Cool Smoke's jokes

Norwood One

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Ugliness = mother nature's way of natural selection. These people are not meant to reproduce and pass their genes.

If you're 46 and a virgin, you're SOL brah. And most likely a troll.

Norwood One

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On the slight off chance that the OP actually is in this predicament. Try, but do not set your hopes too high.
And when all else fails, remember there's always escorts and strippers to try.
May your boners be hefty, and may they go hard and sky high
And may you buy pleasure for money and be on cloud nine.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.


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People date and pipe all the time from work in the US. It happens when people are attracted to each other are around each other all the time. They just keep it DL. Unless your stalking or harrassing the women nothing bad will happen. But i wouldnt do it unless your 100% sure she will say yes bc you could make it an akward situation for you or her.

Wolf Pack

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My Regimen
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This must be a Belgosphere thing ;) There is no problem like this as such in the UK.


Established Member
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This must be a Belgosphere thing ;) There is no problem like this as such in the UK.

Yeah US is like that also. Yeah women make it pretty obvious if they are interested i usually wouldnt ask one out if i wasnt sure she would say yes bc the fact that im not sure is a redflag shes probably not interested. Ive been with women from past jobs and they made it so obvious.


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Wolf Pack

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My Regimen
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Yeah US is like that also. Yeah women make it pretty obvious if they are interested i usually wouldnt ask one out if i wasnt sure she would say yes bc the fact that im not sure is a redflag shes probably not interested. Ive been with women from past jobs and they made it so obvious.


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Oh please. You must have heard of the Linkedin story:

The girl in question is definitely on the market, the problem is, I think she likes this other younger dude who AFAIK is not interested. She's always hanging around him. I can't tell if she would be receptive to my advances.

Dailymail is known for it's inaccuracies and sensationalist language in general. Just the other day they had to apologise about something, again. In this case, such stories exist for every country around the world that is developed. The real test is the average English guy living here and working: there is no problem.

I think you can test the waters a bit with this girl and see where it takes you.


New Member
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Day one approaching women - success!

Today I finally approached a girl for the first time in my 46 years.

As you may know if you read my other thread, I start going back to college this Spring. But I was so excited about picking up hot babes I couldn't wait that long. I decided to start today.

Today marked the day of my transformation. I am no longer my former self. I am Cool Smoke now. When I got up this morning, I didn't dress like a slob as I usually would do. I dressed with style. Today I wore a black trench coat and dark mysterious sunglasses. I also shaved my head for the first time. I'm no longer balding, I am sly bald now. I looked in the mirror and for the first time I saw someone who looked like he meant something staring back.

But there was still something missing. It wasn't my looks because I looked really good. It was my voice. I have a high pitched voice and I grew up in a middle American town so I speak with a really boring, generic American accent. Not a good combination. I didn't want the girls to think I am just some boring suburban guy. I needed to sound like I am someone exiting.

This is why I decided to change my accent. I decided to go with a New York accent because New York is so exciting and the accent I think complements my high pitched voice. When I talk with my New York accent I try to sound like Rattrap from Beast Wars (Beast Wars is one of my favorite shows of all time :cool:).

So for my first cold approach, I decided to go to the library of the university I will be attending. I saw this girl sitting down, working on the computer. She was really cute, at least an 8, and she looked like she was around 18 years old. I decided to sit next to her. I was nervous about talking to her, but eventually I got the courage. I said to her in my New York accent:

Cool Smoke: Hey, whatcha workin' on?
Girl: It's something for class.
Cool Smoke: Heh, professors always making their students do work. I think if the professor wants the work to be done, he should do it himself. Thinks are different where I'm from.
Girl: Ok
Cool Smoke: Yeh, I'm from New Yohk. If my professor tried to pull that **** on me, me and my crew would have beat his ***.
Cool Smoke: All this talking and I haven't even introduced myself. The name's Cool Smoke. You can call me Smoke for short.

She nodded, then a few minutes later she left the library.

This was a real eye-opening conversation for me. The whole time I spoke with her, she gave one word answers and avoided eye contact with me. This is EXACTLY how I used to act when I was in the presence of hot girls. Holy ****, this girl is nervous around me. Only a few hours into day game and I already got an IOI. Poor girl, she's probably so pretty that guys are too nervous to approach her, and as a result she must be incel, maybe she's even a virgin.

Tomorrow I will go back to the same spot at the same time in the library and approach the girl again. Hopefully she will be there again. I pray that we will end up losing our virginities together. Wish me luck!


Senior Member
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You got storytelling talent man, I'll give you that :)


Senior Member
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I am Cool Smoke now!

aka Full of ****

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and as a result she must be incel, maybe she's even a virgin.

At least you have that in common.

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Holy ****, this girl is nervous around me.

and most likely ready to report you to campus security.

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Hopefully she will be there again.

Not if she sees you hanging out there.


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if this guy was real even me and u wud bully him

Um no. The dude is posting fiction, but it's well written. I gave him positive rep.

Can you write as well?

Captain Hook

Established Member
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I dressed with style. Today I wore a black trench coat and dark mysterious sunglasses. I also shaved my head for the first time. I'm no longer balding, I am sly bald now. I looked in the mirror and for the first time I saw someone who looked like he meant something staring back.

Neckbeard confirmed ayy lmao!

in on roll bread


We're toasting in a roll bread


Senior Member
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I'm so glad I'm drinking tonight because this story made me to laugh out pretty loud.
I woke up my flat mate, who has to be up at 4am.


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This article is hilarious. You should write a short book about that and sell it on amazon. I would buy that.

Funny to think that in New York students usually beat up profs and guys call themselves Hot Smoke.