Whether we like it or not, the tradition dictates that man pays on the first date. In Northern Europe, it is very likely that the female will offer to pay her share, but it would be rude to accept her offer.
I'm not gonna lie to you, my ex gfs probably paid more than me. After a certain point it doesn't really matter who pays what. It's a relationship and in relationships people share. (I've also been with girls who genuinely didn't have any money, and I paid most of the time.)
Back to the subject. Despite all the equality, independence, etc there is no such thing as 100% equality of sexes. Men earn more than women, and women like being treated to nice things. It is a gesture, and may take you a long way. If you have a bit of cash in your pocket, buy her a meal or a nice present. She'll love the gesture.
Now, I've known American girls that go out on dates with guys they don't like just to have a free night out. I think that sort of behaviour is bitchy and doesn't happen as often here. We are much more stingy when it comes to buying treats for women, we just don't give a f*ck... I think CCS would love this place :whistle: