ASC-J9 and CB-03-01 antiandrogens now available


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" It is a real stupid idea to inform COSMO about Chinese firms trying to copy the molecule. "

I fully agree.

ryan r

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irishpride86 said:
ryan r said:
The users from, the dutch equivalent of this site, are in general very positive about ASC!

They havent been using the stuff very long yet, but overall it sounds promising thusfar!

where do these guys get theres ?

A Chinese company I think, I will look into it.


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Are there any of these solutions that doesn´t require daily access to a freezer and fridge??


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ryan r said:
irishpride86 said:
[quote="ryan r":3j3jy7xt]The users from, the dutch equivalent of this site, are in general very positive about ASC!

They havent been using the stuff very long yet, but overall it sounds promising thusfar!

where do these guys get theres ?

A Chinese company I think, I will look into it.[/quote:3j3jy7xt]

They got their ASJ from K*****g. I would not buy and try it before anyone has seen any positive results on it.


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el_duterino said:
It is a real stupid idea to inform COSMO about Chinese firms trying to copy the molecule.

You can see that they won't release it to the market for at least 5 years so what are we supposed to do in the meantime ? just wait ? The drug won't revive dead follicles, it's goal is to maintain hair just like RU or finasteride.

Note that mr Tanner is talking about drug formulation, which means the overall end result product in its vehicle not the molecule itslef.

The molecule is known and can be produced by other labs. I got a quote form this research lab in the US for 10g of 17-alpha propionate (CB-03-01) and they wanted USD 60,000 ! ... e(CB-03-01).html

Once the price is reasonnable I will definitely buy 17-alpha propionate from K and give it a try. I also get all my RU from them since a year ago and the quality is very good and the service excellent.

Prior to ordering from K I was getting my RU form FE during 2 years so I do know the difference.

so you think its a ethical to have a company spend a bunch of money researching and developing a drug and then have some Chinese firm just come and steal it all and make a bunch of money?

Thats prety lame, especially when the shlt probably isnt even real....


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el_duterino said:
It is a real stupid idea to inform COSMO about Chinese firms trying to copy the molecule.

You can see that they won't release it to the market for at least 5 years so what are we supposed to do in the meantime ? just wait ? The drug won't revive dead follicles, it's goal is to maintain hair just like RU or finasteride.

Note that mr Tanner is talking about drug formulation, which means the overall end result product in its vehicle not the molecule itslef.

The molecule is known and can be produced by other labs. I got a quote form this research lab in the US for 10g of 17-alpha propionate (CB-03-01) and they wanted USD 60,000 ! ... e(CB-03-01).html

Once the price is reasonnable I will definitely buy 17-alpha propionate from K and give it a try. I also get all my RU from them since a year ago and the quality is very good and the service excellent.

Prior to ordering from K I was getting my RU form FE during 2 years so I do know the difference.

ElDut ,

why do you even care about 17-alpha? Based on your posts RU is the greatest hair loss product in the world, the end all to be all, I thought your had grown all your hair back RU? Why do you care all of the sudden about poor old Koutings?

Kinda like when you told everybody you didn't have to add PG to your RU solution, and now you do and say it's critical to do so? Or when you said Fluridil was one of the best hair growth topicals available, and now you dont even use it and say it's weak?

And now you think its ok for Koutings to steal from Cosmo?

You are losing more credibility w/ me by the minute dude....


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I never ever wrote that RU regrow my lost hair, it did thicken the existing hair though, just like finasteride does when it works.

Obviousely if you dig into my old posts or any other other poster around here... you will quickly see that the statements will evolve with time as we build up experience with those various drugs and vehicles..its called progress !

And yes, today RU is the best drug available IMO but that does not mean that tomorrow an even better won't be coming. Need to keep your mind open and experiment a bit.

You are not helping us at all by telling those pharma firms about Chinese labs "stealing patents".

If that's such a big issue for you, stop using RU, whose patent was stolen too, and stick to finasteride/minoxidil and wait those 5 years.

Just because some overpaid lawyers are holding back the release of such drugs on the markets does not mean that we have to go bald or live with low libido.

