Confidence And Charisma More Important Than Hair?


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I still have to go get that membership.

The gym is on the way back home from work so this could work.

Unless my laziness gets in the way.

When I think that I got my first gym membership 7 years ago but stopped because of hair loss.

It was a 1 year membership, talk about a waste of money. Way too many mirrors in there.

If I'd have a better frame I'd go to gym 2-3 times a week. WIthout any diet or another sh*t of course.

BUT since I have femine frame it is pointless.

I have a friend who has bones like mine and he is gymcel he reposts that retarded gym jokes like DO U EVEN LIFT BRO?;))) LEGS DAY etc etc you know.

He didn't improved at least when he is clothes there is nothing to tell.


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Not big:


You should see my body then.

These guys would look great without doing anything.

And guys who don't look great to begin with won't have impressive results.

People will still ask if they lift after years of bodybuilding.

Harsh truth, apparently. Why do you need those rationalizations?

I guess you'll say my arguments are rationalizations too.

Oh well, I know what I'm seeing on this picture. This guy was big before lifting.

That's an objective observation. No point in replying: "No he was not!"
this guys a typical lying sack of sh*t.

its not about the size, it's about the 'look'. A lot of skinny fags walking around on steroids nowadays that you would never think were on, let alone lifted. Its today's generation, steroids, then lift. Before even stepping in a gym, steroids first. :rolleyes:

he juices, and is a lying c***. Anyone who makes money off there body is juicing. I know of a handful of naturals on youtube, rest filth.


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this guys a typical lying sack of sh*t.

its not about the size, it's about the 'look'. A lot of skinny fags walking around on steroids nowadays that you would never think were on, let alone lifted. Its today's generation, steroids, then lift. Before even stepping in a gym, steroids first. :rolleyes:

he juices, and is a lying c***. Anyone who makes money off there body is juicing. I know of a handful of naturals on youtube, rest filth.

He's not a skinny f**, I don't see your point at all sorry.

He did take a steroids test what more do you want?


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He's not a skinny f**, I don't see your point at all sorry.

He did take a steroids test what more do you want?
I dont need to see a test, & you should know better,

I can come off steroids, and within two weeks the entire half-life and remainder of the drug will be out of my body. Depending on the ester....

Voila! I am natural.

I didn't say he in particular was a 'skinny f**' I am talking about the circle jerk circle known as the fitness community, and your daily gym goer.


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I dont need to see a test, & you should know better,

I can come off steroids, and within two weeks the entire half-life and remainder of the drug will be out of my body. Depending on the ester....

Voila! I am natural.

I didn't say he in particular was a 'skinny f**' I am talking about the circle jerk circle known as the fitness community, and your daily gym goer.

Depends on the test. He did an carbon isotope test if I recall correctly.


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Depends on the test. He did an carbon isotope test if I recall correctly.
But what does this prove? that he was natural during the time of his test.

doesn't take away from the endless months that he cycled steroids to build his body.


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My main problem is my lower-belly fat that will never go away unless I have a lipo.

It's even more obvious since I've had my gyno surgery since they removed a lot of fat in my pecs.

It's also forbidden for me to gain weight or my face will look like a potato. Nothing I can do about it.

So I'll just stick to the 3x45 minutes plan. If the results are barely perceptible after 6 months, I'll quit of course.

If your naturally lean

and you work out

and you eat low glycemic

you will get great results

you dont need to 'bulk up'..thats not what i talk about.

if you have a little belly fat--it will go down a bit (may not disappear but does not have to) it you eat low glycemic--not diet just eat food combos that help body burn fat..its basically low sugar, low grain and more good fats less bad fats.


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Btw I no longer watch Greg's videos as he got pretty boring. He's run out of material i guess.


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If your naturally lean

and you work out

and you eat low glycemic

you will get great results

you dont need to 'bulk up'..thats not what i talk about.

if you have a little belly fat--it will go down a bit (may not disappear but does not have to) it you eat low glycemic--not diet just eat food combos that help body burn fat..its basically low sugar, low grain and more good fats less bad fats.

I was in Manhattan this week. You are surrounded by beautiful and wonderful food it must be very hard for you to not get fat.


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I think shookwun knows his stuff.

