to please you?!?!!??! just for a little comparement: my father used to beat the crap out of me, my bros and mother, hes in jail now :D .. we used to live 5 ppl in a 1.5 room apartemnt, i been to the idf and had 3 friends who used to sleep the next bed to me in boot-camp killed, we had to carry the leftovers in our coats, all i've been throw in life and i still say thank you god for giving me life, life is a blessing, even if im not f****ing rich as Bill Gates or whoever.... say "thank you god for i live in a wealthy family, peace, a home and a good health", get a degree, get out of your perants house if you dont like it...and stop your moaing, you making me sick...
and btw, whats being succesefull even mean to you? did you ever stop to think what it means? to be happy? or to be succesfull? what - do you think only if you are famouse or thealthy rich then you made it?? you will be suprised or maybe shocked to know that the "succsefull ppl" are something like 1% at best ... i can understadn some moaning here and there about hair loss, but you, my friend.. your a pure emo child! - grow up...

p/s: one line stills echos in my head tho " I have wiped my hands clean of her because I know that she will leach onto me when there is noone left to take care of her and she can't face the reality of the world thanks to her enabled life" your sister is clearly a mess, so instead of thinking "how i can make thing better for her??!" you worry about someday she will **leach** on you?!?! your not cursed.. not even close, but you are a f****ing selfish pos of a human being - i give you that! grow up!
Wow Smooth, strike a nerve did he?


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uncomfortable man said:
Smooth said:
I didnt went throw the whole thing... but tbh, you sound like a spoiled brat, you dont have the slightest clue of what being cursed even cant even start to understand it by reading some bits and parts from this letter.. you are NOT sick in any way, OCD is a very common thing, you dont live in the street or something.. what exactly your moaning about??!?! your father doesnt make anough money to please you?!?!!??! just for a little comparement: my father used to beat the crap out of me, my bros and mother, hes in jail now :D .. we used to live 5 ppl in a 1.5 room apartemnt, i been to the idf and had 3 friends who used to sleep the next bed to me in boot-camp killed, we had to carry the leftovers in our coats, all i've been throw in life and i still say thank you god for giving me life, life is a blessing, even if im not f****ing rich as Bill Gates or whoever.... say "thank you god for i live in a wealthy family, peace, a home and a good health", get a degree, get out of your perants house if you dont like it...and stop your moaing, you making me sick...
and btw, whats being succesefull even mean to you? did you ever stop to think what it means? to be happy? or to be succesfull? what - do you think only if you are famouse or thealthy rich then you made it?? you will be suprised or maybe shocked to know that the "succsefull ppl" are something like 1% at best ... i can understadn some moaning here and there about hair loss, but you, my friend.. your a pure emo child! - grow up...

p/s: one line stills echos in my head tho " I have wiped my hands clean of her because I know that she will leach onto me when there is noone left to take care of her and she can't face the reality of the world thanks to her enabled life" your sister is clearly a mess, so instead of thinking "how i can make thing better for her??!" you worry about someday she will **leach** on you?!?! your not cursed.. not even close, but you are a f****ing selfish pos of a human being - i give you that! grow up!
Wow Smooth, strike a nerve did he?
yea seriously. this guy is preaching to the wrong friggin choir. i didnt even want to respond, but hes a clueless fool who throws out assumptions like first pitches.

Hey smooth- theres nothing wrong with analyzing your life and wanting to progress to better things. Change leads to progress, progress to success. Perhaps you wake up everyday and youre satisfied your merely breathing. but thats not enough for me considering 7 billion humans wake up and do the same thing. Do i want wealth? Absolutely. Is this wrong of me? Should I wake up every morning being proud of mediocrity and no getting the chances in life my friends were merely because people in Somalia are starving? You tell me how many starving ethiopian children youve sponsored in your life. Youre all over the place. People like you who pretend to be so tough and strong, that they feel the need to call me "self pitying" and a "loser" are even worse because youre projecting your own anger over your life onto me.

You doubt I try to improve my situation? Kiss my ***. The mere fact that such a statement evokes a smile out of me, speaks volumes. Were there any ounce of truth to it, I would be fuming right now...but the outbox of my email address and endless sent resumes says otherwise. So please, get off your high horse. I may not have had it as worse as you because your dad beat up your mom, but my lifes been no picnic either. For you to compare pity stories reflects worse upon you as well. I was just venting, you're insulting.

