I didn't want to admit this in this madman's thread, but f*** it, I'll give you the reason I'm not donating:
I contribute as it is. I've already got published articles on new hairloss research and tech, with lots more on the way and I will also pen an article covering every nitty-gritty detail I can dig up about what goes down at the conference as it happens; covering anything Hellouser can't or did not get and it will be here for you to read, free of charge unless someone higher up tells me otherwise. There's lots more info headed your way about stem cells, health factors that play into hairloss, new technologies and regenerative therapies and I'm also going to try setting up an interview or two, when Tsuji's trials begin, I'll be watching like a hawk and relaying every bit of info on the as soon as it happens. All of this info written in association with the best hairloss treasure hunters and scientifically literate members of the community.
I think what Hellouser is trying to do is great and with the best of intentions, I personally will not be donating, though I wish him the best of luck.
But I don't support punishing people from the forums for not donating, either. Ultimately, this should be Hellouser and HairLossTalk.com's call.
I can get behind the idea of providing incentives though. Perhaps it would be possible to set up a secret livestream or something for users who donated? The information still gets published on time when he gets back, but backers got a gopro-style look at what he's doing on the ground and no one else gets to see that?
Just throwin' ideas out.
I'm typing this message to potential contributors. Please read the partial post by That_Guy which I incorporated into this post right above what I'm saying here. In his partial post above, That_Guy explains his reason for why he feels he should not be expected to contribute to the Japan HLC trip. In a nutshell he's saying that he shouldn't be expected to contribute because he's special. This of course means the rest of us aren't special.
People listen up, we are each special in our own eyes. In my eyes I'm special. In your eyes your special. In each person's eyes he or she is special. If those of us who think of ourselves as special were to not donate then nobody would donate.
But in That_Guy's view, ONLY he is truly special. In his eyes the rest of us just think we're special but he really is special. In his arrogant, self-serving, self-aggrandizing view of himself he is THE ONE like "Neo" in the movie "Matrix". In his view, he's the INDISPENSABLE POSTER like Barack Obama said America is the indispensable nation. In his view, we all owe everything to him because he has done so much for all of us. He thinks that he is special in a way that none of the rest of us can truly be special. Like I said, we each believe that we ourselves are special but he believes he's special in a bigger way than just him believing that he's special. He thinks he's special in a way that each and everyone of us should also accept that he is more special than any of the rest of us. He thinks the rest of us should all accept that he is truly special while the rest of us only mistakenly believe that we are each special. He thinks hes bettet than the rest of us (because he's more special) and we should accept that he has been our savior here. He thinks that we should all accept that without him we are all sunk. He thinks we should all accept that we owe him.
What a laugh! He could leave right now and never come back for all I care. He has done nothing for any of us that others haven't done for him. He brags about him posting studies as if he's the only one who posts studies.
And he acts as if other posters shouldn't expect him to contribute because he does so much for the team BUT Hellouser will use his employment leave to go to all the way to Japan to get us the Hair Loss Congress information, and Hellouser is still going to contribute. I think last year Hellouser threw in $500 of his own money to the cause even though he's the one who did all the work.
That_Guy's reasoning for why we should not expect him to contribute is nothing but a bunch of self-serving and self-aggrandizing crap. There is only one true reason why he is not donating and it has nothing to do with him already giving so much to the group. Like I said, Hellouser gives a lot more to the group than That_Guy does and Hellouser is still going to contribute.
The real reason That_Guy won't contribute to the Japan HLC trip is because he's a stinking mooch who thinks it's a bad business decision to pay for something if he can get some suckers to pay for it for him. It's just that simple. He wants to get the information at other people's expense. He wants to ride other people's backs. Candy tastes so much sweeter when you're able to dupe someone else into paying for it.
If you contribute then you are letting That_Guy (and others like him) ride your back. If you contribute then you are the mule for That_Guy and others like him.
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