Empire said:
Oh god.
Hasn't anyone wondered how a newbie Senator's political campaign money had dawrfed that of a Clintonite?
Hasn't anyone wondered why Fox News put so much damn concentration on Obama, using words like Obamania etc.. and gave so little attention to McCain.
First he promises no lobbyist group will influence him.. then he creates an entire Administration from Wall St.
He promises immediate withdrawl from Iraq, then says "oh sorry I meant it'll take 22 months" which WILL go longer than that.
On his 1st day signs SUPPOSEDLY an order to close Guantanamo... Oops, media took a look at that report.. it turned out to be an INTENTION to close it within his first 12 months of presidency.
He continued Georges bailout-happy attitude, he renamed the Fairness act to try and force it through.
Jesus Christ.. I'm kind of saying "Good On Ya" to these elitists.. your so God damn stupid, fighting an internal 2 party battle that DOESN'T exist.
What the f*ck do you think the Bilderberger group hold meetings about? McDonald's new menu? Who to trade off in the NFL?
I'm sorry, but it's like they put Stupidity in the water for you all to drink.. and now I have to tell the retards to stop touching the bulb or it'll burn their fingers... And the retards are telling me I'M the stupid one because it's a myth, then when they get burnt have a confused fkn look on their faces.
I said I'd stay away from off-topic, this is my last post.. but Holy crap.. we're screwed.
Dude be realistic. What exactly are you going to do if you close Guantanamo before all the cases are dealt with accordingly?
Should we throw them into mexico and just wash our hands of it?
He said he would close it, and it is being closed, in a realistic time frame.
Also, you wanna withdraw totally from iraq at all once? You are crazy. The influx of violence which would occur would be disastrous. They've finally managed to calm certain parts of that area down. It took like 5 freakin years.
If we bailed out now, we would simply be leaving them to more destruction. We have a responsibility to these people to train them to defend themselves, they are in sh*t that we created, the least we can do is stick around and help them out a little longer.
Also, Pakistan scares me. I want troupes in that area. If worst case scenario happened, and Taliban got control of what's been estimated at 5 or so dozen nukes. I'd prefer allies be in the general vicinity.
No politician running for president of the United States. Not 1. Has done everything as quickly or even bothered to do them at all once they were elected. There are different reasons for different presidents. But one universal thing is that until you become president you don't know "everything" You don't fully understand what's going on in Iraq, and you don't fully understand Guantanamo.
Then you get the seat, then you get the info, then you
re access.
This is everyone. Republican or Democrat.
If you wanna nit pick it. Go ahead, But it doesn't change the fact that in some areas, Barack Obama is getting things done.
And he never promised immediate withdrawal. He was two months off of what he initially said.