Confidence And Charisma More Important Than Hair?



Merceded B, While I think personality is very important (I've stopped seeing a few good looking women because I found them boring), it still has to be said that looks play a factor.

Honestly, would you date a morbidly obese man?

I think we all have some physical standard - some of us just have more of a forgiving scale.


I once tried to date someone I didn't find attractive but it didn't end well. She was a journalist and super smart so I drawn in by her wit and her mind and we'd chat for hours and hours.

Unfortunately when it came to sex I wasn't that interested. For the first few weeks I could get it up but after that I stopped getting hard for her and started feeling turned off. Eventually I had to stop seeing her because of this.

People need some sexual attraction otherwise there will be no sex.


FredtheBelgium, similar likes and interests do matter don't you think?

Of course looks matter but after that what do you talk about?

I couldn't date someone who didn't read, didn't like travel, and wasn't a deep thinker.


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Hardly a surprise. Fred is right, though, a true, real frienship is absolutely impossible.

That's right. Anything above a 6, I'd either go in for the kill (try for sex/relationship) or cut off ties entirely. Nothing worse than being an orbiter.


I don't have any male friends in my city.

All my friends are women - some are good looking some are not.

Its different for everyone.

As a whole though - I don't often like male company.


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They were not real friends.

Have you gone on holiday with one of them? Just the two of you?

If the answer is no, you definition of the word 'friendship' is too lax.

I mean we talked daily and sometimes about fairly personal stuff (but as life went on people separate and so forth).
But no nothing like that. I would actually find that weird, I think.


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The only times women pretended to bond with me was because they wanted or needed something from me, whether it be help, advice or emotional support. Then, after I have outlived my usefulness, they simply threw me away like trash. Just like parasites.

Lol I've had that happen. Listen to her b**ch for an hour about how difficult she has it at school/work/whatever, then the next day she'd openly trash talk me in front of everyone. f*** outta here. I'm not very trusting of women in general these days. You can't place much trust in someone guided primarily by emotional whims rather than by logic and rationality.


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FredtheBelgium, similar likes and interests do matter don't you think?

Of course looks matter but after that what do you talk about?

I couldn't date someone who didn't read, didn't like travel, and wasn't a deep thinker.
I agree with you, mate. Looks matter: Initially.
Then it's whether you both connect as intellectual beings.
Whether you share the same word view and such.

At least that's how it worked for me with regard to the longevity of my favourite relationship.

Meaningful conversations are very stimulating after a long sex session.
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I'm not even sure girls are really friends with themselves. Not in the same way lads are anyways.

They're so on edge with each other and ready to b**ch and moan about any one of their "friends" given the opportunity.

Whilst lads often have a laugh at the expense of their mates, girls often viciously criticize their friends without any humour and without ever directly informing the person. Instead they find out through gossip and then the bitchiness cycle continues.

Admittedly this could just be the particular girls I hang around with though.


Yep, my best two mates are female and I am the bitchiest out of the three of us and I'm a man (I'm not even that bitchy).

Men can be really bitchy too, you can see it first hand on these forums!


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Yes but when men b**ch it's mostly confrontational. In other words they say it to the person, and it usually resolves itself quickly if it's between friends. There's less malice, less games, less evilness about it.

"Kev you're being a weirdo stop it". "f*** off!"

"Ciara was being so weird today wasn't she? Did you see her do that thing earlier, what's wrong with her ugh!!". "Yeah she's such a freak"

Then when Ciara is around they won't say a thing.


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ex girlfriends want to become your "friends" for one of two reasons -

1) they want to manipulate you back into a relationship

2) they want to gloat and make you feel bad by rubbing their new relationship in your face.

Women and men could potentially be friends IF neither of them were physically attracted to each other, or wanted to have sex at all, even when completely drunk. Or of course, if the man is gay. other than that, I have yet to see a friendship occur when either member is good looking.


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Show any sign of weakness and it's over. Women are really unforgiving about any kind of male insecurity because they don't believe men can be insecure about issues that matter to them.
Very true man! I never mention my balding days to women anymore and I never mention anything about taking propecia or using toppik in my hair. A lot of them would think that is weird.


I'm not a control freak.

Sometimes I dominate - sometimes I let them use me.

If I did the same thing each time it would be dull


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Exactly, never trust them, they're emotional, irrational and shallow, will do anything to get what they want or need, without hesitation or remorse.

once again with the brass generalizations. It's ONE thing to not trust a woman in a relationship, it's another to not trust any of them in real life.
My ex girlfriend (the one woman I truly loved) is about to get married.

My best friend, the dog I've had for 14 years is going down hill quick. I adopted this dog because of her. She convinced me my other dog (who passed away a couple years ago) needed a friend.

This girl is now an extremely intelligent, bad *** veterinarian.

She spent an hour on the phone with me last night discussing all the medications, why my dog is having seizures and can't walk, etc.. She loves this dog too. She made me feel ok about potentially putting her down. She waited on the phone as I choked up at the news and talked me through it, calmly.

So, f*** your accusations about ALL women in GENERAL. seriously, f*** it.


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Yeah, too bad that if I tried to "be charismatic" people will only see me as the "wierd balding guy" rather than the "boring bald guy".

Your posts are even worse than n003's.
There's definitely some truth to that statement, the first part that is. Unfortunately, a lot of women have a bad attitude towards bald or balding men and their first natural instinct is to say they are weird despite talking to them or getting to know them. As for my posts, well, you can't please everyone right?