Once CB is released it will be much cheaper and a lot easier to buy than from those chinese labs anyway, COSMO won't need to worry about lost revenues.


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el_duterino said:
I never ever wrote that RU regrow my lost hair, it did thicken the existing hair though, just like finasteride does when it works.

Obviousely if you dig into my old posts or any other other poster around here... you will quickly see that the statements will evolve with time as we build up experience with those various drugs and vehicles..its called progress !

And yes, today RU is the best drug available IMO but that does not mean that tomorrow an even better won't be coming. Need to keep your mind open and experiment a bit.

You are not helping us at all by telling those pharma firms about Chinese labs "stealing patents".

If that's such a big issue for you, stop using RU, whose patent was stolen too, and stick to finasteride/minoxidil and wait those 5 years.

Just because some overpaid lawyers are holding back the release of such drugs on the markets does not mean that we have to go bald or live with low libido.

Once CB is released it will be much cheaper and a lot easier to buy than from those chinese labs anyway, COSMO won't need to worry about lost revenues.

I agree with el dutasteride. COSMO wont be losing anything. If it becomes available by some other means before it hits the market officially then I will try it.

If it works well, when COSMO release their product I will buy from COSMO. So COSMO will not lose anything. People can buy minoxidil powder but how many do and make their own topical? Its easier to just buy an exisiting minoxidil topical.

Plus people many moons ago were already getting minoxidil pre made by compounding pharmacists before it became comercially available. For many this SAVED there hair until Rogaine officially brought it out. It was exactly the same thing as this, just a different drug. Same thing goes for finasteride too. Many jumped on finasteride before propecia was approved.

Are these drugs for helping people?
Or are they to make these pharmaceutical fat cats pockets even deeper?

If the drug works they will get their cake...believe me. Some people need help NOW though, not in 5 years.

I dont consider it stealing at all.


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" If that's such a big issue for you, stop using RU, whose patent was stolen too, and stick to finasteride/minoxidil and wait those 5 years. "

I agree with El_Dut. It's not very smart to tell cosmo and such that chinese companies are producing their patented drugs.


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well I guess it's been decided then, Im not very smart .....

I guess I should return my masters degree.

You geniuses win!


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blaze said:
el_duterino said:
I never ever wrote that RU regrow my lost hair, it did thicken the existing hair though, just like finasteride does when it works.

Obviousely if you dig into my old posts or any other other poster around here... you will quickly see that the statements will evolve with time as we build up experience with those various drugs and vehicles..its called progress !

And yes, today RU is the best drug available IMO but that does not mean that tomorrow an even better won't be coming. Need to keep your mind open and experiment a bit.

You are not helping us at all by telling those pharma firms about Chinese labs "stealing patents".

If that's such a big issue for you, stop using RU, whose patent was stolen too, and stick to finasteride/minoxidil and wait those 5 years.

Just because some overpaid lawyers are holding back the release of such drugs on the markets does not mean that we have to go bald or live with low libido.

Once CB is released it will be much cheaper and a lot easier to buy than from those chinese labs anyway, COSMO won't need to worry about lost revenues.

I agree with el dutasteride. COSMO wont be losing anything. If it becomes available by some other means before it hits the market officially then I will try it.

If it works well, when COSMO release their product I will buy from COSMO. So COSMO will not lose anything. People can buy minoxidil powder but how many do and make their own topical? Its easier to just buy an exisiting minoxidil topical.

Plus people many moons ago were already getting minoxidil pre made by compounding pharmacists before it became comercially available. For many this SAVED there hair until Rogaine officially brought it out. It was exactly the same thing as this, just a different drug. Same thing goes for finasteride too. Many jumped on finasteride before propecia was approved.

Are these drugs for helping people?
Or are they to make these pharmaceutical fat cats pockets even deeper?

If the drug works they will get their cake...believe me. Some people need help NOW though, not in 5 years.

I dont consider it stealing at all.

I dont what bald fuckers do....I hope the sh*t you get from Koutings is bogus the rest of your hair falls out


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lakota said:
blaze said:
el_duterino said:
I never ever wrote that RU regrow my lost hair, it did thicken the existing hair though, just like finasteride does when it works.