Be a little perceptive David, one could see that this guy was roided up from miles away.

No point in denying the obvious.

Just did a search. Even the website natty or not says it's not clear.

Gave him a 50 per cent chance of being on roinds.


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I was in Manhattan this week. You are surrounded by beautiful and wonderful food it must be very hard for you to not get fat.

Im not 'in' Manhattan but very close but great food is everywhere now but I rarely eat out...i cook most food at home. I pre cook so every thing there easy to grab, easy to pack up.

Im not going to lie i am not as careful as i was before August...I been up/down so much emotional roller coster with hair issues..

getting dueling diagnosis etc its very nerve wracking

so far i am maintaining though..i would LOVE to lose 20 more pounds.

I plan on going back to a man i trained with years ago who is phenomenal i trained with him a lot when i was younger and he's great...very old school in his approach..a lot of boxing too i used to do with him.

i just have to get finalized on my hair diagnosis its hard to focus on anything else.

Once its confirmed Androgenetic Alopecia i am going to really focus on fitness and then i have to go back to work full time..right now i am doing what is called 'day playing'...Its decent money etc but i need by January to get on something full swing...right now i just can't not in the head. I would totally f*** up. stuff i am doing now is cake walk and short duration.


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Im not 'in' Manhattan but very close but great food is everywhere now but I rarely eat out...i cook most food at home. I pre cook so every thing there easy to grab, easy to pack up.

Im not going to lie i am not as careful as i was before August...I been up/down so much emotional roller coster with hair issues..

getting dueling diagnosis etc its very nerve wracking

so far i am maintaining though..i would LOVE to lose 20 more pounds.

I plan on going back to a man i trained with years ago who is phenomenal i trained with him a lot when i was younger and he's great...very old school in his approach..a lot of boxing too i used to do with him.

i just have to get finalized on my hair diagnosis its hard to focus on anything else.

Once its confirmed Androgenetic Alopecia i am going to really focus on fitness and then i have to go back to work full time..right now i am doing what is called 'day playing'...Its decent money etc but i need by January to get on something full swing...right now i just can't not in the head. I would totally f*** up. stuff i am doing now is cake walk and short duration.

It sucks that you're getting these dueling, conflicting reports. One of the consequences of hair loss is the "cognitive tax" I mentioned elsewhere. You're spending so much time/energy thinking about your hair that it lessens your ability to think about other important things.

When I passed by the Waldorf Astoria in NY, I noticed they have a brunch buffet. It's apparently $125. I feel like trying it out at some point. Not for a while though.

For now, I'd love to lose approximately 15 lbs. I'm not sure the exact number. I've started my (I hope) first long-term fast this morning. Hopefully it goes well. I definitely want to do at least 4 days. Afterwards I'll be temporarily eliminating added sugars, grains, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and adding in fermented vegetables, oily fish, whenever possible. I think I need a reboot.


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It sucks that you're getting these dueling, conflicting reports. One of the consequences of hair loss is the "cognitive tax" I mentioned elsewhere. You're spending so much time/energy thinking about your hair that it lessens your ability to think about other important things.

When I passed by the Waldorf Astoria in NY, I noticed they have a brunch buffet. It's apparently $125. I feel like trying it out at some point. Not for a while though.

For now, I'd love to lose approximately 15 lbs. I'm not sure the exact number. I've started my (I hope) first long-term fast this morning. Hopefully it goes well. I definitely want to do at least 4 days. Afterwards I'll be temporarily eliminating added sugars, grains, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and adding in fermented vegetables, oily fish, whenever possible. I think I need a reboot.

My weight loss was very slow and very steady and I think its part of reason it did not come back.

When i was really on it with eating healthy i would cheat like once a month (guess when lol) i would just go to town one day a month...splurge it was usually one meal and a dessert...I don't 'binge' eat a lot of women tend to binge so eating off a plan can derail them--so it does not work for everyone.

its really a mind set but i have to say worrying about hair especially if i do have AA--its very hard to focus on being on point with food. So maintaining for now is really all i can deal with.

Im supposed to meet my cousins in Ibiza next Spring so by then i would like to be down 20 i would also like to still have a head of hair lol.


