Contributing To The Japanese Trip To The Hlc Is A Mistake


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I think it's a great idea: it will encourage more donations, maybe even enough for a second person to join Hellouser. There is no way Hellouser can attend every event but if there were someone there with him more information can be gathered.

You are absolutely, totally, 100% correct. Anybody who was already going to donate will not withhold their donation because they only show the info to people who contribute, but if the only way a person can examine the information would be to contribute then some, if not all, of the moochers would then contribute.
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Honestly I give zero fucks who pays or not.

Did you donate? If you donated and you don't care if others don't donate then the moochers love you because you're the donator who pays the moocher's share without complaining about it. They're happy that you quietly pay their share. They're happy that you pay so they can see the HLC information for free, at your expense.
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That Guy

My Regimen
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I agree with you for the most part but you're completely undermining the idea that the footage/documents/etc. from the conference should be available only to those who made his trip possible.

Yes, I'm undermining that idea because it's f*****g stupid.

if you want to and can't afford to take a trip to the most expensive country on earth to get some one-on-one time with some hairloss researchers to publish on a website, that is your problem.

You need to be realistic about what the odds actually are of Hellouser bringing back any ultra-secret, super important information that the researchers would not share with the general public. Correct me if I'm wrong, but does @hellouser actually have anything lined up with these people? If not, it's a very real, perhaps even likely, possibility that he will not be able to make contact with these folks and bring back nothing of value. If he does make contact, it's also a likely scenario he brings back nothing of earth-shattering value; then Nameless will cry he's suing.

Next, you really think that people who donated and get the info before everyone else will keep their mouth shut? Histogen sent some guy top secret investor info, told him not to share it, and he went and shared it anyway. So what then? Should BAN those people, but not the crazy guy who starts fights, tons of threads demanding a blackout for everyone who didn't donate?

Wanna know what the incentive to donate is in the first place? To send a person from this site there to get them on the ground and MAYBE grab some exclusive info. If people aren't donating, it's because they don't feel it's worth it.

I didn't want to admit this in this madman's thread, but f*** it, I'll give you the reason I'm not donating:

I contribute as it is. I've already got published articles on new hairloss research and tech, with lots more on the way and I will also pen an article covering every nitty-gritty detail I can dig up about what goes down at the conference as it happens; covering anything Hellouser can't or did not get and it will be here for you to read, free of charge unless someone higher up tells me otherwise. There's lots more info headed your way about stem cells, health factors that play into hairloss, new technologies and regenerative therapies and I'm also going to try setting up an interview or two, when Tsuji's trials begin, I'll be watching like a hawk and relaying every bit of info on the as soon as it happens. All of this info written in association with the best hairloss treasure hunters and scientifically literate members of the community.

I think what Hellouser is trying to do is great and with the best of intentions, I personally will not be donating, though I wish him the best of luck.

But I don't support punishing people from the forums for not donating, either. Ultimately, this should be Hellouser and's call.

I can get behind the idea of providing incentives though. Perhaps it would be possible to set up a secret livestream or something for users who donated? The information still gets published on time when he gets back, but backers got a gopro-style look at what he's doing on the ground and no one else gets to see that?

Just throwin' ideas out.
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My Regimen
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Anyone who contributes to the Japanese HLC trip at this point is a fool. Guys are openly laughing about how they won't donate to pay for the trip but they'll get the information anyway, at the expense of the fools who do donate. They're also alleging that the entire campaign to raise money is a scam to pay for someone's vacation to Japan.

Nameless, I LOVE you man. In fact, I love you so much, I want to make you my PRISON b**ch!


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I'm not donating but I also do not plan on reading through the massive thread that will be created for this years HLC. I am just not interested in knowing what treatments we "might" get, or what we are "close" to getting. I am interested in what we have now. That doesn't mean that I am against anybody that wants to know what is currently being worked on and keeping their hopes up.

I don't know Hellouser personally, but I don't think he is scamming anybody. He seems pretty genuine about wanting to find a cure for this bullshit. From what I understand he not only brings back a sh*t ton of information from the presentations, but also conducts interviews. It's not like he is showing up to the conference half drunk, scribbling a few notes, then leaving early to bang some hookers. He is putting in a lot of work, not to mention the time to get the info organized to present here.

Personally even if I did donate I wouldn't have a problem with him taking in a few sights or bang hookers, as long as he provide pics.