And you're advice to help my parents by working at McDonalds. You just dont get it do parents, like myself, want a piece of the American dream. Perhaps you don't have that in Israel but the American dream is having opportunities your parents didnt to have a better life than they did. My parents don't want me to use my college degree to work at McDOnalds and help them pay the rent. They want me to move out, start my life, own my own house, and pay my own rent with my own family. Just like what I want and what I strive for. Maybe you sit at home all day doing nothing and you're projecting your own insecurities on me, but I certainly spend every waking minute trying to improve my life and my chances of moving forward. NOT waking up everyday saying "man, i have it better than that palestinian in the Gaza strip" but rather "how can I make my life better by finding a career so I dont worry about bills and move out of my parents home so that I can find a woman and not be a bachelor for the rest of my life".
You're clueless dude.


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BlahBlah12 said:
And you're advice to help my parents by working at McDonalds. You just dont get it do parents, like myself, want a piece of the American dream. Perhaps you don't have that in Israel but the American dream is having opportunities your parents didnt to have a better life than they did. My parents don't want me to use my college degree to work at McDOnalds and help them pay the rent. They want me to move out, start my life, own my own house, and pay my own rent with my own family. Just like what I want and what I strive for.

I have bad news for you... There is no such thing as an American Dream. Your country has much lower social mobility rate than Europe. That is, if you are born poor in America you always have limited opportunities.

Also, what's wrong with working in McD? I used to work in a fast food shop when I was at grad school. I had a degree and everything but I still worked part-time for a joint that was close to the campus.

You make it sound like you are too proud to do "any" job.... Sometimes, you have to start low and build your way up. There is no such thing as free lunch.


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ali777 said:
BlahBlah12 said:
And you're advice to help my parents by working at McDonalds. You just dont get it do parents, like myself, want a piece of the American dream. Perhaps you don't have that in Israel but the American dream is having opportunities your parents didnt to have a better life than they did. My parents don't want me to use my college degree to work at McDOnalds and help them pay the rent. They want me to move out, start my life, own my own house, and pay my own rent with my own family. Just like what I want and what I strive for.

I have bad news for you... There is no such thing as an American Dream. Your country has much lower social mobility rate than Europe. That is, if you are born poor in America you always have limited opportunities.

Also, what's wrong with working in McD? I used to work in a fast food shop when I was at grad school. I had a degree and everything but I still worked part-time for a joint that was close to the campus.

You make it sound like you are too proud to do "any" job.... Sometimes, you have to start low and build your way up. There is no such thing as free lunch.
the american dream is just a theory, a goal, a hope. it doesnt have to conflict with stark reality. and i agree with you about social mobility, hence my point that all my wealthy friends have become wealthy themselves..

and im not in grad school right now. and yes i am above a part time job at mcdonalds that would pay for gas to get there and back. I cannot afford at 27 years old to work at a fast food joint, for minimum wage. why dont people understand that at 27, i have to get out of my parents home for my own well being. AM i the only one with goals...who compares himself to his friends who are doing great financially because I aspire to do great financially as well?!! You people make it sound like its a detriment.. Accepting a job that pays the same amount i made 10 years ago when i was a child will not only keep me in limbo, but will rip any shred of hope i have in my own abilities. I didnt work my *** off in school, spend day after day networking and applying, to work at a place that doesnt even require a high school degree. maybe i am better than that a bad thing? Is there a reason i should be at the same place financially as a convicted felon or someone who was a high school dropout after all the work i put in to ensure i have a better future? Furthermore, the jobs I am applying for are not the CEO positions here. They are merely positions, anything, that will get my foot in the door of the industry im looking to work in.


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I haven't read everything but....

You're 27, and have a degree? A good degree? How come your friends from rich families are doing better than you, it's not like an employer looks at them and says 'He's rich, I'll employ him'.

You want to get your foot in the door? McDonald's/bar work would get your foot in the door if you're looking to eventually want to end up in management, being a tea boy would be a foot in the door if you want to end up in editting (I have a friend who's done this)

At 27 why have you not already got your foot in the door and be well on the process of working your way up within a company?


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Hammer87 said:
I haven't read everything but....

You're 27, and have a degree? A good degree? How come your friends from rich families are doing better than you, it's not like an employer looks at them and says 'He's rich, I'll employ him'.

