Please see the attached pics to see what my hair looks like.
Earlier today I made the long journey to my consultation but the doctor refused to operate on me - instead recommending that I try things like hair fibers or even shaving it all off and getting it tattooed.
Now, I'm 25 years old and my hair has been getting really thin over the past 2 years. Prior to this, I had the thickest Italian hair imaginable.
I'm already taking Rogain, tried hair fibers but found them horrible, refuse to take finasteride... basically, I've already researched all of this and have explored the other options available.
I always knew that I would ultimately get multiple transplants in my life time to correct my hair loss and I just felt that now was the right time to get the first one.
But, the doctor told me that he wouldn't do it and that other (good) doctors would say the same thing?
He didn't really explain himself very well though to be honest, so not only am I really disappointed but I'm still extremely confused.
What he was basically saying is that, if he was to transplant the hair, then later on the hair loss would continue to get worse and it would look bad.
But - my counter to that is that I'm already aware of that and know that I will have to go back multiple times. I'm fully prepared for that.
His response to that, though, was how I can only transplant so many grafts in a lifetime.
But, it's not like we'll be taking all of the grafts this time. What's the difference between doing 1500 now, 2500 later and 2500 even later or whatever... rather than doing it all in one go???
I don't understand what he's saying. Why can't I just get it done multiple times so that I don't have to go fully bald before I can do something about it??
Oh and by the way, my hair at the back and the top of my head's back/middle section is fully thick and looking at my family history is unlikely to ever thin. This is something the Doctor agreed with me on.
Please help me here guys!
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