
Craniofacial development - The thing that make us lose hair(A hair loss theory)

Do you believe this theory?

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    Votes: 23 36.5%
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    Votes: 40 63.5%

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@Ritchie If Sendhil Rammamurthy can be 9.5/10 I can be 8/10. Just look at him. Imperfect skin and assymmetrical face. I'd give him 6/10.

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Why have you started a thread on a hair loss theory which is catching everyone's attention, then spam your own thread with giving your opinion on how attractive people are.

Start a new thread for that crap and let people discuss the actual topic of this thread. All the decent posts are lost in all the other crap.


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Why have you started a thread on a hair loss theory which is catching everyone's attention, then spam your own thread with giving your opinion on how attractive people are.

Start a new thread for that crap and let people discuss the actual topic of this thread. All the decent posts are lost in all the other crap.
You are free to talk on the topic. I haven't abandoned it. I discuss craniofacial development as a whole. It doesn't just affects hair. It affects attractiveness aswell.


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You are free to talk on the topic. I haven't abandoned it. I discuss craniofacial development as a whole. It doesn't just affects hair. It affects attractiveness aswell.
I understand that, although the attractiveness part is subjective and not directly related to understanding hair loss.

My point is someone reading this forum who might eventually realise that the theory is the driving factor in hair loss and aligns with all the standard anti DHT reasoning (which is the reason we are all here) will not take it seriously when it goes of topic.


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@nimayazdani78 Emma Watson has very harmonical and proportional face. I really like looking at it. On my scale she should stand at about 8.5/10. She has too narrowing lower third to be 9/10.





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@nimayazdani78 The truerateme subreddit is not a good indicator of your looks. People with decent bone structure get rated as average. The only true rating is how people view you. Having decent bone structure automatically makes you above average and people that have it always get rated mostly above average. In few exceptions they receieve mostly average rating but never get rated mostly below average.

For example this man has very decent face shape and I think he's 7/10. He gets rated mosly 8/10


Meanwhile this man has much poorer facial structure and is 5/10 on my scale.. He has no harmony in the jaw and in the maxilla and gets rated mostly 4 and 5/10.

This man also has decent face shape and is 7/10
Man 3.jpg

He gets rated mosly 7 and 8/10 as expected.

Meanwhile this man has much more assymmetrical face and it 5/10. He get rated mostly 5 and 6/10.

This man has very decent face shape and is 7/10 and gets rated mostly 8/10.

While this man not so much and is 5/10.

He gets rated mostly 5/10 and so on. This is another proof how accurate my scale is and how craniofacial development affect attractiveness. If you have traits like prominent cheekbones, wide jawline, symmetry, harmony and solidity in your face you will be considered more attractive than the average and you will be conventionally good looking.


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@nimayazdani78 The truerateme subreddit is not a good indicator of your looks. People with decent bone structure get rated as average. The only true rating is how people view you. Having decent bone structure automatically makes you above average and people that have it always get rated mostly above average. In few exceptions they receieve mostly average rating but never get rated mostly below average.

For example this man has very decent face shape and I think he's 7/10. He gets rated mosly 8/10

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Meanwhile this man has much poorer facial structure and is 5/10 on my scale.. He has no harmony in the jaw and in the maxilla and gets rated mostly 4 and 5/10.
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This man also has decent face shape and is 7/10
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He gets rated mosly 7 and 8/10 as expected.

Meanwhile this man has much more assymmetrical face and it 5/10. He get rated mostly 5 and 6/10.
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This man has very decent face shape and is 7/10 and gets rated mostly 8/10.
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While this man not so much and is 5/10.
View attachment 187470
He gets rated mostly 5/10 and so on. This is another proof how accurate my scale is and how craniofacial development affect attractiveness. If you have traits like prominent cheekbones, wide jawline, symmetry, harmony and solidity in your face you will be considered more attractive than the average and you will be conventionally good looking.
I'm sorry but only 2 of these men are slightly above average


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@nimayazdani78 Francisco Lashowski is very overrated. He is often presented as 9/10 when in reality he is not even close. He's 7/10 at the best. His cheekbones are a bit flat and his nose is flat aswell. I am sure that he often breathes from his mouth.


His jawline looks a bit narrow and a bit recessed. That's why I think he has prominent recession of the hairline.

Zac Effron adn Colton Haynes look much better to me. They are 8/10. They have much more prominent maxilla and wider and stronger jaws.




