Article: male pattern baldness Triggered by Sebum Flow

Armando Jose

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Cure is very difficult , pilosebaceous units are only made in womb, but stop the progression of hair loss is easy.
Prevention better than cure

Armando Jose

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Massage, microneedling, jojoba, etc, any technic that mobilize sebum inside scalp or increasing hair shaft contact,..., and the natural way is ....
grow your hair lennon.jpg
grow your hair lennon.jpg


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So, if I got it right, article says that if sebun will be removed from Androgenetic Alopecia area, this can prevent Androgenetic Alopecia / roll back some hair ?

Well, it's pretty easy, there is a proven drugs to treat acne by deciding skin sebun level.
Systematic wey: Isotretinoin - used to cure Acne.
Topical: Epiduo/ Effezel, Retries Tretinoin, etc.

Armando Jose

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So, if I got it right, article says that if sebun will be removed from Androgenetic Alopecia area, this can prevent Androgenetic Alopecia / roll back some hair ?

Well, it's pretty easy, there is a proven drugs to treat acne by deciding skin sebun level.
Systematic wey: Isotretinoin - used to cure Acne.
Topical: Epiduo/ Effezel, Retries Tretinoin, etc.
No exactly, you need remove hardened sebum, sometimes people confuse it, sebum is vital for a healthy hair.


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No exactly, you need remove hardened sebum, sometimes people confuse it, sebum is vital for a healthy hair.
Ok, for this we have benzoyl peroxide, trifarotene (retinoid). Since hardened sebum = hyperexpression of sebum + dead cells \ dirt \ etc. If you'll reduce sebum level it's won't 'mutate' to comedo or anything lake that and will be easily removed during your usual washing routine

And... A scull pilling!
I've use it when I was on 'active' regime, in my case - to clean up my head after minoxidil and other lotions.
As a definite benefit - after a month of the pilings (at home, 2x week) it's remove a pustule that i had, and prevents from the new ones (before pilings i've got a pustule under hair once in few months). And of course a much cleaner head and fewer itches.
Also, i've indeed noticed a better result from treatments when i've use a piling, but i suppose it's just because i've got better absorption and less level of inflammations.


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My god... The sebum guy still bumping the most useless thread of the entire forum

Armando Jose

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Since hardened sebum = hyperexpression of sebum + dead cells \ dirt \ etc. If you'll reduce sebum level it's won't 'mutate' to comedo or anything lake that and will be easily removed during your usual washing routine
hardened sebum it is not only sebum acumulation, ..., sebum is a inestable product that change ts properties passing the time, lipid peroxidation as example. usual washing routine can eliminate only external but not internal hardened sebum

Evolution in the composition of human skin surface lipids during their accumulation on scalp and hair

Lipid peroxides induce early onset of catagen phase in murine hair cycles

Observations on the squalene and cholesterol content and the possible functions of squalene in human sebum

Lipoperoxides and the hair follicle
