Cancer Sufferer:Being Bald is the Worst Part


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People should read this artice:

"But honestly, I hate it. I realize “hateâ€￾ is a strong word but I really don’t like being bald. I don’t like feeling as if I have to cover my head with something whenever I go out. I want to bare it all, but I just can’t. People stare. It takes me off-guard and I suddenly feel odd and off-balance and my emotions well up, reminding me that I am sick."

If that doesn't clarify, the "IMPACT" of Hair Loss (as this forum is called), I don't know what will.


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this is an absurd and ridiculous thread....hairloss sucks for men...but it is a COMPLETELY different thing for women. Hair is ultimately considered feminine. The majority of women are defined by their hair. It means the world to them. That is why they wear it much longer than men. Notice how when some women get really short haircuts its considered "butch" AKA MASUCLINE? Its because long hair...a defining trait of FEMININE!

losing hair in this society may not be desirable...but it is still associated with masculinity. Bald men and bald women are in a completely, utterly different realm. One is considered normal (despite what some delusional people think IS completely normal to see many bald men walking down the street on a given day) and the other is an anomaly.

To even put the two in the same category and try to justify why this woman's hairloss defines what it means for men to lose their hair is just pathetic...and highly inaccurate.


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qball01 said:
this is an absurd and ridiculous thread....hairloss sucks for men...but it is a COMPLETELY different thing for women. Hair is ultimately considered feminine. The majority of women are defined by their hair. It means the world to them. That is why they wear it much longer than men. Notice how when some women get really short haircuts its considered "butch" AKA MASUCLINE? Its because long hair...a defining trait of FEMININE!

losing hair in this society may not be desirable...but it is still associated with masculinity. Bald men and bald women are in a completely, utterly different realm. One is considered normal (despite what some delusional people think IS completely normal to see many bald men walking down the street on a given day) and the other is an anomaly.

To even put the two in the same category and try to justify why this woman's hairloss defines what it means for men to lose their hair is just pathetic...and highly inaccurate.

You are right. It's a bad analogy? WHY?

Because her hairloss is TEMPORARY. It will grow back.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
qball01 said:
this is an absurd and ridiculous thread....hairloss sucks for men...but it is a COMPLETELY different thing for women. Hair is ultimately considered feminine. The majority of women are defined by their hair. It means the world to them. That is why they wear it much longer than men. Notice how when some women get really short haircuts its considered "butch" AKA MASUCLINE? Its because long hair...a defining trait of FEMININE!

losing hair in this society may not be desirable...but it is still associated with masculinity. Bald men and bald women are in a completely, utterly different realm. One is considered normal (despite what some delusional people think IS completely normal to see many bald men walking down the street on a given day) and the other is an anomaly.

To even put the two in the same category and try to justify why this woman's hairloss defines what it means for men to lose their hair is just pathetic...and highly inaccurate.

You are right. It's a bad analogy? WHY?

Because her hairloss is TEMPORARY. It will grow back.

good lord you're not too bright at all are you?

Its an awful analogy because hair...and hairloss are completely different thing for men and women. If you see a woman with breasts does it stand out to you? Not unless they're unusually large small...but even then its not a big deal because she's still a, what if you see a man with noticeable breasts. No big deal right? Because its normal for a woman to have them, so by your should be the same for a man also!

No...hairloss is one thing for men and something completely different for women. For men, it should be something that stings at first and then they just get the f*** over it because its normal and it happens to a lot of men...and is therefore socically ACCEPTABLE. Sure..its not desirable, but its acceptable (despite what paranoid people like yourself and others on this site think). For women...its not considered normal, or very socially acceptable at all. COMPLETELY different things. Don't for one second think that your views on male hairloss are indicative of what most men feel about it...especially in their 40's. Most men may not like hairloss but they aren't going to whine and moan about how much its ruined their life and nonsense like that..especially not in their god-damn 40's. This thread is ridiculous. You using this article to try and justify your own irrational hairloss related insecurities is absurd....


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yet YOU somehow feel you have to respond to it. So who is the idiot? Thought so.

I'll tell you what I'll find you an article where a MAN says the same thing she did. Where he has cancer and he talks about the hairloss being so rough on him. As a matter of fact, a quick check of any cancer forum and you will see PLENTY of men saying that. Go Have a look yourself.

Oh wait, are you gonna try to say it'snot the same because they have hairloss in Canada or something now too?

I'm my posts bother you (and it's funny to hear someone who posts on a hair loss board himself preaching) then don't respond to them.

Thanks. Goodbye.


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I highly doubt being bald is the worst part for a chemotherapy patient! you have no idea how much these people suffer (and i wish you will never know). a close relative recently find out he has intestine cancer, trust me being bald is the LAST thing on his and his family's minds right now.


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The author of the article (who has it) is claiming that. Also can find tons of testimonials online of men and women who make the same claim.

No one is saying that hair loss is as bad as cancer.

What I'm saying is that people who do get, actually still care about hair loss like there is no tomorrow. It must say something that people who are that sick, would even care to cover their head, buy a wig or have severe anxiety over hairloss when there is the bigger picture there.

