Can't sleep

uncomfortable man

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I've been having trouble sleeping lately. When I lay down and close my eyes my mind recounts various bad memories of all the ridicule and torment I have suffered. I relive these moments in the dark and find myself getting angry. I lash out against this rotating kaleidoscope of laughing faces, fantasizing in detail all the horrible things I want to do to them....disfiguring, mutating, burning. My adrenaline rises as I toss and turn, unable to sleep.


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Try listening to music. Use headphones so it blocks out all other sound.


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Dude get an hair transplant. Take out a loan, do whatever you have to do. This sh*t has completely taken over your life, and no amount of money is worth that, I don't really see what else I can suggest.


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Take ZMA - If you can't sleep after 30 min of taking it, you're fukk'd. Seriously, that stuff knocks most everyone out about 30 min after taking it. Plus, it gives a great nights sleep too...Whenever I take it, I sleep like a rock.

Should stop drinking soda and coffee 4 or 5 hours before bed too.


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Get into an exercise routine... You'll sleep like a baby.


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My Regimen
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This only confirms that you have problems much deeper than hairloss. That is if you're not trolling, which I suspect. I gotta admit I had trouble sleeping when I first realized I was losing hair. That phase lasted about a month and I had to use sleeping pills to sleep. After that the situation normalized and now I sleep like a baby, about 8 hrs every night.


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I had a dream I had sex on the back of a school bus with a girl I knew in HS last night. People were looking around like WTF and trying to act like they didn't notice. It was hot. :woot:

Green tea helps. I also struggle with insomnia. Last night I drank a glass of green tea before bed and fall asleep in about 15 minutes so it works. Also if it gives me dreams like the one last night I plan on doing it every night.

The ridicule and judgment you say you face I think is about 90% in your head. You're back in school enjoy it man, hang out in the quad, join a club, go to pubs. I've said it numerous times, I see COMPLETELY bald guys everyday with attractive women, good jobs and enjoying life. Are you actually taking any treatments? I've seen people on this forum go from slick bald to nw3 just with finas and minoxidil. Quit assuming the world is out to get you because you are your own worst enemy. Read some self help books on anxiety and depression or talk with the college counselor (it's included in your tuition).

It seems you'd rather b**ch and moan than actually step up and live your life.


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ghg said:
This only confirms that you have problems much deeper than hairloss.


Lay off the booze/drugs because it will only increase those thoughts.


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UCman have you smoked alot of weed in your life?

uncomfortable man

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Ok here it goes..
Avery said:
Try listening to music. Use headphones so it blocks out all other sound.
good suggestion.
Naltima said:
Dude get an hair transplant. Take out a loan, do whatever you have to do. This sh*t has completely taken over your life, and no amount of money is worth that, I don't really see what else I can suggest.
I haven't the money for an hair transplant and dudemon has pretty much convinced me against it due to my advanced hairloss. If I were only an nw4 then an hair transplant would be much more plausible.
Harie said:
Take ZMA - If you can't sleep after 30 min of taking it, you're fukk'd. Seriously, that stuff knocks most everyone out about 30 min after taking it. Plus, it gives a great nights sleep too...Whenever I take it, I sleep like a rock.

Should stop drinking soda and coffee 4 or 5 hours before bed too.
I don't want to get hooked on sleep meds. Besides, this is not a chronic problem. It's just been the last three nights I haven't been able to get to bed until about 5:00 in the morning.
ali777 said:
Get into an exercise routine... You'll sleep like a baby.
Another good suggestion, plus this can help me release my frustrations in a physical way and see positive results from it which will boost my self esteem. Yeah good one Ali.
ghg said:
This only confirms that you have problems much deeper than hairloss. That is if you're not trolling, which I suspect. I gotta admit I had trouble sleeping when I first realized I was losing hair. That phase lasted about a month and I had to use sleeping pills to sleep. After that the situation normalized and now I sleep like a baby, about 8 hrs every night.
cleverusername said:
I had a dream I had sex on the back of a school bus with a girl I knew in HS last night. People were looking around like WTF and trying to act like they didn't notice. It was hot. :woot:

Green tea helps. I also struggle with insomnia. Last night I drank a glass of green tea before bed and fall asleep in about 15 minutes so it works. Also if it gives me dreams like the one last night I plan on doing it every night.

The ridicule and judgment you say you face I think is about 90% in your head. You're back in school enjoy it man, hang out in the quad, join a club, go to pubs. I've said it numerous times, I see COMPLETELY bald guys everyday with attractive women, good jobs and enjoying life. Are you actually taking any treatments? I've seen people on this forum go from slick bald to nw3 just with finas and minoxidil. Quit assuming the world is out to get you because you are your own worst enemy. Read some self help books on anxiety and depression or talk with the college counselor (it's included in your tuition).

It seems you'd rather b**ch and moan than actually step up and live your life.
From everything I've read on this forum regarding medications, I seriously doubt anyone can go from slick bald to an nw3. Unless "slick" is an exaggeration, remember it is currently impossible to revive a completely dead follicle and the more depleted the follicle the lesser the chance of reviving it back to a cosmetically acceptable thickness, which just tells me that I shouldn't bother. In the right light I can see all the little baby hairs on top of my head. If I could juice them up then I think it would make a visible difference though. I heard Phizer is working on it's own version of minoxidil that is supposed to be better. Phizer is a major company so we'll see about that.
Obsidian said:
ghg said:
This only confirms that you have problems much deeper than hairloss.


Lay off the booze/drugs because it will only increase those thoughts.
I'm really not much of a drinker but to answer S.A.F.'s question I do like to fiddle with the vittles. :mrgreen:


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Hey UM,

recently couple of my friends commented that last summer I looked absolutely f*cked, and that I look much better and happier now, etc. Trust me, I was deep in the manure and I felt extremely low. I still don't know how I let my life get out of control, but somehow it happened. I know what it feels like to be in your situation.

My problem was being caught in the middle of career pressure, ex girlfriend, responsibility, etc, I didn't even think about my hair back then. I could see in the mirror that it was thinning but it was the last thing on my mind. When I started regaining control of my life, this time my thinning hair started annoying me. I kinda felt like a loser and I didn't like the person I saw in the mirror. I'm somehow over it now, I accept it. If finasteride+minoxidil helps then great, otherwise, c'est la vie. I don't really mind my hair anymore, it isn't everything. There are more important things in life, eg, your daughter.

My advice to you is not to let the pressure get to you. Thinking about it all the time is not the solution. Maybe you should consider these:
1. Socialise: you need to relax, and the only way to do this is to meet people and interact with people. I know you have a few friends over there. Maybe you could call Ariel :gay:
2. Exercise: this will help you regulate your body chemistry. Hormonal balance is extremely important in beating stress.
3. See your daughter: you have to be strong for her. Surely seeing her must be good for you?
4. Have a routine: Make sure you go to bed at the same time every night. Your biological clock will get used to it, and you'll fall asleep easier. Do not drink coffee, black tea, alcohol, etc 4-5 hours before your bed time. If I were you, I'd drink only water after 5pm.
5. Work on some sort of acceptance: if you can't do this on your own, maybe you should see a shrink?
6. Focus ALL your energy on something else, for example your studies. If you let your hairloss get to you, the other aspects of your life will suffer as well. The best thing to do is to concentrate on something else, and take pride and satisfaction from it. Your confidence will come back. This ain't easy, you really have to try very hard to concentrate on your work or something else! When you go to bed, you will be happy with the satisfaction that you've done your job for the day, and you'll sleep better.

Good luck!!!


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You know UC, we are giving this advice not because we want to get rid of you but because we are trying to help out. The current message you send out is that you have dug yourself into a hole. We are trying to help get you out of that hole but part of it requires you to dig yourself out of it as well. At the current rate you are at, yu are going to be more miserable and depressed and trust me you do not want to go to that place. So at the words of Cassin, Cleverusername see someone to talk to. It helps sometimes just to let it all out.

uncomfortable man

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Thanks guys, appreciate the advice. I just took my first exam at school today and I'm pretty sure I aced it, so that makes me feel like I am getting my stuff together. It is a history class and I enjoy the reading because it takes me out of my own stale little world and it makes me feel gratified to be doing something positive in my life working towards a goal. Everything you guys are saying rings very true, thanks.


