Can minoxidil make surrounding healthy hairs dependent?


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Are we sure that healthy hair which minoxidil touches can't get addicted to it and die once you stop when they would have otherwise survived for years?

Why are you so over the top with this question? You've been asking it for literally 7 months and no one will have a definitive answer for you, ever. The bottom line is, if you take it, you need to take it, forever. If you stop you'll lose your gains, and more.


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Yes of course, and more. Youll lose your gains and also youll lose the additional hair you would have lost anyway while you are on minoxidil. And possibly more than that if surrounding hairs get "addicted". Do they? Who knows? And does it really matter? If you take minoxidil and stop youre probably going to lose a lot of hair either way, pretty quickly, like the guy in the video. So its not a good idea to go on it and then stop if you want to keep your hair.


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" If you take minoxidil and stop youre probably going to lose a lot of hair either way, pretty quickly, like the guy in the video"

You mean if you stop?

I had a hypothesis that the way minoxidil works, more blood getting through etc could also leave the possibility for more DHT getting in so when you stop treatments male pattern baldness hits harder if thats possible idk


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Yeah, I mean if you take it and then stop taking it, you'll lose hair. (Unless it was doing nothing for you.)

I take it now and its helping... so I know if I stop I'm going to lose hair.

Maybe you're right about blood flow and DHT.


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My hairlines certainly got worse since going back on it. I know i've been losing more hair, kinda hard not to notice when some strands keep falling in my mouth I'm hoping this is a shedding phase rather than minoxidil causing a permanently worse hairline


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perhaps because the minoxidil causes the shed in the initial areas it looks like it spreads to the unaffected hairs?


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3 month update on adding minoxidil back, now my hairline goes straight back instead of back a little then diagnal... Starting to think i was definitely right about this stuff in terms of what it does to my hair


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After taking high doses of Minoxidil for years I'm starting to get more cynical about it. The problem I have is I don't know if I have a recessive gene (one), or the
medication has helped me not be a Norwood four on top. But it isn't helping my left hairline at all.

People joke with me about being bald. Maybe that's a good sign that I'm not (hopefully thinking that is the case)..

So you had a hairline then when you started to use minoxidil it fell apart while the minoxidil helped your crown?


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4 Month update. My hairline is still a nw1 on the left side. Has got worse on the right side (where I'm applying minoxidil). A lot of thinning out and no cosmetically noticable regrowth. I'm stopping minoxidil now, It doesn't appear to have harmed my crown but it kills my hairline. I'm sticking with finasteride. Anyone know any other products that could help?