cringing moments...


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have you ever had any?what happened

im from uk. i was watching a tv program the other day called street mate. its a dating show where basically a tv crew and a female presenter run round a city in england ( london, manchester somewhere like that) and find a young single girl on the street. The girl and presenter then walk round the city to find her a date. the date is then filmed etc etc. Sometimes its a guy they find a date for but this time it was a girl. Shes about 22, cute brunette.

Right so the two girls running around trying to find a guy for her. She points few out to let the presenter kno her type and they ask a few guys but some have gf's. This is how the show works. they do this till they find a guy for her. Ok, so they walking down the street and she spots a guy siting outside a cafe with his mates drinking coffee. Hes about 23-26. Shes like ..''he's cute and has nice eyes, go for him''.....the presenter then says ok and her and the crew run over to him while the girl stays across the street waiting to see if the guy fancies going on a date. So...the presenter says hi to the guy and his mates and she says ..'hi i have a girl here who has spotted ya and thinks your her type and was wondering if ur single?'. The guy laughs bit and his mates jest and he says yeah im single and says hed be willing to go on a date. Hes wearing a baseball cap. The presneter then says let me see what you look like without the hat. she takes it off him and hes BALD. The presenter goes 'oh...oh...(laughs).' She looks at the camera and goes 'your bald' with a crunched up disgusted face. The girl across the street then waves her hands infront of her saying '' laughing!. The guy meanwhile luks destroyed and his mates are trying not to laugh and everyone else siting outside the coffee shop.( obv lota ppl were looking as there was a tv crew). The presenter and girl move on then to find another guy. I was thinking...fck that is harsh!! the guys face dropped! he went from feeling happy that a girl had spotted him and was then embarrassed infront of soo many ppl and made out to be ugly. it was cringing tv.

thankfully i have still got good hair and no one knows yet hence i have had no cringing moments but i feel for that guy and it was truly a cringing moment!!

anyone wanna share there experiences.


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Don't know if i'd call it cringe worthy but it was a stinger. I was laying in bed with a girl after doing the business and she turns to me and goes... Wow you really have receded far back, haven't you?

Of course it was hurtful, i doubt she ment anything malicious by it. But i just said "yeh i know, not much i can do about that."
I don't think i personally have a problem losing my hair (well not to much). Im just worried about how other people will persieve me.


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Thats f**king horrible. Poor man. I feel for him. I must say though there's a lesson to learn from this. Tyring hide your hairloss will only bring more pain. Openly showing your hairloss will stop the shock facter you get from people.


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thenational said:
I was laying in bed with a girl after doing the business and she turns to me and goes... Wow you really have receded far back, haven't you?

I would'nt be too worried about it then. :whistle:


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Pretty sure they have to ask for someone's consent for any footage to be used in a show. Maybe that guy could sue?
That is a f*****g embarrasing situation though, that guy probably went home and joined! :blush: :crazy:


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to be fair uk shows arent as superficial as the american ones like next etc. On this show if the girl had of said yes she wud have went with him. the show wudnt be edited to 'look pretty'. Fortunately the UK is not as high strung on beauty as our close friends the states are. Tv ppl for instance dont have plastic faces and teeth that could blind someone lol.

As bad as the moment was for the guy i have to say i think its bad on the part of the girl to say no no no cus she found out he was bald but after some research lol i have to maybe revise my thoughts on the presenter. I think the face she made was not out of disgust but because she felt awkward the girl had picked him not knowing he was bald. Why do i say this u might ask?? Well the presenter is holly willoughby a well known hottie on uk tv. I looked her up and her husband is..well here look for yourself....balding...funnily enough hes called dan baldwin





Bald Dave

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That is f*****g horrible! The girl obviously thought the guy was cute, had nice eyes etc before she saw that he was bald so why would she not give the guy a chance just because he doesn't have hair? Its women like this that make me sick but then again she was only 22 and once all those hairy bf's use and abuse her she'll then realise that hair isn't everything and she prob would have loved to have gone on a date with that guy that she humiliated on tv. At the end of the day women grow up and realise that there is more to life than hair and I've seen plenty of attractive women in their late 20s with baldies :agree:


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Yeah.. totally agree with the previous comments...

1) UK reality shows aren't as "polished" as their US counterparts
2) 22? give her another year or two, she'll come around.

PS: I still think this particular scene should have been deleted or something. It's just bad TV.....
PS2: Keeping it in can earn our younger brothers some sympathy for the future


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Bald Dave said:
That is f****ing horrible! The girl obviously thought the guy was cute, had nice eyes etc before she saw that he was bald so why would she not give the guy a chance just because he doesn't have hair?

I agree. The girl obv liked his facial features and eyes etc etc. he stood out to her to pick him. But once she saw he had little hair she was freaked. its a sad point of life but thats how the world works. On a judgement basis. Dont get me wrong if a balding guy had time to work on a girl such as this he may pull her but on a first meet basis such as this or in a club or sometihng a balding guy is against the odds. However we must all admit that why should a girl pick a balding man if she could find one with hair. It happens obviously but its like saying we should make more of an effort with fat girls. People go for what attracts them and its human nature. Unfortunately bald isnt seen as attractive.


