Balding Nightmare Fuel Thread. Post Your Most Shocking Experiences.


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What a lovely f*****g day I had today.

Nightmare fuel #1 People can only understand what they've experienced.
I was waiting for an important meeting, an old couple noticed me and started talking:
An old man: Look, the combover of that man looks hilarious, it's obvious he grows his hair to hide his receding hairline. He should just shave it all off!
A woman: Relax, he is still young.
An old man: If I was him I would just shave it all off, he looks pathetic. (The old man was a NW2.5)
Me: (DEATH STARE. Standing still shocked for 4 minutes looking like a retard)

Nightmare fuel #2 Mistaken for a creep.
As usual I took the bus home.
The bus was full, there were no empty seats, so I had to stand near a group of school students.
As the bus reached my destination, a teenage girl got out at my usual stop (note: prior I entered the bus at the same spot as her), a girl who was standing near me.
I got out and prepared to go home, our destinations matched as I had to wait for traffic-lights to turn green in order to cross the crossing.
Guess what? As soon as the lights turned green and I crossed the crossing she started running, running like mad, she was running for her life.
WTF did I do? Nothing, besides looking like a balding man.
I was mistaken for a peadophile by a 14-16 year old girl.
Camus was right this world is full of f*****g absurdity.

What are your shocking nightmare inducing hair loss experiences? Post them here.
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sh*t dude i am sorry you experienced that. we live in a culture of fear. i was going to my friends place the other day and she lives in a gated community. i forgot the passcode and there was a girl behind me trying to get in, so i circled around and let her go. she was also having trouble. i sat there and waded through my old texts, because my friend had texted me the code before and i knew it was in there. the girl finally got the gate open, and she blasted her engine, took off with screeching tires like it was f*****g fast and the furious. those are dangerous, windy roads, too, and she was like fleeing for her life. ffs, you think i was stalking you when i got there FIRST??

it's this culture of "creep until proven not" that we live in. girls react to certain indicators like kittens when you turn on the vacuum cleaner, and hair loss happens to be one of them. we have absolutely no control over that. it's ridiculous.

my nightmare fuel is being surrounded by hair obsession. the other day at work i was talking to the same friend, and another worker came into her office and complimented her hair cut. then she started freaking out "OMG i have to show you this!! my new job took a hair sample from a drug test, and LOOK what they did to me!!" she turned on the light and parted her hair to show some minuscule spot on the back of her head: "it's like a buzz cut!!!" in a horrified voice.

i tried to change the subject and asked her about her new job, but she gave me one word answers and then instantly went back to the hair, turning back to the other co worker: "they said it just looks like that because my hair is long and it will grow back soon, but still it's like...*sigh*" at that point i got up and left the room.

that same day we were volunteering at an ice cream social and a coworker told me "i asked [slick bald coworker] if he needs a hair net. i don't think he appreciated that joke, lol" um yeah, i'm sure he didn't.

also same day, i found myself in a circle of coworkers going crazy about hair styles on pinterest and talking about each other's hair. i seriously felt like i was under non stop assault by hair comments that day. like to the extreme, when it rains it pours. i ended up retreating to my office and then my coworkers were asking me why i seem sad. that sh*t really beat me down. f*** this hair obsessed culture.


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Unattractive is one thing, but creepy is irredeemable. You can be conceited, lazy, materialistic, cold,
impatient, moody, impulsive, superficial, creepy... Wait, what? He's creepy!? Uhhhhh-No! Stay Away!
Lol, I don't even look that ba(l)d. I'm a NW4 22 year old.
I could pass for a person with no visible crown loss if there is no bright light in the room, however if there is then I'm fucked.
Plus I still have some hair on my hairline to combover, but it's getting less and less possible.


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You should a brought out the crazy.

"""" I will eat your old *** liver with a nice chianti

Agustin Araujo

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Plus I still have some hair on my hairline to combover, but it's getting less and less possible.

I know exactly what you're talking about. That dreading thinning, continuing to progress, while combing your hair, strand by strand, all taking more effort and becoming less effective. It gets to all of us eventually.


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Waking up and looking in the mirror is an experience I haven't adjusted to yet.

Since my hair took a turn for the worst and I became a hat prisoner, going through the airport and not really thinking I had my hat on because you just get so used to it/(don't want to take it off) and the guy that checks your passport 50 odd year old full head, looked pretty pissed that I still had my hat on and asked for me to take it off for and as soon as I took it off you could just see it in his eyes, how sorry he felt for me and those are the looks that cut deep. If I had a full head of hair he would of still be giving me the evils and thinking I was a cheeky young prick for having my hat on.


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At the park with my kids, I had some cops come up to me asking if I was there father. They told me a woman called because I didn't look like their father, they didn't say it but it was because of how bald I am. I got mistaken for a pedo.

My dad was minding me and my bros when we were swimming in the pool, I was about 8 at the time. The lifeguard unapologetically asked my dad to leave the poolside as some mother's were worried he was a pedo. He just laughed and said ring the police of you want me to leave. Me and my Bros were left wondering why our dad was being treated in this way. It has stuck as an uncomfortable memory for me.


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My dad was minding me and my bros when we were swimming in the pool, I was about 8 at the time. The lifeguard unapologetically asked my dad to leave the poolside as some mother's were worried he was a pedo. He just laughed and said ring the police of you want me to leave. Me and my Bros were left wondering why our dad was being treated in this way. It has stuck as an uncomfortable memory for me.
and this is why i'm taking a one week break. starting in an hour (the 16th). i can't sit here and post all day about baldness being a miserable and lonely experience. i already know it is.


