Are you the only one amongst your friends who's balding?


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And when I mean friends, I mean that close-knit group of about 7 guys or less. So friends who aren't that close to you don't count.

Of my close-knit group, I'm the only only who's showing signs of male pattern baldness and I must say that it SUCKS! They don't really bug me about it because I buzz my hair and the treatments have kept it from getting too noticeable, so I guess I'm thankful for that. But it just kills me to think that I'm the token balding dude in the group. I mean, when I used to look at rock bands back in the day and see that one balding/bald guy, I'd think to myself, "ha! must suck to be that guy!" Fast forward to the present, and now I'M that bald drummer! Karma's a b**ch ain't it. And thinking back to that, I must say that I was pretty ignorant and naive to think that I wasn't gonna go bald even though my maternal grandfather was a nw6/7 for as long as I can remember.

Anyways, my group consists of six guys and I just can't believe not one of them is showing signs of male pattern baldness (not including myself obviously)... and we're all in our mid 20's. It also probably won't be so bad if I were the funny one, the successful one, the best looking, or the socially gifted one.... but I'm none of these. Well I guess I could be referred to as the smart one, but that's only speaking in relative terms considering everyone else in my group isn't really, eerrrr, academically gifted (lol, those hair-boys won't read this so I have nothing to worry about). But that could also work against me because then I could be referred to as the balding-nerdy one. Okay, I'm just babbling now so:
End Rant.

So what's your situation like with your close friends? Are there others sharing in your sorrow? Or are you like me and just dread playing the role of the token bald friend?


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i have one buddy who is balding with the same pattern as myself but he styles his hair to hide it as best he can. it's getting too thin and receeding back so far like my own though, i imagine he's got another 2 to 3 years of being able to pull off any hairstyle at all. he's in major denial about it all though, pretends it's not there, thinks no one notices. it's gonna be a big ego buster for him real soon though.

other close buddy has been losing since high school, he's got steady thinning and a bald spot on the crown which is noticable to everyone. i would estimate 5 or 6 years until he's considered "bald", as he will probably be NW5ish by then.

other buddy has always had awesome thick hair, he commented recently about the top growing so slowly compared to the rest. i noticed one night when he was passed out drunk, he's thinning all over the top. his family has a history of baldness and if he follows that pattern he'll be pretty damn bald. but he doesn't know he's thinning yet, and thinks he will have a full head of hair for his whole life, he often brags about it when he notices me and my other friends loss.

so there it is, all my close friends suffer from male pattern baldness. can't say for sure how bald they will all go, but bald enough for me not to be the baldie. the best part is i used to feel shitty about balding around them, but since they are all balding and i am treating, there's a good chance i'll have the better hair in the group one day.

all of us are 21.

Bald Dave

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Dude, I am the only one in my group of friends! When we get into night clubs the bouncers always ask them for id but never me because they can see that im receeding and immediately think im old!

Even people who are much older than me don't have the amount of hairloss that I do! I mean I am 25 and they're 40!


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kalbo said:
Of my close-knit group, I'm the only only who's showing signs of male pattern baldness and I must say that it SUCKS!

Been there, done that. This is one of the worst things about m.p.b! :cry: :-x Its even worse when they enjoy commenting on your progress.


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hated being the only who was bald and all my other friends were full haired.

at work, i found the best thing to do was to take the p*ss out of myself before anyone else could.

this went on for about 5 years until everybody just accepted that was me with a shiny dome and had always had a shiny dome and in fact as far as they were concerned, i had never had one single solitary hair on my head.

people have been saying now for years 'i can't imagine you with hair'.

its been that long now.....neither can i.


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So funny you should mention this, i've been feeling exactly the same way recently!

Now, i wouldn't wish baldness on my worst enemy, but since i've been balding, i now always check out my friends hairlines to see if they are receding.

I have about 4 really close friends and i'm the only one losing hair. And yes, that does suck really bad!


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I have a lot of friends who are losing hair, must be an age thing since I am 39. One of them commented to me about how great my hair is looking, he said it looked like I was regrowing hair. I referred him to this site.


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when my friends ask for advice im gonna reffer them to eating my ***, no one gets hair, only me!

ha jk


Of my 6 close guy friends, 5 are balding. One is NW3, two are NW2.5, and the other two are diffuse. They're all between 21 and 25. These are guys I've known since high school so it's funny that it worked out this way. I'm the only one of the 6 of us on treatments as far as I know.


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yeah im the only one out of my close friends also who has gone through this so far... pretty gay I must say.. makes you reall think that god just plain hates you... why me and not some murderer or something... meh


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anyone who describes balding as "pretty gay" deserves to be bald. especially if they have a full head of hair.


Yeah, me and my twin brother are the only ones with this sh*t... of about 5 close friends we have, been friends since god knows when. Couple of class-mates at school are totally bald. The other one balded completely during school, it all happened in 2 yrs or so (he was about 21-23 at that time). The other had already started shaving before school, so he had gone bald very early also.

So, of my close friends no one is balding, but ironically 2 of them had nw7 stepfathers! Haha. I think 2 of my childhood friends (whom I'm not really friends with anymore) who both had bald fathers are balding fast now... they too are probably gonna be bald way before they turn 30, just like me.

Hans Gruber

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hmm,out of my close group im def the most far gone

one has receeded temples though and one who was thinning and who i had considered telling to get on finasteride has thickened up,prob to do with the fact when i was doing a google search on his laptop the only other entry was 'hairloss talk' lol so i guess he knew what to get on anyway

of course give it a few years and im not gonna be the balding one,with treatments and a hair transplant and a wealth of knowledge i plan to reign supreme ! ahahaha!!!

:hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy: :hairy:


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Yeap, out of my 4 close friends i am the only one who is balding. Not only that, but also 2 out of 4 have the thickest hair i have ever seen. One of my friends buzz it down to 1 mm, and still you cannot see even little skin. 2 others have shoudler-long straight hair. And they all love to comment on my balding and make fun of me. I really hate it.


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libertine said:
hmm,out of my close group im def the most far gone
one has receeded temples though and one who was thinning and who i had considered telling to get on finasteride has thickened up,prob to do with the fact when i was doing a google search on his laptop the only other entry was 'hairloss talk' lol so i guess he knew what to get on anyway

Ok who is it?


Well, I don´t have any friends.....but I was stalking at the myspace pages of dozens of old schoolmates or people I used to know. What can I say? Hairloss is basically non existent. There is one Norwood 4, a few Norwood 2.5s and some others at the early stages of hair loss but the vast majority of them still has perfect hair. Damn, made me feel like a loser one more time...... I once was well known for my wild and thick hair, nowadays :cry: