cb 03 01


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finfighter said:
Shma said:
LMAO, you should see the results people are getting on my forum from experimental treatments we are leaving you clowns in the stone ages, while regrowing hair
[quote:5g4mcjp5]The people on my forum just started using CB a few months ago and it's far to early to judge the efficacy,

[quote:5g4mcjp5]shma must be mentally retarded

It is far to early to place the verdict, however as I said some members have reported great things already.[/quote:5g4mcjp5]

So yeah, first you say we "clowns" should see the results you are getting on your "private" forum (without showing them), while we clowns stay in the stone age and you're regrowing hair? Than you say it's too early to say wether it's effective or not?

And after saying noone should get too excited and calling you out on your contradictory posts you panic and throw out insults. Put yourself in my position. I didn't insult anyone, I just don't want young hairloss sufferers jump on a bandwagon that MIGHT end up as a big disappointment. If that make me a mental retard (wow still can't believe YOU, finfighter, said that) i might be one. I'm a bit disappointed as I thought you were a cool guy trying to help out others (especially post-finasteride side effect sufferers. But I guess I was wrong)


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finfighter said:
Dude some people are regrowing hair, even in this very short time, I showed pics that prove it! Although I'm not going to post everyones pics form my forum it's private for a reason.

I did not say you were a retard, I said that if you think that minoxidil would have a ten year delayed response then you must be mentally retarded.
I'm too tired to quote everything again. Do whatever you want man. People like you who get crazy about treatments, insult everyone else who is sceptical, show up every now and then. I remember lots of names, "Overmachogrande" with his laser helmet comes up my mind for example.

But stop with the "HAHA we're regrowing hair and you're staying bald, but we won't give you details" -thing you're doing. That's not fair to anyone who is suffering from hairloss and looking for help. If we don't need anything in this board, It's another "Don't feed the troll"-thread.


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I have not seen 1 decent before and photo on this stuff.

the microscope view is ridiculous, so the the one with the blond guy with his hair pulled back in one shot...

show some good before and after photos before you all start mouthing off please, thanks


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DavisNY said:
I have not seen 1 decent before and photo on this stuff.

the microscope view is ridiculous, so the the one with the blond guy with his hair pulled back in one shot...

show some good before and after photos before you all start mouthing off please, thanks

those hairs were not there 2 weeks ago!


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:jackit: :puke:
DavisNY said:
I have not seen 1 decent before and photo on this stuff.

the microscope view is ridiculous, so the the one with the blond guy with his hair pulled back in one shot...

show some good before and after photos before you all start mouthing off please, thanks


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don't be a prick with your icons...

not being there 2 weeks ago means absolutely nothing!
Thats what the hair cycle is about. Everyone even those who do not have male pattern baldness lose hairs only to have them grow back.
So unless you show me a photo over the course of a year with an area completely barren and suddenly it is populated with hairs!

stop wasting all our time with this trivial stuff.

even under a microscope means nothing when it comes to a cosmetic improvement.

I want hair more than anyone on here, however I don't want to be jerked around by ridiculous statements either


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:puke: :jackit:
DavisNY said:
don't be a prick with your icons...

not being there 2 weeks ago means absolutely nothing!
Thats what the hair cycle is about. Everyone even those who do not have male pattern baldness lose hairs only to have them grow back.
So unless you show me a photo over the course of a year with an area completely barren and suddenly it is populated with hairs!

stop wasting all our time with this trivial stuff.

even under a microscope means nothing when it comes to a cosmetic improvement.

I want hair more than anyone on here, however I don't want to be jerked around by ridiculous statements either


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week3 &4 & 5 , 6


  • week5 ,3.jpg
    week5 ,3.jpg
    315.5 KB · Views: 244
  • week 6.jpg
    week 6.jpg
    419.1 KB · Views: 224


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vin_77 said:
israelite said:
week 12 close up

I can see the results and growth. Congrats. Please keep us updated and thanks for posting the weekly pics.

thanks bro, i will post pics every week and i could careless what davisny thinks :woot:


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it has nothing to do with what i think your pics suck, period.

blurry before pics at a different angle to clearer after pics different angle...

How about having both clear before and after pics with the same angle. then post them up


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DavisNY said:
it has nothing to do with what i think your pics suck, period.

blurry before pics at a different angle to clearer after pics different angle...

How about having both clear before and after pics with the same angle. then post them up

What a clown I would like to see you post something constructive instead of just knocking other people, at least he takes the time to document his hair growth with a microscope. You remind me of this loser.



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kinofthedemo2 said:
DavisNY said:
it has nothing to do with what i think your pics suck, period.

blurry before pics at a different angle to clearer after pics different angle...

How about having both clear before and after pics with the same angle. then post them up

What a clown I would like to see you post something constructive instead of just knocking other people, at least he takes the time to document his hair growth with a microscope. You remind me of this loser.


davisny, please post pics of your success with propecia! :dunno: u should track your progress :woot:


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Pretty good results Israelite! also like the quality of the pics! Just f*****g awesome!!! :punk: Where you guys are getting the stuff so we can jump on the bandwagon? CB is an AR antagonist?


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squeegee said:
Pretty good results Israelite! also like the quality of the pics! Just f****ing awesome!!! :punk: Where you guys are getting the stuff so we can jump on the bandwagon? CB is an AR antagonist?

thanks bro, the last 18 months i gained alot of ground on my hairloss. propecia+ dutasteride+ rogaine foam helped restore my hair density and some of my hairline. my hairline is work in progress. i'm seeing positive results whcih i'm thankful for


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idontwanttobebalding said:
DavisNY said:
I have not seen 1 decent before and photo on this stuff.

the microscope view is ridiculous, so the the one with the blond guy with his hair pulled back in one shot...

show some good before and after photos before you all start mouthing off please, thanks

Isn't that what Researchers use?

He has used many things...wouldn't that give him perspective?

Why don't you read further and gain some?

Why don't you appreciate his effort....his documentation? He is doing something....he is furthering the cause...he is contributing...

you are pissing in the wind

my advice to you...

quit pointing your d*ck toward the wind.....

you are pissing on yourself! :shakehead:

:bravo: So true, what an assclown!


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Thank you for your interest in CB 03-01. Unfortunately the product is still under development and unlikely to come to the market before 2016.

Best regards

Dr. Chris Tanner
Chief Financial Officer