You should use the money for a family vacation for yourself. Just let Helouser BABYSIT YOUR KIDS! He would be a good baby sitter.

He can scare them into taking Finasteride, and give them a few pills (and advice maybe!). i totally look the other WAY on this one.


My Regimen
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I was gonna give a few hundred but to be honest, I don't know what this all does for me, for you guys it gets updates quicker, but it hardly progresses anything directly, or does it?

I do not doubt hellouser is going there purely for news and I've vaguely browsed over his last trip's updates which seemed thoroughly done with the interviews and posts, but I didn't read much of it.

Am I a leech who will read it for free? No, but f*** it, I can if I want without a moral qualm.

If it slows down with a grand to go I might still throw it in, but for me personally I'm not at all informed on new research and I won't read a thing or listen to any videos.

Now, if he's a scientist who can discover something if we all donate money?

Take it, take my f*****g house, car, take it all and take it now.


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What proof do you have of this?

I already posted other posters statements where they said that. I'm not saying I believe it but the point is that some people do believe it. As a matter of fact, I do not believe it.

But it doesn't matter anyway since the real point is that some posters won't contribute because they want the suckers (contributors) to make up the difference. They believe that suckers (contributors) will do all of the paying. If you contribute then you're one of those suckers. The mooches are trying to ride your back and if you donate you're basically letting them climb up onto your back so they can ride your back.
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My Regimen
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I already posted other posters statements where they said that. I'm not saying I necessarily believe it but the point is that some people are saying it.

Also, it doesn't matter anyway because the real point is that some posters won't contribute because they want the suckers (contributors) to make up the difference. If you contribute then you're one of those suckers. The mooches are trying to ride your back and if you donate you're basically helping them climb up onto your back so they can ride you.

Just letting you know that your opinion isn't going to sway anyone either way.


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Just letting you know that your opinion isn't going to sway anyone either way.

That's fine with me. I just want the potential contributors to be fully informed. I think potential contributors have the right to be fully informed. If you want to let mooches ride your back that's your decision. I just want you to be fully informed.

The mooches who aren't contributing CAN afford to contribute but they don't want to because they want to get the information for free. They want other people to pay for them to get the information. They want to ride other people's backs. And since you want to let them ride your back you should stoop down to make it easier for them to climb on board your back. After all, you wouldn't want to make the moochers strain themselves when they climb up on top of your back so they can ride your back.
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If it slows down with a grand to go I might still throw it in, but for me personally I'm not at all informed on new research and I won't read a thing or listen to any videos.

I'm not going to lie to you - If you donate at this point then you're a sucker. But it's your right to be a sucker if you want to be.

That aside, the smart play is to not donate. Since you've stated that you're willing to donate that means it's not your fault if you don't donate. If you don't donate it's just because you don't want to be a sucker. Anybody would understand that. I do not put you in the same category as I put the mooches because you're willing to donate.

Only a complete sucker would donate now that it's obvious that some people won't donate because they think they can get other people (suckers) to make up the difference. Posters like That_Guy, Thomps1523, notcoolanymore, and numerous other posters want to ride your back. And if you donate that means you're letting them ride your back. If you donate you're telling the mooches to climb up onto your back so they can ride your back.

Now that it's clear that some people are trying to ride the backs of contributors the people who donate from this point forward are the biggest suckers of them all because they've been informed that mooches are riding the backs of contributors but the contributors contribute anyway.
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Just letting you know that your opinion isn't going to sway anyone either way.

You should put a stepping stool next to yourself to make it easier for the mooches to climb up onto your back. After all, you want to let the mooches ride your back. Oh and you should pay for the stepping stool.
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GET OVER YOURSELF! You think you are some kind of big shot just because you donate $200. You come here with your dick swinging and patting yourself on the back because you coughed up a couple of bucks. Well whoop de f*****g do. When you didn't get the congrats that you thought you deserved, you decided you want your money back. What a pathetic weasel you are? Personally I don't give a f*** if the info is restricted or not. Like I have mentioned before I don't hang out in this section of the forum and just decided to come here to laugh at your lunacy and as expected you didn't fail to deliver.

You're a mooch who will surely read the HLC information. You yourself even admit that it's possible. And your conclusions about my motivations have nothing to do with reality. I do not think I'm a big-shot at all. I'm just a moral man who wants to inform potential donors that mooches like you are trying to ride their backs.
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