April 16th ( 84 days now on treatment )
Seems like I thinned out all over, frontal to the vertex and no thickening of new hairs, have some dark hairs that came up out of my temple area with a lot of peach fuzz hair on the temples but I don't see any density showing anywhere yet.
I don't shed a ton of hairs each day but very little which I am not sure if it is mini sheds from the minoxidil or normal mbp loss, since Jan 23rd ive used 1 bottle of 5% minoxidil liquid, and 3.5 bottles of minoxidil foam.
The hairs I shed now are all the same, small dark hairs about 1/4-1" , kinda weird and I like to know more about this as does others, I see many post about it but no replys on the reason.
My Dr, gave me a rx for Propecia which I have but have decided not to use at the moment, I am thinking should I wait for some re-growth from the minoxidil before using Propecia or go ahead and use it.
April Pictures
March Pix
[ no febuary pix ]
January Pix [pix before treatment]