Baldness Confirmed Disfigurement: Wikipedia Article Matches Our Situation


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From Wikipedia:

'Disfigurement, whether caused by a benign or malignant condition, often leads to severe psychosocial problems such as negative body image; depression; difficulties in one's social, sexual, and professional lives; prejudice; and intolerance. This is partly due to how the individual copes with looking 'visibly different', though the extent of the disfigurement rarely correlates with the degree of distress the sufferer feels. An additional factor which affects sufferers of a disfigurement is the reaction they get from other people. Studies have shown that the general population respond to people with a disfigurement with less trust, less respect and often try to avoid making contact or having to look at the disfigurement. Disfigurements affecting visible areas such as the face, arms and hands are thought to present greater difficulty for sufferers to cope with than do other disfigurements.'

Sorry guys this pretty much confirms what I already thought: balding young IS disfigurement.

Everything matches: decreased life quality, the bald=evil=untrustworthiness (thanks media), the girls avoiding the bald, the full heads avoiding their company.

No more cope. Where the f*** is my cure.


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Agreed except for the proviso "balding (for the young)." Why not just say balding and leave it at that? Don't get me wrong, it's much worse to have any disfigurement when you are young and in your prime. But I'd still be upset to have someone give me a hideous facial scar on my fortieth birthday, even if 40 percent of my peers shared that same scar. Becoming older (30s, 40s, and 50s) doesn't necessitate having to accept f*****g disfigurement, which I agree is what male pattern baldness is, yes.


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Agreed except for the proviso "balding (for the young)." Why not just say balding and leave it at that? Don't get me wrong, it's much worse to have any disfigurement when you are young and in your prime. But I'd still be upset to have someone give me a hideous facial scar on my fortieth birthday, even if 40 percent of my peers shared that same scar. Becoming older (30s, 40s, and 50s) doesn't necessitate having to accept f*****g disfigurement, which I agree is what male pattern baldness is, yes.
There is a difference to being 40 and starting to go bald and being f*****g 22. I agree that for all ages it is a disfigurement but when you're way past your prime you can at least cope with it..


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There is a difference to being 40 and starting to go bald and being f*****g 22. I agree that for all ages it is a disfigurement but when you're way past your prime you can at least cope with it..

I consider 'past the prime' at 55+ years, because there are MANY handsome full heads in their 40s and early 50s. I see them every day.


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f***, acid thrown in my face would not have been as devastating as the deadly combo ugliness + Norwood 4 at age 24.

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I consider 'past the prime' at 55+ years, because there are MANY handsome full heads in their 40s and early 50s. I see them every day.

i say 70 :p

im not gonna get my back till im 50 so i want a few more years to enjoy it!


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Some men were born, and others challenged into being cuckolds. Baldness happens to be a prerequisite in many cases.


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Exactly. I can't be fucked to write a lengthy rebuttal of hanginginthewire's post, but the short story is this subject has been thrashed out on the forum here many times before and it always just ends up dividing everyone.

As a 24yr old NW4, with a 43yr old uncle who's an NW5, I can testify that balding as an 'older' guy is non-comparable. Maybe he's not representative, but I've spoken to that uncle on a number of occasions about my hair loss now (we're very close), during which he's been kind enough to share some of his own experiences.

He was a thick fullhead 'till his mid-30's when he started receding and slowly thinning (@ the crown). He told me he was bothered by it at first, but adjusted pretty quickly, and whilst he'd definitely jump to have his hair back should the opportunity present itself (and wouldn't set him back a ridiculous amount of mula), he's far from unhappy without it.

He openly admitted to me that he would have been a wreck had he lost it in his late teens or 20's though (like I did). He lived a pretty gung-ho early adulthood - lots of festivals, partying, drugs (he was a bit of a Chad when he was younger, big party animal, slayer etc) - and agreed with me that he wouldn't have been able to do all those things without his hair.

He's a blunt but warm-hearted guy who puts a premium on the truth over social niceties. At any rate, I had demanded he be 100% honest with me.

So yeah, there you go, that's my contribution to the matter. Most 40yr old guys aren't living the lifestyles of 20 and (MAYBE) early 30 year olds, they're likely (like my uncle) married with kids; at their age, hair is a vanity thing, little more.

honeslty man i think you can pull the shaved look off well. strong masculine face, good head shape, still got bit harline left. with a bit of color i think you look good man honest


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Thanks, but I'm not convinced - I haven't been laid in years, been rejected by so many girls I've lost count (some of them even dealt me the ultimate bald-barb: 'I only like guys with hair') and yeah, just generally suck socially. I'm a shut-in like @Baldhurts . There's also a huge, slick bald spot on the back of my head about the size of a small coaster or saucer. That 'bit of hairline' is the only hair I've got left (brb Zidane genes lol).

sucks to hear man. the crown loss is a f****r. you look good to me in your profile pic anyway. you trying any meds? maybe smp (even though i think you need very f*****g careful with this stuff)

from that picture you look better than most young guys i see going bald for sure.


