Bald Men And Older Men In South East Asia


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In America everyone on the Right calls every woman who is not a christian old school traditional girl a 'feminazi' so i would be cautious with that label. To give you context it was Rush Limbaugh who coined the term i believe.

Didn't realize it was so well used, I only really came across it on those feminist fail videos on YouTube (yes I know this isn't a good way to listen to real feminist issues, it's just so entertaining to watch people so lost in an ideology).


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Didn't realize it was so well used, I only really came across it on those feminist fail videos on YouTube (yes I know this isn't a good way to listen to real feminist issues, it's just so entertaining to watch people so lost in an ideology).

Yeah it has been used I think going back to 90s if not mistaken by good old Rush.


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In America everyone on the Right calls every woman who is not a christian old school traditional girl a 'feminazi' so i would be cautious with that label. To give you context it was Rush Limbaugh who coined the term i believe.
And anyone that points out something that is fucked up is called a snowflake or butthurt.

Its like catchphrase bingo - once some uses a boring stock insult I tend to switch off and presume they're idiots.


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Didn't realize it was so well used, I only really came across it on those feminist fail videos on YouTube (yes I know this isn't a good way to listen to real feminist issues, it's just so entertaining to watch people so lost in an ideology).
I think its a funny word - same with social justice warriors - but its unfair when mis-applied.


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Yeah, most feminists do discuss mostly womens issues. But there are some who write about how toxic masculinity (trying to be macho and not venting) causes high suicide rates.

I respect anyone who talks about it and is open to new ideas

That's something I completely agree with, so long as they don't tie that issue (of not venting) with any other masculine traits which I feel should actually be nurtured better from a young age, to many female teachers these days.


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And anyone that points out something that is fucked up is called a snowflake or butthurt.

Its like catchphrase bingo - once some uses a boring stock insult I tend to switch off and presume they're idiots.

Meanwhile they voted for the biggest whinny victim of us all.

"who knew health care was so complicated?" Uhm, just about everyone in the country.


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Meanwhile they voted for the biggest whinny victim of us all.

"who knew health care was so complicated?" Uhm, just about everyone in the country.

Wonder if any of the trump supporters here changed their mind on him :oops:


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My Dad lives in Nicaragua on the beach in a popular surf-town with a lot of ex-pats.

You've mentioned your dad is rich.

There's no way to put this delicately, is his wealth ill-begotten and is he "wanted" in the US?


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Wonder if any of the trump supporters here changed their mind on him :oops:

Doubt it.

Would be more interesting if any 'never hillary' people changed there minds.

here is Rush explaining 'feminize' its really more about abortion.

I prefer to call the most obnoxious feminists what they really are: feminazis. Tom Hazlett, a good friend who is an esteemed and highly regarded professor of economics at the University of California at Davis, coined the term to describe any female who is intolerant of any point of view that challenges militant feminism. I often use it to describe women who are obsessed with perpetuating a modern-day holocaust: abortion. There are 1.5 million abortions a year, and some feminists almost seem to celebrate that figure. There are not many of them, but they deserve to be called feminazis.

A feminazi is a woman to whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed. Their unspoken reasoning is quite simple. Abortion is the single greatest avenue for militant women to exercise their quest for power and advance their belief that men aren't necessary. They don't need men in order to be happy. They certainly don't want males to be able to exercise any control over them. Abortion is the ultimate symbol of women's emancipation from the power and influence of men. With men being precluded from the ultimate decision-making process regarding the future of life in the womb, they are reduced to their proper, inferior role. Nothing matters but me, says the feminazi. My concerns prevail over all else. The fetus doesn't matter, it's an unviable tissue mass.

Feminazis have adopted abortion as a kind of sacrament for their religion/politics of alienation and bitterness. [The Way Things Ought to Be, Rush Limbaugh, pages 194-195]


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Doubt it.

Would be more interesting if any 'never hillary' people changed there minds.

here is Rush explaining 'feminize' its really more about abortion.

I prefer to call the most obnoxious feminists what they really are: feminazis. Tom Hazlett, a good friend who is an esteemed and highly regarded professor of economics at the University of California at Davis, coined the term to describe any female who is intolerant of any point of view that challenges militant feminism. I often use it to describe women who are obsessed with perpetuating a modern-day holocaust: abortion. There are 1.5 million abortions a year, and some feminists almost seem to celebrate that figure. There are not many of them, but they deserve to be called feminazis.

A feminazi is a woman to whom the most important thing in life is seeing to it that as many abortions as possible are performed. Their unspoken reasoning is quite simple. Abortion is the single greatest avenue for militant women to exercise their quest for power and advance their belief that men aren't necessary. They don't need men in order to be happy. They certainly don't want males to be able to exercise any control over them. Abortion is the ultimate symbol of women's emancipation from the power and influence of men. With men being precluded from the ultimate decision-making process regarding the future of life in the womb, they are reduced to their proper, inferior role. Nothing matters but me, says the feminazi. My concerns prevail over all else. The fetus doesn't matter, it's an unviable tissue mass.

Feminazis have adopted abortion as a kind of sacrament for their religion/politics of alienation and bitterness. [The Way Things Ought to Be, Rush Limbaugh, pages 194-195]

Well I used to say that I'd rather Trump than Hillary but now I'm sure that was stupid. Although I still would never have vote for either of them in a million years (there were more options!).

Well that definition sucks, I doubt there's a single woman to whom abortion rates are the most important thing in their life.


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You've mentioned your dad is rich.

There's no way to put this delicately, is his wealth ill-begotten and is he "wanted" in the US?

No he was a business owner..he opened his first business in his 20s and just kept growing, turning over.
My Dad is a risk taker though and he has good instincts..this is why I think he did so well.
He always 'grew' and expanded.


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No he was a business owner..he opened his first business in his 20s and just kept growing, turning over.
My Dad is a risk taker though and he has good instincts..this is why I think he did so well.
He always 'grew' and expanded.

He had several businesses? What kind of businesses were they?

He should write a memoir. He must have led a very interesting life.

Much jealous.


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Well I used to say that I'd rather Trump than Hillary but now I'm sure that was stupid. Although I still would never have vote for either of them in a million years (there were more options!).

Well that definition sucks, I doubt there's a single woman to whom abortion rates are the most important thing in their life.

There are probably a few stray wackadoodles that are abortion crazed--but they are nuts. They will be same people who in 2 years will find God and go blow up a clinic or shoot a Dr. It's just crazy people get extreme ideas in head on either side...I think the feeling of needing a purpose for some people gets twisted and they become extremists in whatever purpose they have--the ideology is not even an important factor is the idea their life has a purpose they become obsessed with..if you think about it its a kind of extreme psychotic narcism (ugh cant spell LOL)


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There are probably a few stray wackadoodles that are abortion crazed--but they are nuts. They will be same people who in 2 years will find God and go blow up a clinic or shoot a Dr. It's just crazy people get extreme ideas in head on either side...I think the feeling of needing a purpose for some people gets twisted and they become extremists in whatever purpose they have--the ideology is not even an important factor is the idea their life has a purpose they become obsessed with..if you think about it its a kind of extreme psychotic narcism (ugh cant spell LOL)
I agree.

The need to have a purpose is human nature. To feel like you're a part of something. And this is what extremists capitalize on, not only in the feminist world, but also ISIS and other terrorist organizations.

The need to feel like you belong somewhere, that you have a purpose is so strong that being a part of terrible organizations is better than to be a lone loser. When you're a total failure such as these people you also want someone to blame, feminazis blame all men.

Is feminism needed in the west in 2017? No, in fact men have it worse than women. Do fat disgusting women need someone to blame for their misfortunes? Yes.

muh gender pay gap


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..this time he instructed his daughter to put the towel around my neck, and she did it with an expression of absolute disgust in her face. I didn't even look at her in the eyes, only thanked her meekly. Needless to say, she didn't even reply nor acknowledge my existence, she put it as quickly as she could around my neck (and badly) and went away just as quickly. What a shitty existence.
She only hurried away so she could jill off.


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They think they're Pamela Anderson but they're actually closer to Susan Boyle. And that's before they start drinking.

Everyone on this forum would totally bang Susan Boyle.


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I know this Asian girl who emigrated to the US. Small, frail, 4'10 or so, like 90 pounds. She had a boyfriend back home, and I guess they broke up after a year or two after her move (he stayed back). She snagged a German fullhead decent looking dude after a few years. They now have a daughter. I always think of you when I see her page. The dude took a massive risk by making a baby with her. The baby turned out to be a girl thank heavens.
interracial cuckoldry :confused:. hey at least asian girls aren't getting banged out by black dudes lol. aint no hope in returning after that!