At What Point Are You "not A Man" When Hair Loss Is Consuming You. Because I Don't Feel Like One.


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I know, I'm not denying it, but what do you do as someone in my shoes with extremely aggressive hair loss at a young age that no current treatment will completely fix?

I'm not talking about shaving with a blade, I've never recommended that, you need some framing that having a visible horseshoe will provide.

Just don't walk around looking like Danny DeVito because you can be sure to say goodbye to women then.

Also, it's been established that hair systems are not an option. It just doesn't work.

Sometimes you just have to accept your inferiority and move on, because that's all you can do.

Thinking you won't look normal bald is a cope. I mean, unless you have an alien head shape, big ears and a deformed nose or what not (which in that case, you wouldn't really look much better with hair), no one is going to freak out or stare at you on the street.

Come on now, I've seen tens of thousands of bald men in my lifetime and rarely have I thought:

"Damn, he looks like a freak, but if he had hair, he would look good!"


Hmm I know what you mean , I don't usually go around thinking bald guys look like a freak - but I do feel bad for them

Saying everyone looks normal bald though? Idk , I have the face of a 12 year old and I am pale. I just imagine when I'm bald I'll look like a weird creepy grown baby ...

Hair systems are more tempting then walking around like that


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My Regimen
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I agree with you, I was just trolling a little, trying to trigger @blackg .

I agree with your post except for that last line.

I know people who have tried to help the homeless and they all eventually quit because like you said, they're mentally ill, ungrateful, sometimes violent and most importantly (the reason they ended up in that position):

They don't want to be helped.

You can give them money, lots of it, shelter, a job, it won't matter, after some time, you'll find them in the same spot.

Like baldness, I'm afraid that it's often mostly genetic, sometimes environmental, but come on, some people go through some horrible sh*t, sexual abuse and what not, yet they don't end up on the street.

My point is, you can't blame them, I think a lot of people are where they are in life because of their genetic make-up and limitations.

I always laugh at the argument: "It can happen to anyone!" Yeah no, not really.

Meh, not really good-looking, just facially OK.

I have struggles too, like I don't know, having a long commute.

Exactly, at least where I'm from homeless people can get free shelter, food, clothes and government allowance. They are often directed to embrace this, but end up back on the street. I appreciate that this is often the fault of mental illness and occasionally drug issues, but they have the ability to fix their situation, and it is their choices (whether or not they are rational) they make them end up on the street. I appreciate that not every country has the perks for the poor and needy like mine does, but the fact is that society, the government and homeless programs are practically on their knees sucking homeless c*** and yet they still can't get off the streets or spending money on smokes. I feel bad for them, but I don't have any RESPECT for them. Respect is earned, I can sympathise with a loser, but the fact is that not everyone is special or worth anything to society. Some people are genuinely just bums.

I see a lot of government programs and leftists figuratively sucking homeless dick and not a lot of the problem getting fixed, but where the f*** are the leftists asking for free transplants and finasteride for depressed norwood 5s?


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Not a real problem for them and almost all society.

To them, we're all wrong for feeling depressed over something that is "just hair".

You're depressed, you're suicidal because you're discriminated against and sometimes lonely, well, your suffering isn't real, you're the one making yourself suffer, you should just get a grip!

Also, on the same topic:

Some people don't want to be helped, and will even spit at you for trying to help them.

It's actually kind of infuirating how stupid people can be about hairloss. People will preach on and on it's just hair , it doesn't matter etc etc . Yet they laugh at bald men and balding like it's hiliarious. I feel like people think balding people did it to themselves somehow. Like they had it coming all along - and maybe they did maybe it's the inferior genetics .

Sad part is I would like to have a kid some day- but my genetics are so awful it would be kinda setting my kid up for failure . Premature baldness and shortness... no thanks


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My Regimen
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This is true. Though it may cause some confusion around here.

confusion indeed. a lot of the users here aren't quite there developmentally, and have a very black & white, machinistic view of the world. i used to think things were that straightforward, and i see a lot of my younger self in some of these people's posts.

this shows the importnance of education, openness, and the ability to deal with cognitive dissonance in a mature way.

i really don't see how either of us are depicting ourselves as "victims". i'm aware of all my privileges. i whine about my rat's nest every once in a while but i'm not asking society for any special favors.


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Yeah the fire was also made up I guess:

You lit this.