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A lot of men around here cope behind the idea that women don't care about men being in shape. Everytime it's brought up, the usual cats storm in and reflect there insecurities of how being in shape doesn't matter.

It does matter. it makes me not only feel better about myself, but also increases the likelihood of me attracting women.

The whole idea of lifting for women is stupid, because being in shape is not going to get you laid. if that's your objective, and goal then you already lost before the game began. Lifting weights goes far beyond attracting mates, which is inevitably will. It's about you, and not only will you look better, but you will feel better. So who's coping when they say lifting weights doesn't matter? How exactly does being in shape not matter.

It short it matters. A lot of members around here could benefit from participating in sports, and building a physique. Not only will it build character, but it will strengthen your self-esteem which most could benefit from.

I get it thought, it's hard, it's tough... and most men cannot endure the idea behind dedicating an hour a day a few times a week. :D

@David. Dude from

Fine work, sir.

Have long felt that I'm most comfortable during a vigorous session with the free weights.

Been doing it religiously since high school.

Nothing like that feeling you get when using your muscles and pushing your body to the full.

Not to mention the relaxation and satisfaction you get after a great workout ... after a great meal ... knowing that you're making your body a stronger, more efficient machine. Priceless.

Many have to drag themselves to the gym. Or they can't handle the discomfort that comes when pushing muscles to failure. Or they think it's too boring and can't wait to get a workout over with. For me, lifting is one of the HIGHLIGHTS of the day.

Despite the thinning hair, you feel better than the overfed masses. Physically superior to most of your peers thanks to the vigorous training and excellent nutrition.

THAT is part of the lifestyle you need when dealing with a genetic cheap shot like premature hair loss...


Fine work, sir.

Have long felt that I'm most comfortable during a vigorous session with the free weights.

Been doing it religiously since high school.

Nothing like that feeling you get when using your muscles and pushing your body to the full.

Not to mention the relaxation and satisfaction you get after a great workout ... after a great meal ... knowing that you're making your body a stronger, more efficient machine. Priceless.

Many have to drag themselves to the gym. Or they can't handle the discomfort that comes when pushing muscles to failure. Or they think it's too boring and can't wait to get a workout over with. For me, lifting is one of the HIGHLIGHTS of the day.

Despite the thinning hair, you feel better than the overfed masses. Physically superior to most of your peers thanks to the vigorous training and excellent nutrition.

THAT is part of the lifestyle you need when dealing with a genetic cheap shot like premature hair loss...
Haha it does make you feel superior.

I wonder if that's how the wealthy feel around poor people?


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Fine work, sir.

Have long felt that I'm most comfortable during a vigorous session with the free weights.

Been doing it religiously since high school.

Nothing like that feeling you get when using your muscles and pushing your body to the full.

Not to mention the relaxation and satisfaction you get after a great workout ... after a great meal ... knowing that you're making your body a stronger, more efficient machine. Priceless.

Many have to drag themselves to the gym. Or they can't handle the discomfort that comes when pushing muscles to failure. Or they think it's too boring and can't wait to get a workout over with. For me, lifting is one of the HIGHLIGHTS of the day.

Despite the thinning hair, you feel better than the overfed masses. Physically superior to most of your peers thanks to the vigorous training and excellent nutrition.

THAT is part of the lifestyle you need when dealing with a genetic cheap shot like premature hair loss...
for me the feelings of DOMS the next day is priceless. I just love when I break down, and push my muscles so intensely that when I wake up in the morning they are sore. Those micro-tears are a hall mark towards me becoming stronger, and transcending into a a more strong version of my previous self.

The satisfaction of finishing a work out, going home and eating is also worth mentioning/

I enjoy everything about exercising. the gruesome work outs, the eating, and the results that accompany it.

I am at my most comfortable, and clearest state of mind after a work out. All that blood, and oxygen being shuttled around. Reduces my anxiety, in return makes me much more social around others.

I just love pushing myself, figuring out ways to toss the muscle a curve ball through a variety of methods. High weights, higher reps, lower weight, higher weight, less rest, slower tempos. Forcing the muscle to grow through technique.

Pumping my muscles full of blood, stretching and forcing the fascia to expand. it's a wonderful feeling.