Can bald men ever hope to lead their countries?


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TheGrayMan2001 said:
Welllll you guys are never making it in life. TTYL.

I agree. This is precisely why we need the MPBonus system of employment quotas, and Norwood Nurseries re-education schemes.


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I think we should also put pressure on Hollywood writers to try and make a cultural impact, so that baldness can be reevaluated as cool.

It is possible to do. Think how strong the impression was from the smoking cigarettes = cool connection. This came from movies. It took years to reverse.

For example, we could have a cool crime syndicate, a little like Oceans Eleven. Except this time we could have six individuals, and call the troup The Norwood Six. You could have a sequel easily: The Norwood Seven.

This will definitely help to reshape perceptions. For example, you'll have jocks using the term as a way to denote social status. A man could bed a hot chick, then the next day get a high-five off his mate saying "nice one dude, you're such a Norwood Seven."

It would develop over time:

"Man, Johnny pulled six hotties in the club last night - what a Norwood Seven."

You could have merchandise campaigns with products. For example, Norwood 7Up Soft Drinks.

These are the kind of changes we need.


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I've just been in touch with the drinks manufactuers. We have a new design.


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Boondock said:
I think the tide will turn against the shaved head, and it will become the new combover. Remember the combover wasn't mocked so hard when it first came in; it took time. The shaved look is exactly the same thing.

"Me? I'm not a horseshoe Norwood 7 at all, I just choose to shave bro."

Who are we fooling, really.

As for discrimination, I think certainly government initiatives to fight baldism should be introduced. It should be on a par with racism, homophobia, and so on. I think we will need to march to Washington to raise awareness, though. I want to see UCMan leading the crowd to the Capitol to deliver a landmark "I have a dream"-style speech in defence of the bald community.

Also, a big factor is education. I would like to see the introduction of school education programmes about hair loss, whereby we send Dr Rassman into schools to educate 11-16 year-olds about the condition. Perhaps we should even start earlier, and target the youngest of our population with a Norwood Nuseries programme designed to shape perceptions about baldness into a positive realm from early life. Only this way can we change the perceptions of the bald community long-term.

but the combover was never a good thing and has always been considered ridiculous. The fundamental difference between the shave and the combover is that the combover is attempting to give the illusion of having a decent amount of hair...its deceptive. The person is using existing HAIR to cover up baldness...with shaving the head, the person is removing all hair and adopting a fully bald look. The combover is just ridiculous...its also aesthetically unattractive in every case. I don't think its possible to look even remotely attractive with a combover, the same can't be said for a shaved head as there are some men who look great with no hair. I'm hoping its here to stay and I think too many bald men have adopted it for it to become ridiculed. The only thing I do agree with is that for some men it just doesn't look good, especially if they've let themselves go in other areas as well. Thats why I also don't agree with the way slybaldguys operates even though I think its still immensely more heplful than a place like this.

and people need to realize...baldness is more accepted today than in the past. The fact is...while its not the norm, you still have bald movie stars and TV stars. Anyone watch the show breaking bad? The main character shaves his head to the skin (he starts doing it because of chemo but he ends up keeping it even when his hair could grow back meaning the show producers want him to be bald). The Shield is another example. Howie Mandel hosts 2 shows and is completely bald. John Travolta was bald for From Paris with Love. The new upcoming movie the Expendables has like 4 bald stars....the mere fact that there are even SOME Hollywood movies and network TV shows with bald leading men should show that it isn't as discriminated against as people here like to believe. And that's even in the relm of HOLLYWOOD...the most superficial and discriminatory business in the world today.

Hair is obviously considered "preferable" to baldness but it isn't this devil's curse that people try to make it out to be....any bald person in their 30's and 40's who tries to make out like its some sort of profound disability is really just inventing a victim story for themselves, and I don't care what anybody says in defense of that...its true. By that time...its normal enough that it isn't nearly the end of the world and most people aren't gonna give a f*** either way. Victim mentalities are very easy to identify with and difficult to eradicate though for some people.

