Hey thinking about it, remember Fran Healy (name?) the lead Singer of Travis had that stupid uk balding man's cut where you have your hair like a rooster? Now he has his hair long and it looks quite good. Only uk men would invent a cut to hide their denial. uk guys are so stupid about things like that, they chastise you for trying to do something about it just because they were too chicken sh*t to try themselves.
I always though that semi-mohawk haircut he had looked terrbille. He was quite receded in that sort of v-shape. I saw his hair looks longer now, but i havent seen a photo of him without a hat. No idea what his hairline is like now.
Talking of things...Damon Albans hair...he was well on the way to losing it about 2 years ago, very receded, now his hair looks remarkably better.