China, Where The Single's Man Plight Is A Sheer Matter Of Numbers


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This is not related to hair loss.

However, it shows how politics, society, and - mostly - general stupidity have created a situation that makes single men desperate.

In China, the "single child" policy has created a generation in which boys are more numerous than girls, by the millions.

By 2020, it’s estimated there will be 30 million more men than women looking for a partner.

The growing social problem of ‘leftover men’ is largely a result of China's one-child policy, overturned in 2015. For decades, the policy restricted couples to having only one child. A long history of preference for sons led to large numbers of girls being abandoned, placed in orphanages, sex-selective abortions or even cases of female infanticide.

Just imagine how hard it must be a balding man in that generation...

Hiring a girlfriend can cost up to 10,000 yuan ($1,450) a day

Jun Li, from Suzhou in Jiangsu province, in China’s east central coast, is single and in her 20s. She has noticed growing numbers of men on the singles scene “organising as teams” and hiring public entertainment venues for dating events.

Other men are turning to psychologists and stylists to make themselves more appealing. And to avoid prying questions from inquisitive parents, some are even resorting to hiring “fake” girlfriends to present to their parents using apps such as Hire Me Plz. . Reports suggest hiring a girlfriend can cost up to 10,000 yuan ($1,450) a day.

The problems for men in finding a partner are most acute in poorer rural areas, made worse by long-held traditions that the husband must be able to offer a decent level of financial security before he can secure a wife.

Hong Yang, who is now married and in her 30s, describes this as China's “mother-in-law economics”. “If men want to get married, the future mother-in-law will request that he first buys a house before discussing the next step. It's one reason why house prices have been so strong in recent years,” she says.


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This is not related to hair loss.

However, it shows how politics, society, and - mostly - general stupidity have created a situation that makes single men desperate.

In China, the "single child" policy has created a generation in which boys are more numerous than girls, by the millions.

By 2020, it’s estimated there will be 30 million more men than women looking for a partner.

The growing social problem of ‘leftover men’ is largely a result of China's one-child policy, overturned in 2015. For decades, the policy restricted couples to having only one child. A long history of preference for sons led to large numbers of girls being abandoned, placed in orphanages, sex-selective abortions or even cases of female infanticide.

Just imagine how hard it must be a balding man in that generation...

Hiring a girlfriend can cost up to 10,000 yuan ($1,450) a day

Jun Li, from Suzhou in Jiangsu province, in China’s east central coast, is single and in her 20s. She has noticed growing numbers of men on the singles scene “organising as teams” and hiring public entertainment venues for dating events.

Other men are turning to psychologists and stylists to make themselves more appealing. And to avoid prying questions from inquisitive parents, some are even resorting to hiring “fake” girlfriends to present to their parents using apps such as Hire Me Plz. . Reports suggest hiring a girlfriend can cost up to 10,000 yuan ($1,450) a day.

The problems for men in finding a partner are most acute in poorer rural areas, made worse by long-held traditions that the husband must be able to offer a decent level of financial security before he can secure a wife.

Hong Yang, who is now married and in her 30s, describes this as China's “mother-in-law economics”. “If men want to get married, the future mother-in-law will request that he first buys a house before discussing the next step. It's one reason why house prices have been so strong in recent years,” she says.

Bad. It is related to hair loss. The more men are looking for women, the more competition, the less us baldies are likely to get laid or keep who we hold dear. Those 30 million men surplus will have an effect here (the butterfly and the tornado story).

30 million fullheads, since the Chinese don't bald until very later in life. Many of them rich. I read the richest among them are starting to get Russian wives. Many will emigrate. Only bad for us, the bottom of the bottom in the dating field. The less men there are, the weaker the competition and the slightly better our chances in love and work.

Baldies suffer negatively from: population growth (given the usual proportions, more people mean more fullheads than more baldies), social media innovation (bald is ugly), automation of back office jobs (thus the increasing need of good looking front office employees). We practically aren't made for this world. Pray for treatments and the Cure. Never give up.


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30 million fullheads, since the Chinese don't bald until very later in life.

you weren't in China/Singapore, don't you?...


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you weren't in China/Singapore, don't you?...

It has to be about pollution and nutrition. All the East Asians here are all fullheads. All the East Asians from other Western Countries too. Very very few exceptions, and my city is very famous for its big Chinese community, which is well off and colorful and numerous.


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It has to be about pollution and nutrition. All the East Asians here are all fullheads. All the East Asians from other Western Countries too. Very very few exceptions, and my city is very famous for its big Chinese community, which is well off and colorful and numerous.

chineses are balding very badly

other SEA don't


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Hiring a girlfriend to show your parents must be seriously depressing.

I wonder what it would be like if this were the other way around, 30 million more women :D


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It has to be about pollution and nutrition. All the East Asians here are all fullheads. All the East Asians from other Western Countries too. Very very few exceptions, and my city is very famous for its big Chinese community, which is well off and colorful and numerous.

Baldness is genetic, but is plausibly accelerated by undiagnosed lifestyle factors.

Early androgenetic alopecia as a marker of insulin resistance.

Hair loss, insulin resistance, and heredity in middle-aged women. A population-based study.