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@nimayazdani78 This theory is true for women aswell. Testosterone in men and make up don't help. This woman is 5/10.


She gets rated mostly 5 and 6/10.
Meanwhile for this woman who's 7/10 on my scale almost all of her rating are 7 or above and she gets rate mostly 8 and 9
woman 2.jpg

Same about this woman
woman 3.jpg

she is 5/10 and get rated mostly 4 and 5.

This woman is 7/10 and receives mosly 7 and 8/10 rating. Almost nobody rates her as average let alone below average.


I will stop here because it's more difficult to make examples beacause less women use reddit than men.


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@Ritchie The reason I stopped talking on the topic of hair loss in men is because I already promoted more evidence than necessary that the facial structure and the galea of balding men doesn't look the same.If you search images of balding men getting hairpieces you will see that their galea doesn't look the same as the one of men who are Norwood 1 naturally.



If you think that non balding men can have face shapes and galeas like these you are in denial. Here is how hair loss chart should look.

Mechanical tension - Scull expansion - Lack of blood flow - Inflammatory response - Calcification, Fibrosis


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@nimayazdani78 I believe that everybody has a potential to have decent bone structure. When we are born we are all goofy looking and have poor facial structure



It just gradually develops during our lifetime. Breastfeeding instead of bottle feeding have an impact because the baby presses his palate with his tongue and that remodels the maxilla. Our ancestors had better craniofacial development because they ate unprocessed food that required chewing effort. I found this. It's very interesting.

Another factor is nose insead of mouth breathibg. I know about a case where a boy started breathing from the mouth at age 12 due to an allergy and it had an impact on his jaw and maxilla.


He had a potential to be 7/10 but ended up 3.
I think that severe cases of poor craniofacial development result due to poor habits from very early childhood. Bottle feeding, mouth breathing, poor tongue posture result in this and not genetics.
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Just to add I agree with the fibrosis and calcification hence raised DHT being part of the effect of scalp tension which is the result of what's been discussed in this thread and my previous post, but what's your take on collagen?

I know supplements are meant to increase skin elasticity, but there are so many health benefits. I've always been undecided on collagen, do you think it's detrimental to reducing scalp tension even if inflammation and calcification etc is addressed?
I haven't properly done research on this. The thing is testosterone and DHT already increase expression. I've never tried collagen personally. So I can't speak on that either. So it's hard for me to say. Currently my view is neutral based on lack of research.

What may help hair growth tho is essential (probably even non essential) amino acids. Most studies show benefits there. I still have to work it out tho. But collagen like I said I'm unsure. It's a bit of a "trend" these days so that kind of makes me a bit suspicious. I'm sure it's good for you but how much really.

For now I won't do collagen. But I do supplement a little with amino acids.

And I also agree with the other person it's better if we separate these threads. No reason they have to be in one it's taking away from the point.


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@Ritchie I emailed Wicked Waffles and told him about the cranifacial development and how it affects attractiveness and he didn't respond. He would rather continue to believe in his nonsense. I disagree with the things he's saying.

Look for example in this video. The guy he presents as a chad is 5 or 6/10 and I am sure he will receive this rating. He doesn't have good craniofacial development and he will go bald. His 7 looks like 6 to me too.

In this video he is trying to delude us that height is more important than face. The man he rates 7/10 is again very average looking man. That's bulshit again. Bone structure compensates for the lack of height and Hamza was right. If that was true 6'1 Quentin Tarantino would be more admired and desirable than 5'7 Tom Cruise.

Other of his nonsense are that he doesn't agree with "If you are ugly you have to find another way to attract". That's exact why I am thinking of. Looks are not everything. I will make a post about that in near future. That's how unattractive men get into a relationship. They compensate with having a nice personality and being and confident.

And of course he is trying to convince us that men are less selective about their partners because of testosterone. That's bullshit. They are not. I made a post in the previous page of this thread how men rate women or r/rate me and they rate them as their real value on my scale. No matter how horny or how drunk I am most women don't look attractive to me. Also He's saying that women become attracted to men when they are 7 or above. That's also untrue. 5 is the threshold and on MY scale not on his. He describes decent looking guys as 5 for whom I am sure most women would agree they are good looking like in this video:

The examples he gives as a 5 are all 6 or 7 except the one with the glasses. He's the only real five. He describes these men as very plain and average looking. That's bulshit. They are handsome and I am 100% sure they don't struggle with dating. There is more nonsense but I will stop here because the post has gotten long.