uncomfortable man

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Your too much Boondock (my new favorite poster). Your Matrix bits were genius and now this... awesome! As far as your government funded programs to aid the bald, I can't help but feel you are being a little tounge & cheek so it's hard for me to gauge your seriousness here. But let's talk about it anyway. Throught history, certain demographics have struggled for equality against prejudiced standards. Remember a time when being openly racist was socially acceptable? Over time, with the efforts of the civil rights movement, blacks have for the most part overcome racism and society is much more accepting than it used to be. Try calling someone a ******** out in public and see what happens! Women, have been another oppressed group that had to fight for basic rights in our history. Today, women are more successful than they have ever been and they have overcome the stereotypes that have limited them in the past. Gays and lesbians are going through the same struggle right now for their right to marry and still have to deal with alot of hate and misunderstanding. All of these groups have become more socially acceptable and have managed to shed the hurtful stigma that society has imposed onto them. The strong influence of political correctness has tended to curb societies knee-jerk reaction to openly harbor hateful and prejudiced behavior. So who is left for society to direct it's ignorance and hate now? Bald people. We are the last bastion for the biggots to indulge in their socially acceptable hatred. Granted, the treatment bald people face pales in comparison to 300 years of slavery but someone can yell "baldie" at me out in public and people are fine with it, they may even laugh about it. We need to turn the mirror on societies tendency to hate us and make them realize that it is inherently wrong to do so.


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Teaching about Bald people in school? This is the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard! In fact it's just funny..


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^^Hey, we gotta stop the prejudice somehow!

Boondock said:
I think we should also put pressure on Hollywood writers to try and make a cultural impact, so that baldness can be reevaluated as cool.

It is possible to do. Think how strong the impression was from the smoking cigarettes = cool connection. This came from movies. It took years to reverse.

For example, we could have a cool crime syndicate, a little like Oceans Eleven. Except this time we could have six individuals, and call the troup The Norwood Six. You could have a sequel easily: The Norwood Seven.

This will definitely help to reshape perceptions. For example, you'll have jocks using the term as a way to denote social status. A man could bed a hot chick, then the next day get a high-five off his mate saying "nice one dude, you're such a Norwood Seven."

It would develop over time:

"Man, Johnny pulled six hotties in the club last night - what a Norwood Seven."

You could have merchandise campaigns with products. For example, Norwood 7Up Soft Drinks.

These are the kind of changes we need.
LOL! Funniest post i've ever read in this forum :D


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Sorry if this has already been mentioned i dont have time to read the previous posts. Winston churchill was priminister in world war 2, he was bald. So i believe yes.


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Boondock said:
These are just the facts. Ask hatprisoner or dudemon if you don't believe me.

The only exception is Russia, where a bald/non-bald rotating Presidency system has been established. It would be nice to see similar quotas and affirmative action in other challenges facing the bald community.

Is that true? Russia has a bald/non-bald rotating presidency? Wow.

Do you think the reason we don't have a bald cure yet is men with hair don't want competition?


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bigentries said:
I wonder what would happen if they were women or Black. If bald men have to work 500% more, I wonder what a Black man needs to do to be in the Forbes list

Women and dark skinned people get scholarships thrown at them. If they can just pass their classes, there is big bucks waiting for them. If a white man has a 3.7, he will have a hard time getting funded. But there always are loans.


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bigentries said:
Mexico also had a lot of balding/bald presidents. That's the only country I can remember with a lot of balding heads (pun intended) of state.

That should remain true for third world countries for a while. No TV. Once they get to first world, it changes. Think the king of china cares if he loses any hair?


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CCS said:
bigentries said:
I wonder what would happen if they were women or Black. If bald men have to work 500% more, I wonder what a Black man needs to do to be in the Forbes list

Women and dark skinned people get scholarships thrown at them. If they can just pass their classes, there is big bucks waiting for them. If a white man has a 3.7, he will have a hard time getting funded. But there always are loans.


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follicle84 said:
Sorry if this has already been mentioned i dont have time to read the previous posts. Winston churchill was priminister in world war 2, he was bald. So i believe yes.

Different era, much less superficial times. Today Winston just would'nt have a hope.


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I suppose in them days of war the last thing the people would care about was was wether the pm has hair or not, they were trying to survive.

In todays world however everythings media driven and appearance is everything. There are those however who are high up make it to mp. Take william hague for instance. Not saying he'll make pm but he has done well to have gotten were he is. There's also that vladmere putton (is that how you spell his name?) who is balding. He may not be norwood 6 but he is definetelly balding and has managed to become a pm in russia.


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follicle84 said:
I suppose in them days of war the last thing the people would care about was was wether the pm has hair or not, they were trying to survive.

In those days they wanted to see a worldy wise leader. Someone who looked like he had plenty of life experience.

Follicle84 said:
In todays world however everythings media driven and appearance is everything. There are those however who are high up make it to mp. Take william hague for instance. Not saying he'll make pm but he has done well to have gotten were he is. There's also that vladmere putton (is that how you spell his name?) who is balding. He may not be norwood 6 but he is definetelly balding and has managed to become a pm in russia.

Putin did'nt rise to where he is today through public opinion.


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Good point different type of government in russia me thinks. Maybe media has less impact there. Im just speculating.

uncomfortable man

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Not while the media has got everyone brainwashed to be a baldist.