Can bald men ever hope to lead their countries?


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"I'm afraid the answer is no, it is not. Politics may be, as the cliche has it, showbusiness for ugly people, but it is not showbusiness for bald people. I have no idea what that would be – maybe radio? Maybe the night-time slot. On Sundays.

Because, as you doubtless know, my follicly-challenged correspondent, forget about race and gender: baldness is the real victim of prejudice today, the last taboo, if you will. And now that politics is such a televisual event, I'm afraid baldies have no chance – something Silvio Berlusconi knows, he of the possible hair transplant and of the definite combover. The man might be rich enough to buy the country, but even he knew there is not enough money in the world to buy off the baldism of the people."

Article: ... ask-hadley


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It's a fact, I'm afraid. It will only get worse in the future, as young baldies coming into their careers are discriminated far worse than their counterparts were several decades ago.

I would be surprised to see bald Cabinet members in a few years' time. They're simply not presentable to the public.

In industry, too, I think it's pretty much over for the bald executive. There will probably be some, but fewer will make it through. The fact is that being bald is considered sub-human by society these days and you need to work 500% harder to succeed with it as a handicap.

I expect bald people to be largely relegated to manual labour, menial service jobs, and other such occupations seen as fitting for the lowest of the species.


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Boondock said:
It's a fact, I'm afraid. It will only get worse in the future, as young baldies coming into their careers are discriminated far worse than their counterparts were several decades ago.

I would be surprised to see bald Cabinet members in a few years' time. They're simply not presentable to the public.

In industry, too, I think it's pretty much over for the bald executive. There will probably be some, but fewer will make it through. The fact is that being bald is considered sub-human by society these days and you need to work 500% harder to succeed with it as a handicap.

I expect bald people to be largely relegated to manual labour, menial service jobs, and other such occupations seen as fitting for the lowest of the species.

haha wow.


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Sometimes I'm worried I could be the next Hatprisoner/UCMan, but most of what the guys say is right on the money IMO.


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The world's richest man is pretty bald and there are other successful bald entrepreneurs
There are also some bald world leaders. Take Calderon for example

In a world where people of color are barely represented in positions of power, you have the guts to say that bald people have it difficult?

If baldness is considered such a subhuman trace, why is Steve Ballmer leading one of the biggest corporations in the world?

I understand your pain about losing attractiveness, but Boondock, I think you are bordering into paranoia


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These are just the facts. Ask hatprisoner or dudemon if you don't believe me.

The only exception is Russia, where a bald/non-bald rotating Presidency system has been established. It would be nice to see similar quotas and affirmative action in other challenges facing the bald community.


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Boondock said:
These are just the facts. Ask hatprisoner or dudemon if you don't believe me.
Both are successful in their careers and make tons of money. dudemon can even take some years to go back to school.
I wonder what would happen if they were women or Black. If bald men have to work 500% more, I wonder what a Black man needs to do to be in the Forbes list

The only exception is Russia, where a bald/non-bald rotating Presidency system has been established. It would be nice to see similar quotas and affirmative action in other challenges facing the bald community.
Mexico also had a lot of balding/bald presidents. That's the only country I can remember with a lot of balding heads (pun intended) of state.

Really, between the paranoids in the forums and the deniers of slybald guys are hurting the bald community more than anything


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It wouldn't even be that hard. You could have a law ensuring, say, 20% of people elected to Congress have to be bald men. Or 10% of any white-collar workforce. It would even out the discrimination and allow the bald community to break through the glass ceiling.

It's harder to have a quota for Presidents, so I think a rotating system like the one they use in Russia would work best. One term for bald men, and one term for non-bald men (women could be included in this category if they want).

Obviously in modelling, acting etc it's harder to change things. They could introduce a 'Yul Brynner Award' at the Oscars, however, giving full recognition to Norwooded talent. Other initiatives could be taken to raise awareness and encourage Norwood challengers to enter these professions.


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I hope you are joking Boondock, I'm afraid I can't tell the difference in this forum.

What about quotas for ugly people?
People with big noses? fat people? short guys? crooked teeth?


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slybald_bot said:
i still get carded at bars, ill be 34, people say tht i look a decade younger
After about 3 posts you lost all credibility. :thumbdown2:


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bigentries said:
Mexico also had a lot of balding/bald presidents. That's the only country I can remember with a lot of balding heads (pun intended) of state.
Also, Greece's prime ministers of the last 30-40 years are mostly bald men with only few exceptions.

uncomfortable man

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Well here in America things are pretty superficial. Bald politicians sure, there's plenty in congress. Bald presidents? Not on your life. Just look at the last election... on one side you have McCain, a powdery white old man with a combover and on the other side you have Obama, a handsome young black man with a ruler straight hairline. The American people are brainwashed by looksism so intuitively, we chose our president based off of looks equally if not greater than actual qualifications.


