CALLING ALL RU USERS - Time for another official RU thread


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Concentration = 0.357% and that's too low.

At least it should be > 2%. (That's 1.68g in 84ml)

Concentration is irrelevant, what matters is dose. I'm taking 15 mg of RU a day, yes it's a small dose, I'm starting with a small dose.

Side effects from RU are likely systemic based on listening to testimonials, so I'm taking a low dose. I have erectile dysfunction so just this small dose is making me nervous.


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Hey guys, do any of you have site which sells RU at a decent price or a discount code for one of the sites? Kane shipping cost to Canada is the same as the product. $35 just for shipping seems excessive.



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how are everyone results going so far with RU ? ive been on for 2 months and 2 weeks with non at all

Welcome to RU, reinsure yourself by looking at how hellouser and Irishpride grew a mane while you pathetically rub vodka and what could be baking soda in your head. I'm part of the club as well my friend


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Welcome to RU, reinsure yourself by looking at how hellouser and Irishpride grew a mane while you pathetically rub vodka and what could be baking soda in your head. I'm part of the club as well my friend

Hey sniper! I know you're frustrated man, as are we all! I am 4.5 months and don't know if anything is happening. I will wait 6-8. Just remember, you're doing what you can to beat this, and it TAKES TIME! How long are you on RU now? Have you considered dutasteride?

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how are everyone results going so far with RU ? ive been on for 2 months and 2 weeks with non at all

remember, there is NO way it's physiologically possible to respond to treatments that quick, unless you're one of the very rare luck ones. 1) you are balding. this means you have all this ****ty vellous hair whose follicles are being choked out by DHT so 2) the treatment NEEDS TO send these follicles into telogen to shed this sh*t hair.. telogen takes 3-4 months and 3) the hair needs to start regrowing. this begins SUPER thin and invisible and gradually gets thicker at a rate of .5" / month.

This is USUALLY how treatments work, especially if you're a diffuse thinner, or in a more advanced stage of hair loss. THAT is why EVERY ONE says to wait at least 8 months for regrowth and at least 3-4 to see a cessation in hair fall.


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Hey sniper! I know you're frustrated man, as are we all! I am 4.5 months and don't know if anything is happening. I will wait 6-8. Just remember, you're doing what you can to beat this, and it TAKES TIME! How long are you on RU now? Have you considered dutasteride?

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remember, there is NO way it's physiologically possible to respond to treatments that quick, unless you're one of the very rare luck ones. 1) you are balding. this means you have all this ****ty vellous hair whose follicles are being choked out by DHT so 2) the treatment NEEDS TO send these follicles into telogen to shed this sh*t hair.. telogen takes 3-4 months and 3) the hair needs to start regrowing. this begins SUPER thin and invisible and gradually gets thicker at a rate of .5" / month.

This is USUALLY how treatments work, especially if you're a diffuse thinner, or in a more advanced stage of hair loss. THAT is why EVERY ONE says to wait at least 8 months for regrowth and at least 3-4 to see a cessation in hair fall.

Getting my 30 dutasteride pills this week, will be taking one Monday and one Thursday every week, other days will be finasteride.


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Welcome to RU, reinsure yourself by looking at how hellouser and Irishpride grew a mane while you pathetically rub vodka and what could be baking soda in your head. I'm part of the club as well my friend

yeah pretty much who knows if RU will actually do anything but i take comfort like buckthorn said in at least im doing something. :sulkoff:


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yeah pretty much who knows if RU will actually do anything but i take comfort like buckthorn said in at least im doing something. :sulkoff:

I do think RU from kane is legit. Awhile ago I even had an IR done which helped confirm this for myself. However, I dont think RU58841 is a good standalone treatment for the androgenic aspect of hairloss. The studies done on it state that it has a high affinity for the AR that is equal to or greater than testosterone. I read somewhere it may have 1.8x the affinity of testosterone for the AR. Well DHT has anywhere from 5-10x greater AR affinity over testosterone. Many users report that it stops working after awhile. I just think that DHT is winning the slot for the receptor. I do believe its a good therapy in conjunction with a 5AR inhibitor.


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Concentration is irrelevant, what matters is dose. I'm taking 15 mg of RU a day, yes it's a small dose, I'm starting with a small dose.

Side effects from RU are likely systemic based on listening to testimonials, so I'm taking a low dose. I have erectile dysfunction so just this small dose is making me nervous.

That's true. I have insomnia sides with RU >50mg/ day. I'm currently using 20-30mg.