Just goes to show that hairloss is not something as small as some people here claim it to be.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
The author of the article (who has it) is claiming that. Also can find tons of testimonials online of men and women who make the same claim.

No one is saying that hair loss is as bad as cancer.

What I'm saying is that people who do get, actually still care about hair loss like there is no tomorrow. It must say something that people who are that sick, would even care to cover their head, buy a wig or have severe anxiety over hairloss when there is the bigger picture there.

Just goes to show that hairloss is not something as small as some people here claim it to be.

The upshot is that if a cancer sufferer wants to wear a wig, no one's going to rip on them for it.


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Boondock said:
The upshot is that if a cancer sufferer wants to wear a wig, no one's going to rip on them for it.

Anyway, since no one said it, I think it makes little sense to compare the psychological consequences of 100% hairloss on a female in the span of a few months because of a serious medical condition like cancer, to the ones of naturally occuring MBP during many years if not decades.

somone uk

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at least we have some decently effective treatments for cancer and at least it's not hereditary
like it or not the statistics prove that there a cancer sufferer is more likely to survive cancer and eventually die from a unrelated cause than for a hairloss sufferer to regrow a NW1
so there is more hope for a cancer sufferer


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somone uk said:
at least we have some decently effective treatments for cancer and at least it's not hereditary
like it or not the statistics prove that there a cancer sufferer is more likely to survive cancer and eventually die from a unrelated cause than for a hairloss sufferer to regrow a NW1
so there is more hope for a cancer sufferer

You also get major props from your acquaintances.

With hair loss, you just get laughed at.


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monty1978 said:
somone uk said:
at least we have some decently effective treatments for cancer and at least it's not hereditary
like it or not the statistics prove that there a cancer sufferer is more likely to survive cancer and eventually die from a unrelated cause than for a hairloss sufferer to regrow a NW1
so there is more hope for a cancer sufferer

I know you did but really you shouldn't write that sh*t! My God!

Well hes right! How many NW7's do you see back to NW1's? Only liars and snakeoil salesmen.

Cancer is pretty f*****g survivable these days.

I know i'd take cancer, lack of legs,loss of my right eye, a 3 inch penis and being 60 years old over male pattern baldness.


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barcafan said:
monty1978 said:
somone uk said:
at least we have some decently effective treatments for cancer and at least it's not hereditary
like it or not the statistics prove that there a cancer sufferer is more likely to survive cancer and eventually die from a unrelated cause than for a hairloss sufferer to regrow a NW1
so there is more hope for a cancer sufferer

I know you did but really you shouldn't write that sh*t! My God!

Well hes right! How many NW7's do you see back to NW1's? Only liars and snakeoil salesmen.

Cancer is pretty f****ing survivable these days.

I know i'd take cancer, lack of legs,loss of my right eye, a 3 inch penis and being 60 years old over male pattern baldness.

yeah...and the thing about cancer is that if it gets bad enough you die eventually. With male pattern baldness, the worst part about it is that you're forced to remain alive and endure the daily struggle and pain with of being bald. Cancer on the other either recover or you eventually get the sweet comfort of death handed to you on a platter. With being bald don't get the luxury of having it kill you. So you either have to resort to the sin of suicide or face the daily misery of being bald and therefore inferior in every way to other human beings. Anyone who can't see why being bald is actually worse is a delusional moron.


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qball01 said:
yeah...and the thing about cancer is that if it gets bad enough you die eventually. With male pattern baldness, the worst part about it is that you're forced to remain alive and endure the daily struggle and pain with of being bald. Cancer on the other either recover or you eventually get the sweet comfort of death handed to you on a platter. With being bald don't get the luxury of having it kill you. So you either have to resort to the sin of suicide or face the daily misery of being bald and therefore inferior in every way to other human beings. Anyone who can't see why being bald is actually worse is a delusional moron.

Finally, someone who truly understands my plight.

Let us bask in each others misery, my brother.


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I really don't get anyone in this thread, it's like a misery circle-jerk.


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monty1978 said:
I hate male pattern baldness, f****ing hate it with every fibre of my being but I just don't understand this thread!

why you could save up and get some work done, or wear a wig.... no biggy friend. (it sure beats feeling like sh*t all the time over this!)


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Sorry guys but anyone comparing MBP with serious health conditions ranging from amputation to cancer, needs to seek immediately medical assistance... but not for his hair loss.

somone uk

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barcafan said:
qball01 said:
yeah...and the thing about cancer is that if it gets bad enough you die eventually. With male pattern baldness, the worst part about it is that you're forced to remain alive and endure the daily struggle and pain with of being bald. Cancer on the other either recover or you eventually get the sweet comfort of death handed to you on a platter. With being bald don't get the luxury of having it kill you. So you either have to resort to the sin of suicide or face the daily misery of being bald and therefore inferior in every way to other human beings. Anyone who can't see why being bald is actually worse is a delusional moron.

Finally, someone who truly understands my plight.

Let us bask in each others misery, my brother.
i thought i was the only one who had that opinion

cancer is nasty but i could say male pattern baldness reduces one's quality of life further than about 90% of cancer cases