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And what past organization responsible for killing millions of people are they emulating?

There are some in BLM who geared it towards anarchy I am not going to deny that

But not all or even most of them.

Most just want fair and unbiased investigations into police brutality which is not an unreasonable request.

And putting on a uniform is not the same as skin color or religion you are born into

Cops have a choice to be cops with the good and the bad.

People don't choose skin color.

Are you saying its okay for them to do something because they feel it was done already in the past or they are new so its cool?

Alot of them are outright anti white racists.

It culminated in cop killings.

What most want and what a lot of them do is different, rioting, stealing from their own businesses, burning down gas stations, pulling people from cars and beating them, beating people for who they vote for, etc etc. Its funny because many of the cops who assaulted and/or killed "black men" were not white. Freddie Grays killers were majorly black, and as soon as that came out the story went away. A few hispanic cops shot black men and an asian one, Even a middle eastern guy, yet the news will all say they "identify as white" to keep the race agenda moving. All the cops killed by BLM were white. So is it REALLY about police brutality or just a reason to start an openly accepted anti white group?
There are also a LOT of white men killed by cops. There were about 3 young teen boys killed by cops, even a deaf disabled guy shot by a black officer. 2 black officers in new orleans tried to kill a white guy sitting in his car for retribution and missed hitting his 2 year old autistic child. You never hear these stories.
Your comment of emulation merely reinforces something I say to people who scream "equality". No one wants true equality, they just want "their turn"
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Are you saying its okay for them to do something because they feel it was done already in the past or they are new so its cool?

Alot of them are outright anti white racists.

It culminated in cop killings.

What most want and what a lot of them do, rioting, stealing from their own businesses, burning down gas stations, pulling people from cars and beating them, beating people for who they vote for, etc etc. Its funny because many of the cops who assaulted and/or killed "black men" were not white. Freddie Grays killers were majorly black, and as soon as that came out the story went away. A few hispanic cops shot black men and an asian one, Even a middle eastern guy, yet the news will all say they "identify as white" to keep the race agenda moving. All the cops killed by BLM were white. So is it REALLY about police brutality or just a reason to start an openly accepted anti white group?
There are also a LOT of white men killed by cops. There were about 3 young teen boys killed by cops, even a deaf disabled guy shot by a black officer. 2 black officers in new orleans tried to kill a white guy sitting in his car for retribution and missed hitting his 2 year old autistic child. You never hear these stories.
Your comment of emulation merely reinforces something I say to people who scream "equality". No one wants true equality, they just want "their turn"

"Your comment of emulation merely reinforces something I say to people who scream "equality". No one wants true equality, they just want "their turn"

Exactly. I've seen countless videos of vast numbers of professional black protesters running through towns destroying and burning buildings, attacking white people and anyone who comes near them, burning cars, and often outright trying to kill white people if there are no police around.


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Well like you wrote
Conspiracy without facts to back it up.

And your wrong
Bannon did the polls.
They knew they had the racists in their corner

I don't think Trump wants to be known as the racist Pesodent BUT he can't afford to lose them and he knows it


well conspiracies are fun. everything you just said above is conspiracy. I wont argue it because who really knows. Remember the NSA was a conspiracy for how many years?


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Are you saying its okay for them to do something because they feel it was done already in the past or they are new so its cool?

Alot of them are outright anti white racists.

It culminated in cop killings.

What most want and what a lot of them do, rioting, stealing from their own businesses, burning down gas stations, pulling people from cars and beating them, beating people for who they vote for, etc etc. Its funny because many of the cops who assaulted and/or killed "black men" were not white. Freddie Grays killers were majorly black, and as soon as that came out the story went away. A few hispanic cops shot black men and an asian one, Even a middle eastern guy, yet the news will all say they "identify as white" to keep the race agenda moving. All the cops killed by BLM were white. So is it REALLY about police brutality or just a reason to start an openly accepted anti white group?
There are also a LOT of white men killed by cops. There were about 3 young teen boys killed by cops, even a deaf disabled guy shot by a black officer. 2 black officers in new orleans tried to kill a white guy sitting in his car for retribution and missed hitting his 2 year old autistic child. You never hear these stories.
Your comment of emulation merely reinforces something I say to people who scream "equality". No one wants true equality, they just want "their turn"

Not what I wrote at all but you went really deep filling in what you want to think

So you have no issue with Nazis and KKK because you believe BLM is on a rampage cop killings white hating organization?

So you do believe there is a race war? And you are siding with the Nazis?


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well conspiracies are fun. everything you just said above is conspiracy. I wont argue it because who really knows. Remember the NSA was a conspiracy for how many years?

Nothing I wrote is conspiracy it's facts

Do Your homework

They have a pollster in their top staff you think she does not know exactly where the numbers are



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You know, I believe there is some truth to racial groups just wanting their "turn."

