Old Baldy said:
Well here we are into week three or four of the economy saving stimulus package and the Dow plunges another 254 points. As of 1:35pm the Dow is well below 7,000.
I know Doug - blame it on Bush!!?? Isn't the mantra of you liberals?
What is going on with our economy is completely unrelated to political party. Both parties have the same paymasters, and frankly speaking, the end state of this deleveraging would be the same thing regardless if it were Obama, John McCain, or even a solid economic conservative such as a Mitt Romney in the oval office.
The end state is the death of the US's business model, which has been running feverishly in an unsustainable mode for decades. The epitapth of the death of this business model was crafted as far back as the 1970s, when US became a net importer of oil, and simultaneously took itself off of an asset-backed currency regime. From that point on, we were doomed. Reagan briefly took us off of the negative trajectory by deregulating banks, allowing us to create asset bubbles... but now even these are popping. Bush Senior chipped in by giving China most favored nation status, allowing us to export the inflation that our bubble system was creating... but of course in the longer term, this has turned out to be disastrous too. The Clinton/Rubin cabal poured gasoline on the fire by repealing Glass Steagall (allowing retail banks to play in the investment banking world) and by giving Fannie and Freddie a nod and a wink. As for Bush junior, I have no freaking idea what his contribution was other than do everything he could to allow elites to loot this country, and do everything he could to destroy this country. I'm just beguiled by Bush junior... how on earth is this guy not in leg irons? Or, why is he not in hidden exile at some remote Paraguayan ranch that isn't marked on the map?
The difference between doing nothing, and/or trying to play FDR ala Obama, is similar to the difference between death by car crash (sudden and swift), or death by cancer (less sudden, more drawn out). There are arguments that could be made in support of both positions, and frankly speaking, I'm personally really not sure which is best. I suppose the car crash might be quicker, but the resulting chaos might be more traumatic to a nation with countless unresolved and simmering social issues amongst our heavily armed populace. The cancer method tries to smooth out the pain, but creates crushing debts that will need to be paid for generations, and will probably hamper any sort of recovery for significant amount of time. I just don't know... and, who really does know? I hear economists that admire and respect fall on both sides of this issue.
I'm sure his health care proposal will work wonders for the economy.
Right now, the US Government has an estimated $1.2T in unfunded medical obligations to pay for retired federal workers and military servicemen. Medicare, right now, is underfunded over $40T, and as the cost of health care in this country continues to increase at a rate higher than inflation, this figure will grow exponentially. That's right, in order to give our pensioning citizens basic health care that they have been promised from Medicare, we need to come up with 40T RIGHT NOW. That is, of course, TRIPLE this country's entire GDP. Not gonna happen, so something needs to change or something needs to break.
Oh, we're gonna get nationalized health care, all right. But it won't be done in the name of fairness and/or socialism, but rather, it will be done as a act of desperate national survival, by a nation on the brink of systematic failure and collapse. In other words, it won't be a fancy-smanchy slick Euro-Canadian system, but rather it will be an austere system designed to RATION health care. They have no other choice. Either that, or tell all the baby boomers who plan on relying on medicare that they're S.O.L. and are now officially on their own with no assistance. I predict the government will nationalize health care because in doing so, they can drastically reduce the cost of the medicare obligations as, by nationalizing it, they can remove all of the excess legal cost associated with malpractice... they can remove all of the actuarial costs that most insurance companies carry... and, they can flat out RATION prescription drugs, which has been one of the largest drivers of the skyrocketing cost of health care.
It's gonna happen... well, I suppose one way that it might be avoided is if the Federal government goes broke before these obligations go cash-negative, in which case the unfunded obligations would not need to be met, as there would be no central government of which to obligate... but of course that portends an entirely different stream of problems... lol
Sorry, but I'm now starting to laugh at the partisan sniping I hear and see on TV. Its like watching the navigator and the night watchman on the Titanic both fighting and furiously pointing fingers at each other. Both parties are clueless, both have allowed and encouraged this disaster we are in, and frankly, I don't think that either of the parties really understands what just happened.