Obviousely if you dig into my old posts or any other other poster around here... you will quickly see that the statements will evolve with time as we build up experience with those various drugs and vehicles..its called progress !

And yes, today RU is the best drug available IMO but that does not mean that tomorrow an even better won't be coming. Need to keep your mind open and experiment a bit.

You are not helping us at all by telling those pharma firms about Chinese labs "stealing patents".

If that's such a big issue for you, stop using RU, whose patent was stolen too, and stick to finasteride/minoxidil and wait those 5 years.

Just because some overpaid lawyers are holding back the release of such drugs on the markets does not mean that we have to go bald or live with low libido.

Once CB is released it will be much cheaper and a lot easier to buy than from those chinese labs anyway, COSMO won't need to worry about lost revenues.

I agree with el dutasteride. COSMO wont be losing anything. If it becomes available by some other means before it hits the market officially then I will try it.

If it works well, when COSMO release their product I will buy from COSMO. So COSMO will not lose anything. People can buy minoxidil powder but how many do and make their own topical? Its easier to just buy an exisiting minoxidil topical.

Plus people many moons ago were already getting minoxidil pre made by compounding pharmacists before it became comercially available. For many this SAVED there hair until Rogaine officially brought it out. It was exactly the same thing as this, just a different drug. Same thing goes for finasteride too. Many jumped on finasteride before propecia was approved.

Are these drugs for helping people?
Or are they to make these pharmaceutical fat cats pockets even deeper?

If the drug works they will get their cake...believe me. Some people need help NOW though, not in 5 years.

I dont consider it stealing at all.

I dont what bald fuckers do....I hope the sh*t you get from Koutings is bogus the rest of your hair falls out


I take it your off the RU now? Starting a new regimen?


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Come on lakota. Don't be so harsh. There's no need to go tell people you want their hair to fall out just because they don't agree with you.
Imagine the chinese get sued or a company like cosmo contacts the chinese authorities because of breaking the law on patents. How available do you think your RU will be?


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lakota said:
finfighter said:
lakota said:
good point, but they (Chinese) sold RU after the ingredients were known and released by Rousou (SP). Im just concerened because how do we know they have the actual ingredients to make CB?

Yeah I hear you, I was wondering how they aquired the formulation also, unless a leak happened...

yep, if I knew it was a leak, and they had the correct formula, I wouldnt be so hesitant about trying it.

your just dirty Lakota because people have chastised you for emaling COSMO about the chinese. I re-read this thread and the statement above is somewhat baffling.

You said you *WOULD* try CB if you knew there was a leak and "K" had the correct formula.

Then after when some people on here say your actions were silly you try and back track claiming its unethical?? When earlier as I quoted above you said YOU WOULD purchase CB to try it only if YOU KNEW the formula was leaked?

Why not take the unethical stance back then?


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Fact is, Cosmo will have a lot of their work cut out for them. When they put their product out on the market, it will already be well known for being legit, largely thanks to members of forums like this who will have been buying it for years. Instead of drowning in the pool of all the hairloss snake oils, they can put out their product and it´ll be ripped off the shelves without much marketing.
When they get their product out, they´ll win, no matter what.


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If CB-03-01 works, then I dont give a sh** about it being unethical! Really stupid to contact Cosmo imo...


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for people who want to be smarta**es and inform about our suppliers, you are doing a stupid thing for many reasons.

1- You think a company that manages to say FDI approve RU could care less about some tiny chinese company stealing those 200 max customers that are desperate enough to try something unproven ? Once they manage to FDI approve it they will be getting millions. So no big deal. Except they just might try to sue this company, you know, their lawyers will get some money out of it.
so no one to gain except some lawyers.

2- we are doing a favour for the community trying things out. Guys like ElDut and others have saved us time, and now we are doing a huge favour for others who come 5 years after and want to try these products...

3- more companies more competition, the faster they will try to get it FDA approved

3-can t you see that some of us are 10000% determined to fight baldness.. don t f*&k with us.


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How long does it take for the FDA to approve a drug anyway? If it's approved in one country, anywhere in the world, it's likely that it's going to be available off label everywhere else.