Cancer Sufferer:Being Bald is the Worst Part


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somone uk said:
barcafan said:
qball01 said:
yeah...and the thing about cancer is that if it gets bad enough you die eventually. With male pattern baldness, the worst part about it is that you're forced to remain alive and endure the daily struggle and pain with of being bald. Cancer on the other either recover or you eventually get the sweet comfort of death handed to you on a platter. With being bald don't get the luxury of having it kill you. So you either have to resort to the sin of suicide or face the daily misery of being bald and therefore inferior in every way to other human beings. Anyone who can't see why being bald is actually worse is a delusional moron.

Finally, someone who truly understands my plight.

Let us bask in each others misery, my brother.
i thought i was the only one who had that opinion

cancer is nasty but i could say male pattern baldness reduces one's quality of life further than about 90% of cancer cases

absolutely agree. There are so many variables with cancer, but with male pattern baldness there is only one look hideous, you feel awful on the inside, and you become a laughing stock. With cancer, you either die proudly or emerge from the battle a hero. With male pattern baldness the only reward you get is being shunned on a daily basis by society.


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qball01 said:
absolutely agree. There are so many variables with cancer, but with male pattern baldness there is only one look hideous, you feel awful on the inside, and you become a laughing stock. With cancer, you either die proudly or emerge from the battle a hero. With male pattern baldness the only reward you get is being shunned on a daily basis by society.



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Who knows how many Einsteins; how many Beethovens or Da Vinci's humankind has lost due to male pattern baldness.
Great Men that have had their destinies crushed by aggressive male pattern baldness; instead of spending their time creating great works, they spent their time researching hair loss cures and sitting around being depressed about their NW6's.

So we all agree then, gentlemen. male pattern baldness is by far the worst scourge Mankind has ever faced. A greater evil than Hitler and Stalin combined.



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cuebald said:
Who knows how many Einsteins; how many Beethovens or Da Vinci's humankind has lost due to male pattern baldness.
Great Men that have had their destinies crushed by aggressive male pattern baldness; instead of spending their time creating great works, they spent their time researching hair loss cures and sitting around being depressed about their NW6's.

So we all agree then, gentlemen. male pattern baldness is by far the worst scourge Mankind has ever faced. A greater evil than Hitler and Stalin combined.


Exactly. Stalin and Hitler caused pain in the 20th century, for sure. But male pattern baldness has been causing pain for literally billions of men for millennia.

Literally billions of men have been confined to the sidelines of society because of this curse. I imagine that when cavemen began to get past Norwood 3, they would be cast out of the tribe to live alone in isolation and banishment, trying to eke out a living on scraps while they applied various herbs and plants to their scalps for success. Sadly, they would have already had children by then, passing on the defective gene to their offspring.

Nothing has changed.


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(In before suicide pact)

Seriously, baldness is worse than cancer? Jesus Christ man, see a shrink or something. You realize there are things you can do to improve your quality of life right? Working out, wearing a nice piece, atleast making some kind of an effort to improve your living conditions. I can't believe what a miserable bunch of pussies are on this board. This is pathetic and disgusting.

uncomfortable man

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After my stint at SBG (that's Sly Bald Guys for the sly impaired) I felt like I needed a change of scenery. I was getting bored preaching to the quire of usual rad guys so now I troll the and preach to anyone who has the audacity to be depressed over hairloss. I mean cmon, life in the sly lane is so much better and I've been getting alot of attention lately. To all you pussies I say man up, grow a pair, bic that dome, throw some smokes in the fannie pack and carpe diem.

somone uk

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i can't tell if UC man is taking the piss if his account has been hacked :innocent: :innocent:


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He's playing around, I think.

Or perhaps UCMan has been a parody account right from the beginning? I honestly think about 50% of the regular users are parody accounts here.


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uncomfortable man said:
To all you pussies I say man up, grow a pair, bic that dome, throw some smokes in the fannie pack and carpe diem.

I never said bic your head, if your headshape looks stupid than you would be much better off with a piece. So no, I'm not promoting the Sly Bald Guys. But I guess anyone who calls people out on being a big floppy vagina must be associated with them. Sorry.


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Japanfour said:
(In before suicide pact)

Seriously, baldness is worse than cancer? Jesus Christ man, see a shrink or something. You realize there are things you can do to improve your quality of life right? Working out, wearing a nice piece, atleast making some kind of an effort to improve your living conditions. I can't believe what a miserable bunch of pussies are on this board. This is pathetic and disgusting.

Forget it, Japanfour. It's the impact section.

uncomfortable man

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Just because his example was a woman, doesn't mean that a man who is used to having a full head of hair won't experience the same feelings as the woman cancer patient. That point is not legitimate enough... we are all people and we all hate to have things taken from us.

uncomfortable man

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What happens to a bald man when he gets chemo? His skin slides off exposing his bloody skull. Nothing a little confidence and a ribbon sticker won't solve.


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uncomfortable man said:
Just because his example was a woman, doesn't mean that a man who is used to having a full head of hair won't experience the same feelings as the woman cancer patient. That point is not legitimate enough... we are all people and we all hate to have things taken from us.
Sure, but again, the real problem with baldness is how society reacts to your appearance, not the lack of hair. And bald women do have it more difficult than anyone else.
If baldness was considered "appropriate" by society it wouldn't be an issue.

Again, there was a time when being hairy was a good appearance, men used to grow their beards and people who couldn't do it were ridiculed as less manly. Now you teens depressed because they have hairy legs.

You experienced this before. I remember you wrote that a black comedian made fun of you pointing how his baldness was "cool" and yours not.

Baldness in Black men is considered appropriate by society, baldness in white men is being more accepted than ever before, still not completely accepted by anyone, but we have the privilege that the majority of white men will experience hair loss at some point in their life so it is considered a common thing, women don't have that privilege, as most of them use long hair

somone uk

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Boondock said:
He's playing around, I think.

Or perhaps UCMan has been a parody account right from the beginning? I honestly think about 50% of the regular users are parody accounts here.
from the previous posts it sounds like split personality

UCman, SBGman and Irene :woot:


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My Regimen
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I got laid after hairloss hit me, but still it sucks. Hate it.


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My Regimen
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Boondock said:
He's playing around, I think.

Or perhaps UCMan has been a parody account right from the beginning? I honestly think about 50% of the regular users are parody accounts here.

The only troll was Kerzguy, and he has gone.


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Oknow said:
I got laid after hairloss hit me, but still it sucks. Hate it.

Hair lose never hit you man :shakehead: ....