Cool Smoke's jokes


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If 17 year old schoolgirls fantasize about getting hit on by 100+ year olds, surely it's ok for a dude in his 40s to hit on a 18 year old.


I want to **** older men!

From like 45-70. I'm 16. The thought of it turns me on so much!

I'm a 15 year old girl with the EXACT same thoughts as well...

All my friends say I'm really weird when I find older men ****ing hot :/

Older men are the best...they treat you like a princess, and there's no way they're going to shoot their load in 30 seconds, like teen guys do. I had my first "boyfriend" when I was 11..he was in his 40s, and had a daughter older than me. I dressed up for him, (girls actually wore skirts occasionally back in the 1980s), and he'd show his appreeciation. I'm 35 now, he's pushing 70, and he's still the best lover I've ever had. I know he's remarried, but I want to call him anyway!

I'm 29 now but the wonderful man who introduced me was 45. He treated me, 13 at the time, like a princess, a little queen actually. We had to hide because I was playing with his daughter but he arranged things neatly. I dressed up and he really made me feel important. Best lover ever. Sad thing is he passed away some years ago.


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I stood up for myself today.

I went again to the college library to try to pick up girls. I got a couple of rejections and decided it was time to eat.

I went to this sandwich place that's popular on campus, there was a big lineup. So I got in line behind this tall jock guy, he was about 6'4" and wearing a baseball cap backwards. I'm only of average height (5'7") so this guy dwarfed me. Then after I got in line this really super cute petite blonde sorority girl got in line behind me. I think she was into me because when I looked back at her I caught her looking in my direction.

So I was standing in line and all of a sudden the jock douche's friend came and started talking to the original jock douche. He cut in front of me. I guess it's not that big of an offense, but would an alpha male just stand there and let the guy cut in front of him? Hell no. Now was my opportunity to show the girl behind me I'm an alpha male who sticks up or himself.

After the jock douche's friend cut in front of me, this is what I said:

Cool Smoke: Back of the line!
Jock douche's friend: What?
Cool Smoke: I said get to the back of the line.
Jock douche's friend: Bro, my friend is here.
Cool Smoke: Doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if your friend let you cut. When you cut in front of your friend, you cut in front of all of us. If you wanna cut in front of your friend, you have to ask permission from EVERYONE in the line, not just your friend.
Jock douche's friend: Just chill bro, I'm just going to talk to him for a few minutes, then I'll go back to the end of the line.
Cool Smoke: First of all, I'm not your "bro". I don't care if you're just talking to your friend. You need to get your *** to the back of the line if you want a sandwich. You think you're better than the rest of us? Because it sure seems like it.
Jock douche's friend: It'll just be a sec-

Then I screamed at the top of my lungs:

Cool Smoke: Get the F*CK back to the end of the line! YOU PIECE OF SH*T!

The jock douche's friend was visibly shaken. He said:

Jock douche's friend: Ok, ok, sorry. Just calm down, I'm going to the back of the line.

And then he started walking towards the end of the line with his head down in shame. I could hear the cute girl behind me trying to hold in her laughter, and then she just burst out laughing. This is how much of a fool I made of that guy. Before girls used to laugh at me. Now I make them laugh at jocks. This is the power of game. I'm still kicking myself for not introducing myself to her.


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Really strong beginning, excellent job setting the scene. It failed in the last act though (when the screaming began).

Still, quite impressive if you're coming up with this material inside a day.


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Ahahah I thought she did that cuz you were bald or somewhat but you grabbed her boobs!!


My Regimen
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I don't know wether OP is trolling or not (he probably is), but if not, I've got to address the elephant in the room: In what universe is it acceptable for a 46 year old man to hit on 18 year old schoolgirls, let alone grab their boobs? Sorry OP, but your time has come and gone. Find someone closer to your own age, because you seriously sound like a perv (not because you are bald!)
consensual is all that matters


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Today was day two of my quest to lose my virginity at 46....
o god, couldn't keep reading after that



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My Regimen
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These are getting stale pretty quickly. Think you need to include some more hairloss forum slang and in-jokes. Look at this story on the BB misc for example. This is good writing.


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What an AFC​!

Come on he is not an AFC. He does not obey the rules of girls and puts himself down just to be close women... Cool Smoke has an aggressive approach to meeting women. He is not some mr nice guy... he is just cool...w


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You should have told that jock that you are the alpha male to make your point even more clear. Some people just don't get it unless you talk to them directly.


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My Regimen
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It's not disgusting and it's only a cultural thing EvilLocks. I've been to Spain, and legal age there is 13.

I've seen 13-14 year old girls with guys who seemed to be in their late 20's.

Saying men in their 40's cannot date girls in their teens is a feminist shaming tactic again.

If you let women think for themselves and listen to their instincts, they will often go for a much older man.

I've met many girls like that, and that never heard of the feminist discourse.

Their reasons were simple: He's in his 40's, in shape, handsome, and... he has money (of course), something few young guys have.

Dude. Being repulsed by 13-14 year olds with 45 year olds is not a "feminist shaming tactic". Its ****ing disgusting. Whether it's young girls with older men or young boys with older women.


My Regimen
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lolz so closed minded

so the hundreds of years of history where it was accepted it was "disgusting"

its just ****in sex lol, and its consensual. wheres the problem?

13 year old girls are sexually mature anyways, like fred said its cultural


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My Regimen
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if they have started menstruation they can have kids AKA sexually mature smartie

most girls have had their period by 13, earlier now since puberties are starting sooner in the western world

Captain Hook

Established Member
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You should have told that jock that you are the alpha male to make your point even more clear. Some people just don't get it unless you talk to them directly.

Or better yet, you should've told him that you are the supreme gentleman
