I'm curious does Europe have shrines and monuments to Hitler or Mousalini?
Those monuments went up in the 20s and the 60s
And if they are not symbols to white supremacist then why are the people who go carrying torches and chanting Blood and Soil?
I never really cared about these monuments until I learnt the history of their origin and it was for the South to remember their white supremacy at times they wanted to make it clear when being challenged about black rights ..the time periods of the 20s when Klan was very ingrained in Souther politics and the 60s the time of desegregation battle.
They were not as far as I know erected right after the Civil War ending but much much later time periods as reminders.
And let's not forget The Confederate Army were not patriotic in fact the very opposite.
They declared WAR on USA by wanting to separate.
They lost so why put up monuments and SO many of them (it's shocking how many their are) and both at much later dates then the end of the war.
Because they are not intended as symbols of the war they are symbols of the 'white' South.
And again I will say if NOT symbols of white supremacy then why we're Nazis And kKk there?
This removal was not even ruled upon yet. It is still in court I believe.
Let's not bullshit about their purpose.
Of course I think they are part of history and should not be destroyed but moved to a historical museum.
Not scattered about as if they were American Heros because they were not.
Museum is good enough. And the truth of why and when they were erected and by WHO should be inlcluded in descriptions.
If NYC can tear down CBGB these monuments can go as far as I am concerned