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uncomfortable man said:
Harie said:
Take ZMA - If you can't sleep after 30 min of taking it, you're fukk'd. Seriously, that stuff knocks most everyone out about 30 min after taking it. Plus, it gives a great nights sleep too...Whenever I take it, I sleep like a rock.

Should stop drinking soda and coffee 4 or 5 hours before bed too.
I don't want to get hooked on sleep meds. Besides, this is not a chronic problem. It's just been the last three nights I haven't been able to get to bed until about 5:00 in the morning.

Don't you think you should at least do a bit of research before saying "I don't want to get hooked on sleep meds"? ZMA = Zinc, Magnesium & Vitamin B6. You definitely wouldn't want to get hooked on those vitamins and minerals! Better stop eating too, since I'd imagine you'd probably get hooked on some of those horrible vitamins and minerals from ingesting food.


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Oh, UM, im happy for you, keep the positive thinking and more positive things will come your way!
Hopefully you sleep well now :) (m... maybe it wasnt even the hair that bothers you at the first place.. might be the effect from the stress building up towards the going back to school thing.. but doesnt matter now as long as you get a good night sleep:p).
Btw, im at the same situation that you have been, im about to start university soon and i went into deep depression, i know for myself, that it has nothing to do with hair-lose, but its always good to have something to blame it for :p


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Harie said:
uncomfortable man said:
Harie said:
Take ZMA - If you can't sleep after 30 min of taking it, you're fukk'd. Seriously, that stuff knocks most everyone out about 30 min after taking it. Plus, it gives a great nights sleep too...Whenever I take it, I sleep like a rock.

Should stop drinking soda and coffee 4 or 5 hours before bed too.
I don't want to get hooked on sleep meds. Besides, this is not a chronic problem. It's just been the last three nights I haven't been able to get to bed until about 5:00 in the morning.

Don't you think you should at least do a bit of research before saying "I don't want to get hooked on sleep meds"? ZMA = Zinc, Magnesium & Vitamin B6. You definitely wouldn't want to get hooked on those vitamins and minerals! Better stop eating too, since I'd imagine you'd probably get hooked on some of those horrible vitamins and minerals from ingesting food.

Harie, does this ZMA stuff really work that well. I take Kirkland Sleep Aid almost every night and I need to stop as I'm dependent on them. I wake up so groggy when I take them. What brand do you buy and would I get the same effect if I took the Zinc, Magnesium and B6 separate?


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madhatter said:
Harie, does this ZMA stuff really work that well. I take Kirkland Sleep Aid almost every night and I need to stop as I'm dependent on them. I wake up so groggy when I take them. What brand do you buy and would I get the same effect if I took the Zinc, Magnesium and B6 separate?

ZMA works great for me. Most other users have reported the same thing...That they sleep great when they take it. Some report really vivid dreams too, but I've never had that side effect - at least not that I remember. ZMA doesn't make me groggy at all like taking things such as Tylenol-PM etc. Just take 30 min before bed a few hours after dinner (don't take with calcium) and there ya go, great nights sleep.

I'm trying to think, but I'm pretty sure I ordered the ZMA from Swansons. You may be able to find it cheaper elsewhere. I know I had read a thread on how to make it yourself much cheaper - Optimal amounts are 30mg Zinc, 450mg Magnesium, 10.5mg B6. So if you've got a scale and can measure it all out and cap it, more power to ya. :)

As a plus, if you are zinc deficient, your testosterone levels will be supplementing with ZMA can help in that area too.


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My Regimen
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UM if you have had the same layout in your bedroom for a long time then change the settings/layout... Especially your bed! I do this every 1-2 years and after changing the directing of my bed, I sleep like a baby... Try it and let me know how you get on.



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ghg said:
This only confirms that you have problems much deeper than hairloss. That is if you're not trolling, which I suspect. I gotta admit I had trouble sleeping when I first realized I was losing hair. That phase lasted about a month and I had to use sleeping pills to sleep. After that the situation normalized and now I sleep like a baby, about 8 hrs every night.

When you start looking like UMan in regards to hairloss, THEN come back and say this comment.