Androgenetic alopecia and insulin resistance in young men.
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Wow thats so sick

So many people gave away daughters for adoption to other countries i remember when i was young that some sickos actually accidentally drowned daughters.

They put more value on the boys then the girls....but i bet men will still look at this as the women are 'privileged' there. Well maybe now they are.


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They put more value on the boys then the girls....but i bet men will still look at this as the women are 'privileged' there. Well maybe now they are.

Numbers don't lie. Either 30 million young guys migrate, or local laws re-evaluate homosexuality...


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They should go to Russia. For every 100 women there are only 86 men.

In fact, many from all former soviet states have a very unusual high mortality rate creating a large disparity between the numbers of men and women. The dating implications are large, and it leaves many women unable to meet a viable man for a long term relationship. This has created a void which has been increasingly filled by Western men opting to use dating companies and tour groups to meet these women from Ukraine/Russia.


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They should go to Russia. For every 100 women there are only 86 men.

So horny Russian singles really do want to meet me....thought it was just a pop-up


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So horny Russian singles really do want to meet me....thought it was just a pop-up

if u are chinese incel only

they dig into them

(not really)


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My Dad worked in China for a bit. He had this Chinese girl working under him that basically gave 75% of her paycheck to her brother so he could afford his own place to increase his social value to help find a gf. The entire goal of the family was to get the son a gf. Absolutely depressing and miserable state of affairs.


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They should go to Russia. For every 100 women there are only 86 men.

In fact, many from all former soviet states have a very unusual high mortality rate creating a large disparity between the numbers of men and women. The dating implications are large, and it leaves many women unable to meet a viable man for a long term relationship. This has created a void which has been increasingly filled by Western men opting to use dating companies and tour groups to meet these women from Ukraine/Russia.
But that ratio is valid mostly for older people.
Younger people, better distributed:

Total 0.86 male(s)/female (2009)
At birth 1.06 male(s)/female
Under 15 1.06 male(s)/female (male 11,980,138/female 11,344,818)
15–64 years 0.925 male(s)/female (male 48,166,470/female 52,088,967)
65 and over 0.44 male(s)/female (male 5,783,983/female 13,105,896)

Total 1.06 male(s)/female
At birth 1.12 (1.19 from another estimate)
Under 15 1.17 male(s) / female
15-64 years: 1.06
65 and over: 0.93


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I was considering move to china... maybe not now :D
I will tell you a story. A long time ago I was good looking, or should I say: better looking than today ;)
I went to China for work and I thought that being a Western, well-dressed individual (I worked for Gucci at that time) I would catch the eye of the average Cantonese girl.
Well, I discovered that in the streets all the girls had this very proud attitude and they rarely looked at anyone. China 1 - Roberto 0


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But that ratio is valid mostly for older people.
Younger people, better distributed:

Total 0.86 male(s)/female (2009)
At birth 1.06 male(s)/female
Under 15 1.06 male(s)/female (male 11,980,138/female 11,344,818)
15–64 years 0.925 male(s)/female (male 48,166,470/female 52,088,967)
65 and over 0.44 male(s)/female (male 5,783,983/female 13,105,896)

Total 1.06 male(s)/female
At birth 1.12 (1.19 from another estimate)
Under 15 1.17 male(s) / female
15-64 years: 1.06
65 and over: 0.93

Male-female ratio based on age is what people forget when they claim that there are vastly more Russian females than males. Some East European females may want to come to the UK or the US for a better life but it is foolish to think that they will fall in love with any man just for that. A man still needs to be good looking and have other traits to make those women truly like him and maximize the chance of having a fulfilling relationship. I personally prefer East European females but not because I am in some delusion that they will love me because I can get them to the US. I want them because they are culturally similar to me and I find them stunningly beautiful.


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I will tell you a story. A long time ago I was good looking, or should I say: better looking than today ;)
I went to China for work and I thought that being a Western, well-dressed individual (I worked for Gucci at that time) I would catch the eye of the average Cantonese girl.
Well, I discovered that in the streets all the girls had this very proud attitude and they rarely looked at anyone. China 1 - Roberto 0

How long ago was that? My friend moved to china last year and has been slaying pussy left and right. He is having to turn women down because he can only have so much sex, a situation he never thought was possible.


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Male-female ratio based on age is what people forget when they claim that there are vastly more Russian females than males. Some East European females may want to come to the UK or the US for a better life but it is foolish to think that they will fall in love with any man just for that. A man still needs to be good looking and have other traits to make those women truly like him and maximize the chance of having a fulfilling relationship. I personally prefer East European females but not because I am in some delusion that they will love me because I can get them to the US. I want them because they are culturally similar to me and I find them stunningly beautiful.
Is Ukraine similar to India? This doesn't make sense to me


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Is Ukraine similar to India? This doesn't make sense to me

No, but I find the women there temperamentally very compatible to me. I have been on dates with few East European women and I find them very feminine. A Ukranian women on a date told me that she wants her man to act like a man and provide for her while she cooks, cleans and takes care of kids. She was career oriented as well and was going to nursing school. I really want a women like that. American women are generally far too independent for my taste. I have dated them in the past and unless they were from conservative background, found very hard to put up with them. All this is my personal experience of course and shouldn't be taken as some objective truth. But my experiences are the only metric I have hence my preference for East European women.