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Unattractive is one thing, but creepy is irredeemable. You can be conceited, lazy, materialistic, cold,
impatient, moody, impulsive, superficial, creepy... Wait, what? He's creepy!? Uhhhhh-No! Stay Away!
where is that from? lol


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It was an SNL skit called Brogaine. I made another gif of every hat prisoner's worst nightmare;
a guy shoots up from a keg stand and his hat flies off in front of the whole party. A brutal thought.
it blows my mind that this stuff happens and bluepillers can still say it doesn't matter. just lmao. the denial


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it blows my mind that this stuff happens and bluepillers can still say it doesn't matter. just lmao. the denial

It's pretty much evident that behind the comedy lies the crippled youth of college-aged balding (or bald) guys like me.

It's very bad. This a bastion of political incorrectness. While I hate the all-encompassing PC bullshit, it's very bad that the only survivor is indeed hair loss.

What a tragic luck we have lads. One thing so big for human identity that it's taken for granted by everyone, until, obviously, it's gone.

Life is pain.


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It's pretty much evident that behind the comedy lies the crippled youth of college-aged balding (or bald) guys like me.

It's very bad. This a bastion of political incorrectness. While I hate the all-encompassing PC bullshit, it's very bad that the only survivor is indeed hair loss.

What a tragic luck we have lads. One thing so big for human identity that it's taken for granted by everyone, until, obviously, it's gone.

Life is pain.

That's the thing about political correctness. It is enforced in all the wrong places. I'm not very PC, but I never insult someone's physical appearance, or anything that they had no control over at birth. You just don't sh*t like that.


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If you think about it it really does not make sense that there is this big push to accept fat women, multiple sexualities , all kinds of weird gender schemes but baldness gets left off as a joke

I don't think you have to experience balding to understand the pain. I know even before I was balding I knew it was a very shitty thing. There are skinny liberal feminists pushing for body acceptance so obviously they didn't have to experience being fat to understand the pain of it.

Obese people in a way are treated like bald people . I would say they have it equally bad in terms of social / attractiveness. However the fact that they CAN lose weight if they put in the work just blows my mind. I would not be on this forum if I could fix my hair with just about anything. So in this reguard , being over weight will never compare to hairloss. Weight comes down to willpower and hair comes down to luck


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If you think about it it really does not make sense that there is this big push to accept fat women, multiple sexualities , all kinds of weird gender schemes but baldness gets left off as a joke

Makes perfect sense if you realize that society does not care about men, only women. Obesity celebration, gender fluidity feature in the social justice manifesto because women are central in these issues. We have ads featuring and celebrating fat women. You won't find underwear ads featuring fat men.


It was a windy day in Michigan. Haven't gotten a hair cut in a really long time. Other than my bald crown, my hair was really long. I was walking on a sidewalk and found myself in front of a restaurant where people were having lunch outside.

As I turned my back on them, I could hear them laughing and commenting about my bald spot. I think for people - if you are balding, you are supposed to shave it all. If it is a windy day and your hair is flowing with the wind, you are not supposed to be a part of that experience. I realized that day there are no Norwood scales - there are only 2 categories of people - people with full head of hair and everyone else.


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It was a windy day in Michigan. Haven't gotten a hair cut in a really long time. Other than my bald crown, my hair was really long. I was walking on a sidewalk and found myself in front of a restaurant where people were having lunch outside.

As I turned my back on them, I could hear them laughing and commenting about my bald spot. I think for people - if you are balding, you are supposed to shave it all. If it is a windy day and your hair is flowing with the wind, you are not supposed to be a part of that experience. I realized that day there are no Norwood scales - there are only 2 categories of people - people with full head of hair and everyone else.

that's true. people don't think it's a big deal to laugh about that stuf but it's really hurtful. which part of michigan did this happen in?


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1. The guy approached to me for a small talk in some social situation and he asked how old am I and I responded with 22. He was surprised and told me he thought I am in my 30-s whilst staring on my corrupted hairline.

2. Meanwhile I was waiting for a fullhead friend to come that assumed I am in my early 30-s for a few months because I spelled "twenty two" indistinctly when we met and he decided I pronounced "thirty two", lol. It didn't feel contradiction with my look and being 30-s.

3. I was "socialising" with a couple (attractive and guy was NW1) – a girl asked me why don't I make a haircut like other young guys and always buzz it. It felt like a mockery because she was a bit old (35 or so) and surely knew what she was talking about. Fastforward a year and his bf got NW3.5+ and went sly and they broke up. Not sure because of balding tho.

4. I met a group of friends after a year being abroad and first thing they noticed how my balding improved. "You're balding. That sucks" – one of them told me. At least they are straight.

5. A few days after I met a grandma and as soon as I entered the room she exclaimed "Oh your temples are gone!".

6. In shops we need to show an ID card on buying alcohol if you look not older than 18. If I am in a beanie (winter) I always got asked for this and if I'm without beanie and exposing my hairline cashiers never bother to ask me for ID card.

Every situation where b4 I took balding as a serious decease. I didn't even know I was balding and thought it's my """natural""" hairline.

I didn't think every situation above was weird either.


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Wow. And you're not even Norwood 4 yet. Nobody actually commented my hair in conversations, maybe it's because I've always buzzed it down. They prefer to talk about it at my back.

I buzzing them religiously from 19yo.