You want to get your foot in the door? McDonald's/bar work would get your foot in the door if you're looking to eventually want to end up in management, being a tea boy would be a foot in the door if you want to end up in editting (I have a friend who's done this)

At 27 why have you not already got your foot in the door and be well on the process of working your way up within a company?
Good questions
to answer your first one : CONNECTIONS.

to answer your second: yes that would be perfectly fine IF i wanted to end up in management, but i am not looking to break into the food services industry. it has absolutely nothing to do with where i want to end up. Furthermore, putting McDOnalds on my resume would make an employer laugh in my face. In this competitive job market, you need skill sets related to the industry you are trying to break into. Pretending like "all work is good work" is a fantasy. Its not true in the corporate world. Yes you need to work and show it on your resume, but employers know it just as well as I do, they will pass me over if they see "Served clients with grade A Angus cheesburgers ensuring satisfaction"

And last question- i got out of school in august, where i was in a certain academic program that allowed me to take certain courses which may prove very helpful if i break into this industry and ever require a position where the company would reimburse me for grad school. THis was in addition to my original degree.


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uncomfortable man said:
Wow Smooth, strike a nerve did he?
Yeah, well i dont like egoism&selfishness, i mean this carebear is moaing like he is about to die next week :sobbing: ...... :dunno:

And for blhabla, you have no idea whats going here so dont get into it with your moronic assumptions ( "man, i have it better than that palestinian in the Gaza strip" lol this one takes the cake tho :p) i LOVE it when people (especially americans) think they have the slightest clue of whats going on around here..have to admit that blhabla falling into every typical average frustrated american stereotype there is, yeah, yeah... i could go on niptucking your posts bit by bit proving yet again how ignorant, selfish and wrong you sound, but i cant see how it will make a diffrance, as you locked on your *truth* so badly. :jackit:


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Smooth said:
have to admit that blhabla falling into every typical average frustrated american stereotype there is, yeah, yeah... i could go on niptucking your posts bit by bit proving yet again how ignorant, selfish and wrong you sound, but i cant see how it will make a diffrance, as you locked on your *truth* so badly. :jackit:
and you're taking the stereotypical role of the guy who criticizes the american for being frustrated he's not where he wants to be in life, because only non-americans know what its like to struggle. and how dare I want some luck in my life so that I can make it better, you know being that ive worked for it.
that about right?


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(ppff... nip tuck i shall..:/ )
No, im taking the *stereotypical* role of criticizing YOU for being lazzy and selfish (learn the difference between saying that someone falls into a stereotype and saying that the stereotype is right)
BlahBlah12 said:
only non-americans know what its like to struggle.
where did i mentioned "non-americans"... i cant tell for a fact but i DO belive that a *alot* do not have the quilty of life you have, you see what they show you, but fact is there is alot of poverty in America too (Clicky), they just dont like to show it, but you can look around yourself and see.. you dont have to look for places like somalia to know that your life is perfectly fine (ie not cursed) i never said anything about somalia or any 3rd world counrtries for that matter too, try to follow up... ( i been to india/thai/far east and the people over there are extreamly *happy* in the pure basic sense of happyness as they are used to live with the little they got so they find happyness things other then fancy cars/houses/whatever... try to think of that for a sec)...
reading between the lines, everything is normal, and even more then noraml, you sound pritty damn selfish and spoiled to me... and personaly i dont think that getting a degree is something you consider *work*, you do that to be educated and start a creer with something you love (that makes you happy! not rich.. rich != happy for most people! and the people it does, well they will stay sad for the rest of their lives i guess :p).. you can be unhappy with how things turned out.. thats one thing! but saying your life is cursed, moaing and feeling sorry for yourself like the inital post is just too much emo-style, and the funny thing is .. that you refuse to find a job (ANY JOB) to make a diffrance...


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I said this before and I'll say it again. Your problem is that you have very high and unrealistic expectations. You want to be in a very good position from day one. You are comparing yourself to some lucky people that made it very quickly.

I don't mean to say that you should accept your fate and settle for a less. What I'm saying is that instead of stressing yourself about it, you should start with a less and try to work your way through life. You won't get far with stress. The stress is going to eat you.

A friend of mine suggested I read a book called Affluenza. In our generation, we take things for granted. Just because we have a degree and we have a few skills we expect an affluent job from day one. The problem is, we are not alone. There are millions of people with university degrees. In Western Europe, 50% of people in our generation have degrees. You can't expect 50% of the population to be affluent.