brushing for receding hairline?


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Bryan said:
armandein said:
Despite if there is a study or there is not a study, sebum or greasy or how you want to say it, ....., It is neccesary that these people have sebum on the hair.

You keep saying that, but you don't have any scientific evidence to support that claim.

Dear Bryan;

Yes, i don't have such scientific and published in respectable journals but, you also don't have the regarded evidence against it. Is there any study where measured scalp sebum in these people?, not, only in forehead.

I don´t know if Occam have something to say. BTW it is easy solve the question, sebutape is cheap....., any doctor in the room???



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armandein said:
Bryan said:
armandein said:
Despite if there is a study or there is not a study, sebum or greasy or how you want to say it, ....., It is neccesary that these people have sebum on the hair.

You keep saying that, but you don't have any scientific evidence to support that claim.

Dear Bryan;

Yes, i don't have such scientific and published in respectable journals but, you also don't have the regarded evidence against it. Is there any study where measured scalp sebum in these people?, not, only in forehead.

I don´t know if Occam have something to say. BTW it is easy solve the question, sebutape is cheap....., any doctor in the room???


The onus is on you to provide proof.

Can anyone prove i dont sh*t rainbows? it must be true then


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Barcafan write:
"The onus is on you to provide proof."

why? If i a healthy person have sebum in hair scalp. Then, first it is neccesary provide proof that scalp hairs, in non-healthy persons, don't have sebum.

OTOH My congratulations regarding rainbows ;) , have you a probe? You know, ..., it is not usual




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Mr Bryan:

Dr, Messeger is a very good scientist with a open mind and it is a recent study:

Br J Dermatol. 2010 Feb 1. [Epub ahead of print]
Female Pattern Hair Loss in Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.

Cousen P, Messenger A.

Department of Dermatology, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK.

Abstract Female pattern hair loss, also known as female androgenetic alopecia, is generally regarded as an androgen-dependent disorder representing the female counterpart of male balding. Here we describe female pattern hair loss occurring in a patient with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome suggesting that mechanisms other than direct androgen action contribute to this common form of hair loss in women.

PMID: 20128792 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

What is your opinion please?


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this shows circulatory issues in the scalp of Androgenetic Alopecia

the issue microcirculation. the microcapilary structures degrade in Androgenetic Alopecia. i believe there is a positive feedback at work where is both a result of balding and that as the microcirculation degrades the hair quality degrades even further. cutting off the bulk blood flow by surgically sealing an artery can can induce angiogenesis. it works because it encourages regeneration of the microcapillary structures, which actually supports the notion that microcirculation is an issue in the pathogenesis of balding.


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LawOfThelema said:

this shows circulatory issues in the scalp of Androgenetic Alopecia

the issue microcirculation. the microcapilary structures degrade in Androgenetic Alopecia. i believe there is a positive feedback at work where is both a result of balding and that as the microcirculation degrades the hair quality degrades even further. cutting off the bulk blood flow by surgically sealing an artery can can induce angiogenesis. it works because it encourages regeneration of the microcapillary structures, which actually supports the notion that microcirculation is an issue in the pathogenesis of balding.

male pattern baldness=endothelial dysfunction in a androgen environment.


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LawOfThelema said:

this shows circulatory issues in the scalp of Androgenetic Alopecia

the issue microcirculation. the microcapilary structures degrade in Androgenetic Alopecia. i believe there is a positive feedback at work where is both a result of balding and that as the microcirculation degrades the hair quality degrades even further. cutting off the bulk blood flow by surgically sealing an artery can can induce angiogenesis. it works because it encourages regeneration of the microcapillary structures, which actually supports the notion that microcirculation is an issue in the pathogenesis of balding.

I already explained this on another forum: lack of circulation IS THE RESULT OF male pattern baldness not the cause!!!
AS hair moves to anagen phase, it stimulates its own bloodflow. Since none of the hair reaches anagen phase on a bald scalp == less bloodflow.
What now?


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I never understood stupid theories like this I mean what causes the blood to get blocked over time as you get older that never happened when you were younger? Also why would men with no male pattern baldness eating same diets as us not have their blood flow to head get blocked in same way? I mean you could sit here all day and ask questions and I doubt they have any real answers.
I would just say - prove it. Burden of proof on theorcrafters show us proof its blood flow.

Armando Jose

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For example, people with CAIS (Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome)

Sorry Bryan (RIP), but never existed CAIS
In 2005, a paper

" Based on the analysis of primary DNA sequences, the family

of 5α-Rs is currently thought to encompass five enzymes,

including the three main 5α-R isotypes (1, 2, and 3) and the

two trans-2,3 enoyl-CoA reductases (TECR and TECR-like)

[2, 3]. To date, no genetic deficiency has been reported for 5α-

R type 1 enzyme
. In contrast, the clinical consequences of

congenital 5α-R type 2 deficiencies are well characterized

and consist in alterations of sexual differentiation [4–10]. Mutations

in 5α-R type 3 have also been described, and are associated

with mental retardation and visual disturbances"

Armando Jose

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Mr Bryan want to be anchor in the past when it is thought that persons exist persons with COMPLETE androgen insensitivity syndrome, I don't think so, complete non androgens people are not compatible with life in my opinion.
Based on the analysis of primary DNA sequences, the family

of 5α-Rs is currently thought to encompass five enzymes,

including the three main 5α-R isotypes (1, 2, and 3) and the

two trans-2,3 enoyl-CoA reductases (TECR and TECR-like)

[2, 3]. To date, no genetic deficiency has been reported for 5α-

R type 1 enzyme
. In contrast, the clinical consequences of

congenital 5α-R type 2 deficiencies are well characterized

and consist in alterations of sexual differentiation [4–10]. Mutations

in 5α-R type 3 have also been described, and are associated

with mental retardation and visual disturbances


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Based on the analysis of primary DNA sequences, the family

of 5α-Rs is currently thought to encompass five enzymes,

including the three main 5α-R isotypes (1, 2, and 3) and the

two trans-2,3 enoyl-CoA reductases (TECR and TECR-like)

[2, 3]. To date, no genetic deficiency has been reported for 5α-

R type 1 enzyme
. In contrast, the clinical consequences of

congenital 5α-R type 2 deficiencies are well characterized

and consist in alterations of sexual differentiation [4–10]. Mutations

in 5α-R type 3 have also been described, and are associated

with mental retardation and visual disturbances

Maybe he meant the 5ar 2 deficiency for people with CAIS. You know what is scary though they say this about the 5 ar 3 deficiency, and I am pretty sure it has been found finasteride does inhibit this 5 ar 3 form of the enzyme as well the more commonly discussed type 2.
Every single person says finasteride inhibits 5 ar 2 but they never mention it inhibits the 5 ar 3 enzyme. I would like to see a study on how much it inhibits type 3 because clearly its not good to inhibit this. The brain fog or memory problems on finasteride are almost for sure from inhibiting the 5 ar 3 enzyme assuming they do exist.

"in 5α-R type 3 have also been described, and are associated
with mental retardation and visual disturbances"

Armando Jose

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finas also affect, with the time, type 1.
but i am refering that there is not any case of CAIS, complete, because there is not genetic deficiency-problem with type 1