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Yeah the future is this or CB combined with something like finasteride. I dont think propecia is going anywhere for a long time still its just so good even when combined with other approaches


New Member
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zx42 still working and going strong

MANY of us are wondering what is going on with the RU users on here. Some of us just started, and are in desperate need of your experience and advice. ANYONE using RU PLEASE take a minute to answer the following -

1) duration of use
2) source of RU and strength of application
3) RESULTS - of course pics are awesome if you have them.
4) side effects
5) WHAT else or you using? and any additional info :D

This will take you two minutes and will greatly help GUIDE those of us that are less experienced and just beginning our journey!!! and... DUDE, this is in BOLD with a LOT of CAPITAL letters, so you HAVE to take me SERIOUSLY.

love, Buckthorn
hello friends my name is alan and back in 2008 i started working on a formula called zx42 ,, it took me 6000 hours of research ,,3.5 years of testing and 18 formulas to get it right , i will not explain the science behind our product line ,, i feel its no ones concern and my ip knowledge ,, after all i worked to hard just to let someone have the keys ,, it all started when i was losing my own hair , i was a norwood 4.a , i tried everything and after about five years of snakeoil ,, i created zx42 for myself ,, it was an accident to create a company , but after giving it away for the first year i knew i was on to something great ,, now we started of of you tube , and in the year 2013 we were attacked by a company from turkey ,, they were upset for blocking them on all of our videos on you tube ,, they kept trying to promote there products on our channels ,, any way they put me on the fake ripoff report and many other places etc etc , we came to terms after a while and we agreed to got separate ways and stop the slander ,, we can say one thing . we are the only company we know of that has an a rating on the bbb report ,, no one can say we pay them because we are not bbb members ,, we also have a 4.4 star rating on amazon as well and growing .. we had one 1 star rating from an amazon employee because we refused to send him free product ,, he has been fired for over a year now ..we have zx42 extreme and a more powerful version called shockwave , we are now in 97 countries around the world . we would like you to visit amazon or zx42solutions on the net , you will be very pleased , our videos are mom and pop type ,, we just want to be normal unlike fake infomercials ,, if you do not like this message please do not be mean , the world is full of bad people we are here to help,, you can email us on our site if you have any questions ,, ZX42 IS THE REAL DEAL ,, thank you for your time


My Regimen
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hello friends my name is alan and back in 2008 i started working on a formula called zx42 ,, it took me 6000 hours of research ,,3.5 years of testing and 18 formulas to get it right , i will not explain the science behind our product line ,, i feel its no ones concern and my ip knowledge ,, after all i worked to hard just to let someone have the keys ,, it all started when i was losing my own hair , i was a norwood 4.a , i tried everything and after about five years of snakeoil ,, i created zx42 for myself ,, it was an accident to create a company , but after giving it away for the first year i knew i was on to something great ,, now we started of of you tube , and in the year 2013 we were attacked by a company from turkey ,, they were upset for blocking them on all of our videos on you tube ,, they kept trying to promote there products on our channels ,, any way they put me on the fake ripoff report and many other places etc etc , we came to terms after a while and we agreed to got separate ways and stop the slander ,, we can say one thing . we are the only company we know of that has an a rating on the bbb report ,, no one can say we pay them because we are not bbb members ,, we also have a 4.4 star rating on amazon as well and growing .. we had one 1 star rating from an amazon employee because we refused to send him free product ,, he has been fired for over a year now ..we have zx42 extreme and a more powerful version called shockwave , we are now in 97 countries around the world . we would like you to visit amazon or zx42solutions on the net , you will be very pleased , our videos are mom and pop type ,, we just want to be normal unlike fake infomercials ,, if you do not like this message please do not be mean , the world is full of bad people we are here to help,, you can email us on our site if you have any questions ,, ZX42 IS THE REAL DEAL ,, thank you for your time

you post on my thread again, and you will be banned. Hell, I am putting a request to ban you right now. You are the scum of the earth. You were gifted the beautiful higher intelligence brain of a human, and yet you are a f*cking parasite. Get lost loser.


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Hello all,

After a month or so of daily 1mg (or was it 1ml? - I cannot remember, it was the recommended amount) application of RU-58841 I called it quits as I was having flashbacks to my awful finasteride experience (low t, depression, every other side effect and possibly some jungle disease) and accepted my fate. At the time and before my use of finasteride and RU my hairloss was slow and hardly noticeable and so I expected that after being off both products for quite some time my hairloss would simply revert to it's original speed.