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uncomfortable man said:
Well here in America things are pretty superficial. Bald politicians sure, there's plenty in congress. Bald presidents? Not on your life. Just look at the last election... on one side you have McCain, a powdery white old man with a combover and on the other side you have Obama, a handsome young black man with a ruler straight hairline. The American people are brainwashed by looksism so intuitively, we chose our president based off of looks equally if not greater than actual qualifications.
I agree with you that at least the presidential race in America is now a joke, and has lost any sense of real politics, which is just evil men trying to get into power (let's accept it, that's what politics are). I believe this is because of the democracy America has, coupled with the standards of living, it's difficult for a politician with ambitions but lack of charisma to sell himself. The two parties try to make their presidential candidates as mainstream as possible and just sell it to the people as another celebrity.

I agree a bald presidential candidate (or ugly, etc) has it difficult in the presidential race. But I think Obama's victory was more a punishment vote to the Republican party than any other thing (like race, age or hair).

If Bush didn't screwed up as much as he did, it would be interesting to see how the election might had resulted.


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The author really had no qualms about effectively saying that bald guys are ugly..Second time in the last couple of months that I've read something to that effect in the Guardian...the other was a 'letter' from a balding guy asking for styling advice and the response was just a rant about how bald guys who shave their heads are stupid if they think women believe they've full heads of hair and are shaving it out of choice (like that's why anyone shaves their heads..)


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FSHGLD said:
The author really had no qualms about effectively saying that bald guys are ugly..Second time in the last couple of months that I've read something to that effect in the Guardian...the other was a 'letter' from a balding guy asking for styling advice and the response was just a rant about how bald guys who shave their heads are stupid if they think women believe they've full heads of hair and are shaving it out of choice (like that's why anyone shaves their heads..) ... y-bald-men

she doesn't really diss bald men exactly but her overall argument about the shaved head is stupid. People who think we shave our heads to hide the fact we are bald are really stupid...not once have I intended that to be the case. When people who first saw me with my head shaved and asked why, I was honest with them...and nowadays it should be pretty obvious to most people why I shave it, and thats fine with me...I prefer that.

People need to understand that shaving one's head isn't "hiding" from being bald...its intended to cover up the aesthetic disadvantage that a grown out, pronounced horseshoe has on one's appearance, but its not intended to hide from the fact that the person is bald..especially because the person is making themselves MORE bald than they would be as yeah, I never understood that argument and it annoys me. For those who think that people who shave their heads are embarrassed or hiding from hairloss...its the exact same thing as saying that people who brush, style and gel their hair are ashamed of their hair in its natural state. Its merely going with the best available style there is...and unfortunately for bald(ing) men, the choices we have with styling our hair are much more limited.

But yeah...the author of that article is stupid for thinking that men are "patronizing" women by assuming they won't notice they're bald...I don't care at all if they know or not. I would just much rather look closer to this


than this



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Boondock said:
It's a fact, I'm afraid. It will only get worse in the future, as young baldies coming into their careers are discriminated far worse than their counterparts were several decades ago.

I would be surprised to see bald Cabinet members in a few years' time. They're simply not presentable to the public.

In industry, too, I think it's pretty much over for the bald executive. There will probably be some, but fewer will make it through. The fact is that being bald is considered sub-human by society these days and you need to work 500% harder to succeed with it as a handicap.

I expect bald people to be largely relegated to manual labour, menial service jobs, and other such occupations seen as fitting for the lowest of the species.

Wow. I used to think you were a pretty level headed guy, but this is just so incredibly wrong I don't even know where to begin.

Is your finasteride giving you brain fog?


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Thickandthin said:
Boondock said:
It's a fact, I'm afraid. It will only get worse in the future, as young baldies coming into their careers are discriminated far worse than their counterparts were several decades ago.

I would be surprised to see bald Cabinet members in a few years' time. They're simply not presentable to the public.

In industry, too, I think it's pretty much over for the bald executive. There will probably be some, but fewer will make it through. The fact is that being bald is considered sub-human by society these days and you need to work 500% harder to succeed with it as a handicap.

I expect bald people to be largely relegated to manual labour, menial service jobs, and other such occupations seen as fitting for the lowest of the species.

Wow. I used to think you were a pretty level headed guy, but this is just so incredibly wrong I don't even know where to begin.

Is your finasteride giving you brain fog?

I've sort of been parodying myself today. I wouldn't pay much attention to it.


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Prime Minster of Italy, Berlusconi - Bald
President of Belarus, Lukashenko - Bald
Prime Minister of Sweden, Reinfeldt - Bald
President of Kosovo, Sejdiu - Bald
President of Slovakia, Gasparovic - Getting there..
President of Greece, Papoulias - Bald
President of Romania, Basescu - Getting there..
President of the European Council, Van Rompuy - Bald

Common people this is in Europe alone...


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So now people here see the Russian government as purposely deciding "bald, nonbald, bald, nonbald" rotation dynasty?

The stupid get stupider.

Bald men can lead. Churchill was bald. Moussolini is bald. Most bald guys are going to be fat and depressed about baldness, reducing the number of potential bald leaders by huge numbers.

You people are sickening in your self deprecating idiocy.