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P.s. And those rejections also factor in my status as a dude with a well-paid job in finance, gymcel bod and a good dress sense. Even with all these going for me, I still don't make the grade.

your at a tough age. girls younger than you are kids still really. there gonna be more interested in your looks than your wallet. in a few years when you hit your late 20s things will change.

always got brothels till then man :D


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Exactly. I can't be fucked to write a lengthy rebuttal of hanginginthewire's post, but the short story is this subject has been thrashed out on the forum here many times before and it always just ends up dividing everyone.

As a 24yr old NW4, with a 43yr old uncle who's an NW5, I can testify that balding as an 'older' guy is non-comparable. Maybe he's not representative, but I've spoken to that uncle on a number of occasions about my hair loss now (we're very close), during which he's been kind enough to share some of his own experiences.

He was a thick fullhead 'till his mid-30's when he started receding and slowly thinning (@ the crown). He told me he was bothered by it at first, but adjusted pretty quickly, and whilst he'd definitely jump to have his hair back should the opportunity present itself (and wouldn't set him back a ridiculous amount of mula), he's far from unhappy without it.

He openly admitted to me that he would have been a wreck had he lost it in his late teens or 20's though (like I did). He lived a pretty gung-ho early adulthood - lots of festivals, partying, drugs (he was a bit of a Chad when he was younger, big party animal, slayer etc) - and agreed with me that he wouldn't have been able to do all those things without his hair.

He's a blunt but warm-hearted guy who puts a premium on the truth over social niceties. At any rate, I had demanded he be 100% honest with me.

So yeah, there you go, that's my contribution to the matter. Most 40yr old guys aren't living the lifestyles of 20 and (MAYBE) early 30 year olds, they're likely (like my uncle) married with kids; at their age, hair is a vanity thing, little more.

P.s. Frankie (the uncle) does get pissed off when my dad (an NW1 ironically) wheels out the bald jokes though... :p

Good post. It is annoying when I see guys in their late 30s bitching on other hair loss forums about being a NW2. Realistically being a Norwood 2 in my late 30s is a dream lol. Hair loss sucks at any age, but it definitely sucks more when you're in your teens/early 20s. Although my hair loss is minor and I caught it at a good stage of the game, I definitely feel for the younger guys that got on treatments too late or didn't respond to treatments.


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This song pretty much sums up my feelings, and is my anthem towards personal hair loss.



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From Wikipedia:

'Disfigurement, whether caused by a benign or malignant condition, often leads to severe psychosocial problems such as negative body image; depression; difficulties in one's social, sexual, and professional lives; prejudice; and intolerance. This is partly due to how the individual copes with looking 'visibly different', though the extent of the disfigurement rarely correlates with the degree of distress the sufferer feels. An additional factor which affects sufferers of a disfigurement is the reaction they get from other people. Studies have shown that the general population respond to people with a disfigurement with less trust, less respect and often try to avoid making contact or having to look at the disfigurement. Disfigurements affecting visible areas such as the face, arms and hands are thought to present greater difficulty for sufferers to cope with than do other disfigurements.'

Sorry guys this pretty much confirms what I already thought: balding young IS disfigurement.

Where in the Wikipedia does it say that disfigurements mostly matters when the victim is young?

Hint: it doesn't.
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Good post. It is annoying when I see guys in their late 30s bitching on other hair loss forums about being a NW2. Realistically being a Norwood 2 in my late 30s is a dream lol. Hair loss sucks at any age, but it definitely sucks more when you're in your teens/early 20s. Although my hair loss is minor and I caught it at a good stage of the game, I definitely feel for the younger guys that got on treatments too late or didn't respond to treatments.

I disagree. I have dealt with it in my 20, 30s, and 40s so I have more insight into this than you do and you ARE wrong, at least in some cases. The depression can get worse and worse and worse. If you are still balding in 20 years you could feel worse then than you do today.
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There is a difference to being 40 and starting to go bald and being f*****g 22. I agree that for all ages it is a disfigurement but when you're way past your prime you can at least cope with it..

First of all you're wrong. You could hate it when your past your prime the same as I do.

Also, many of the people who are bald at 40 started losing their hair in their 20s. That is what happened with me.


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This song pretty much sums up my feelings, and is my anthem towards personal hair loss.

For being so alpha I didn't know you listen to such throwaway teenage horse sh*t Shook ;)

(Don't mind me I just think Jesse Lacey is an overrated hack)