Not so. The shedding has accelerated drasticaly after stopping RU (stopped maybe... 6 months ago?) and is rapidly declining into FUBAR territory.

I assume that what has happened is the fabled weakening of my receptors by my RU and finasteride use or whatever.

My questions is this - is there any sort of controlled method you could suggest I use to counter this effect? Eg. Light use of RU to offset the weakened "receptors" or something? Or perhaps if I was to apply minute amounts of RU markedly throughout the day (say in intervals of 4 rather than one-time application) so as to lessen the chance of reaching the bloodstream and enhancing side-effects?

Fking hell - I know this is a stretch. But the entire scenario is depressing the hell out of me.

Any thoughts or suggestions on the subject will be greatly appreciated.

Buy time with minoxidil.

With that said, you mean 1 ml not 1 mg, there's almost certainly no way you got all that of 1 mg of RU lol. Did your by your RU from Kane? Was it the 5% version? In which case you were taking 50 mg.

For recovering from anti-androgens, I have not done extensive research. I know that some posters on propeciahelp forums have recovered from symptoms by means of extended water-only fasting, as in 14-21 days of just water, but that was from propecia not RU.

With respect to RU itself, I've read a lot of posts and it seems like side effects are dose-dependent. That's why I'll be taking 15 mg/day, possibly the smallest dose of anybody on the forum actually taking RU. I start taking RU tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.


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Some advice regarding RU


My short story
1.5 years ago i took 1mg finasteride for 4 weeks but quit due low libido and watery semen. All went back to normal.
4 months ago i took 0.25mg propecia and although it gave me no low libido and watery semen, now it gave me a different sides (Breast pain). I quit but 2 months later noticed a lump that got ugly. I have countered it with Nolvadex for 6 weeks.There is still some left but it doesn't bother me. Still puffy and sensitive nipples though.

I don't want to stop battling hairloss so i have a few questions i hope you guys can help me out with. I will post the question regarding the topic on different threads but 'My short story' will be the same.

My question
Are there people here who got sides on low dose of in but no sides on RU? If so how much RU are you using now?


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Buy time with minoxidil.

With that said, you mean 1 ml not 1 mg, there's almost certainly no way you got all that of 1 mg of RU lol. Did your by your RU from Kane? Was it the 5% version? In which case you were taking 50 mg.

For recovering from anti-androgens, I have not done extensive research. I know that some posters on propeciahelp forums have recovered from symptoms by means of extended water-only fasting, as in 14-21 days of just water, but that was from propecia not RU.

With respect to RU itself, I've read a lot of posts and it seems like side effects are dose-dependent. That's why I'll be taking 15 mg/day, possibly the smallest dose of anybody on the forum actually taking RU. I start taking RU tomorrow morning. Wish me luck.

Not enough to do anything


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Hi all,

I have a question, lately I've been trying to find out more information on RU58841, I keep my weekly supply in a small clear plastic bottle and I keep 5 days worth in the fridge.

I'm about to purchase redken cerafil which has 5% stemoxydine, which is perfect because they sell it in Australia, I plan on using it as a vehicle.

But, from what I've read on that site, they said something about it must be kept away from light. Ive been using 150mg over a 1ml dosage daily. And find I still get scalp sensations and I still shed about 10-20 hairs in the shower.

Most users report a shedding decrease down to a Max of 5 hairs in the shower.

Which to me means it's not penetrating my scalp properly.
How hard do you guys massage it in?
Is there a trick you use?
And do you keep your mix in a dark container away from any form of light?


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hey brother, yes, keep it away from sunlight. Get a bottle that doesn't allow it in. If you're using a stemoxydine solution, it should penetrate the epidermis just fine. I definitely feel lightly dermrolling the entire scalp before application of anything is beneficial. I use 1.5mm 2-3 A week and the .5mm everyday before applying topicals. I also believe dermarolling helps with inflammation. also, get a boar bristle brush.


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Threw away about 8 grams of RU in the trash today. Got really bad chest pains after yesterday's application, stuff is doing absolutely nothing for my hair. The stuff is straight garbage, don't know why I decided to try this experimental Chinese sh*t.


My Regimen
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Threw away about 8 grams of RU in the trash today. Got really bad chest pains after yesterday's application, stuff is doing absolutely nothing for my hair. The stuff is straight garbage, don't know why I decided to try this experimental Chinese sh*t.

starting to feel the same way. I believe it's the RU that's causing all these crawling feelings in my scalp. F*ck this crap. I think I am with you on this bro - DONE.