Maybe I'm wrong but I can't help thinking that no one racial group is truly advanced enough to embrace full equality and acceptance of the "other."

I've worked with a lot of people from non-white backgrounds... and let me tell ya, you wanna here some prejudiced and outdated views?
Spend a day with these guys.


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Not what I wrote at all

but you went really deep filling in what you want to think

So you have no issue with Nazis and KKK because you believe BLM is on a rampage cop killings white hating organization?

So you do believe there is a race war? And you are siding with the Nazis?

youre funny, a poor debater but funny. You are trying to use liberal tactics of blaming and distraction. "Well you dont agree with me that these KKK blame are 110% to blame so YOU MUST be a racist".
Expect another 4 years of Trump with that mindset love.

I side with logic.

I believe the powers who really run things have been trying to incite unrest for a long time, racial unrest is literally just the easiest and most distracting from class unrest.

Nothing I wrote is conspiracy it's facts

Do Your homework

They have a pollster in their top staff you think she does not know exactly where the numbers are


I tried looking for bannon, polls and nazis and found nothing that he did so please send me a source.


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youre funny, a poor debater but funny. You are trying to use liberal tactics of blaming and distraction. "Well you dont agree with me that these KKK blame are 110% to blame so YOU MUST be a racist".
Expect another 4 years of Trump with that mindset love.

I side with logic. I believe the powers who really run things have been trying to incite unrest for a long time, racial unrest is literally just the easiest and most distracting from class unrest.

No you are reading the opposite of what I wrote so you must have poor comprehension

I said clearly not all Trump supporters are racist

Now you just want to make it a right vs left thing

Now you want to start being insulting putting down my 'debating' yet you are wasting 3 or 4 hours on someone you find to be a poor debater?



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I believe the powers who really run things have been trying to incite unrest for a long time, racial unrest is literally just the easiest and most distracting from class unrest.
But I have to ask... Why are these mysterious shadowy figures behind the scenes who "really run things" fermenting unrest.

To entertain themselves?
To give the news something to report.
To dope the masses??
Global economic domination.. muhahahaha!!!???

Why!!! ?


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View attachment 61196

oh sh*t, Id better delete this or else I deserve to be attacked and locked up!

I thought HB was a girl.

You can use him to mock sh*t

yiu can even dress like him for halloween

You can use the word ********

You can use the word retarded

Don't start painting me as if I don't believe in free speech and democracy

Intention matters when you do sh*t.

Is you intention racist and to cause havoc? To hurt people because color of skin or their religion? To look up to a man and organizations who killed millions of people in horrific and tortured ways?

If you can't see that difference you are just lying to yourself or you don't give a f***.


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But I have to ask... Why are these mysterious shadowy figures behind the scenes who "really run things" fermenting unrest.

To entertain themselves?
To give the news something to report.
To dope the masses??
Global economic domination.. muhahahaha!!!???

Why!!! ?

He is a conspiracy theorist at this point

Aliens in Vegas

Secret ring society

CiA killed Kennedy (well perhaps but pretty sure it was Mafia)


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"Your comment of emulation merely reinforces something I say to people who scream "equality". No one wants true equality, they just want "their turn"

Exactly. I've seen countless videos of vast numbers of professional black protesters running through towns destroying and burning buildings, attacking white people and anyone who comes near them, burning cars, and often outright trying to kill white people if there are no police around.

Really cause In Brooklyn? I'm not seeing this.
Even on the G train late at night

Harlem? Nope

East Harlem? Okay a little sketchy but that latinos and late at night you got some bugged out people on drugs.

Where is this mass brutality towards white people in USA from the blacks?

I mean they are killing each other in some areas, not going to lie.

Come on man you guys sound really sheltered

Get out of suburbs.

Those anti protestors were mostly WHITE

Because last I checked MOST people left or right are anti Nazis in USA


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only studs on leaked celebrities photos


mirin hair, beard, chin, nose and eye area

tfw lost in EVERYTHING


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Free speech is not the same as yelling fire in a movie theater (which is actually illegal)

Nazi symbols and parading for white power doing 'sig hail' to me is the moral equivalent of yelling fire in a movie theater. It's technically legal. But it's morally corrupt. And repugnant as they were our enemy and they are honoring this history of mass murders based on race supremacy

Do I feel bad people fight back against Nazis? No I don't. Although I do think the police should have done more this is separate issue:

I would feel same if people
Paraded in USA with Isis flags which is probably technically legal not sure.

Nazis, Isis both enemies of USA--so I don't get this defense of them you guys do

Seems as if you guys hate liberals more than Nazis and KKK.
And liberals seems to mean ANYONE left of alt right now.
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wtf is this

vin diesel??