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It's why you shouldn't hide your flaws, to avoid embarassment/disappointment. Although I feel sorry for this guy, just wearing a hat. It's not like it was a wig.

uncomfortable man

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If he were wearing a good wig instead of a hat, then this would be a non-issue as they would have assumed he wasn't bald and they would have had their little date. Maybe the guy just didn't have enough confidence in himself and it had nothing to do with him being bald. :whistle:


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Bald Dave said:
That is f****ing horrible! The girl obviously thought the guy was cute, had nice eyes etc before she saw that he was bald so why would she not give the guy a chance just because he doesn't have hair? Its women like this that make me sick but then again she was only 22 and once all those hairy bf's use and abuse her she'll then realise that hair isn't everything and she prob would have loved to have gone on a date with that guy that she humiliated on tv. At the end of the day women grow up and realise that there is more to life than hair and I've seen plenty of attractive women in their late 20s with baldies :agree:

when they are ready for kids, they want someone to provide for them. That does not mean it will be the super romantic relationship you wanted, or that she won't cheat on you. Good luck.

Women don't change. They do stuff for calculated reasons just like we do. Or it is not calculated but is based on what they are attracted to, which is out of their control. Rather than get upset at them, it is better to just do whatever you can to get in shape and look your best.


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iwantperfection said:
Bald Dave said:
That is f****ing horrible! The girl obviously thought the guy was cute, had nice eyes etc before she saw that he was bald so why would she not give the guy a chance just because he doesn't have hair?

I agree. The girl obv liked his facial features and eyes etc etc. he stood out to her to pick him. But once she saw he had little hair she was freaked. its a sad point of life but thats how the world works. On a judgement basis. Dont get me wrong if a balding guy had time to work on a girl such as this he may pull her but on a first meet basis such as this or in a club or sometihng a balding guy is against the odds. However we must all admit that why should a girl pick a balding man if she could find one with hair. It happens obviously but its like saying we should make more of an effort with fat girls. People go for what attracts them and its human nature. Unfortunately bald isnt seen as attractive.

True, though fat women can lose weight. I was going to say that you guys think it is OK for her to pick a guy with good eyes, but reject a man with bad eyes, even though both are genetic, yet here we are complaining about rejecting on the basis of baldness. It seems we are not bothered by being chosen for what we have, or it seems we want stuff handed to us, or we want to believe our genetics won't get in the way. Yet when we pick women, it is genetics based. We wish women did not need genetics to meet our standards. For the most part they don't. The only genetics they need is a good face. The rest is accomplished by not getting fat. Men not only have to not get fat, but we have to build muscle, not lose hair, be tall, and have a big penis, or at least not be lacking in too many of those areas. Women don't have to worry about any of that. And breast size is not the turn off they make it out to be.

uncomfortable man

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Talk to a woman who is about to have breast implaants and she will tell you how her small breasts make her feel insecure and somehow incomplete as a woman. She will tell you how the media has made her feel inferior. Very similar to what guys feel when they go bald, just ask the guy who's about to get an hair transplant and he will tell you an equivolent story. Even at that, I still feel like going bald is worse than having small boobs. It's not like she used to have double d's and have to watch them shrink/shrivel into a gross acorn shape.


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uncomfortable man said:
If he were wearing a good wig instead of a hat, then this would be a non-issue as they would have assumed he wasn't bald and they would have had their little date. Maybe the guy just didn't have enough confidence in himself and it had nothing to do with him being bald. :whistle:

Yeh and if he was wearing a wig and kicked off a relationship she would have found out eventually - And either

a) She would like him enough not to mind
b) Be completely shocked and not like him anymore
c) Be shocked, and although not a case of not liking him anymore, be pissed off that he had lied to her.

Probably a case of c or d.


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uncomfortable man said:
Talk to a woman who is about to have breast implaants and she will tell you how her small breasts make her feel insecure and somehow incomplete as a woman. She will tell you how the media has made her feel inferior. Very similar to what guys feel when they go bald, just ask the guy who's about to get an hair transplant and he will tell you an equivolent story. Even at that, I still feel like going bald is worse than having small boobs. It's not like she used to have double d's and have to watch them shrink/shrivel into a gross acorn shape.

I don't even like DD's. I like B's and maybe C's. Fact is a guy will date a woman with any size breasts as long as she is pretty. Whereas women will turn down bald guys much more forcefully. Even if a woman can't get a relationship with the guy she wants, she can get all the one nighters she wants. Guys can't even get one nighters if they don't look good enough. Has to do with evolution, but women are much pickier about looks than men are, for sex partners. Now for marriage partners, they are less picky about looks and more picky about resources.


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Fundi said:
uncomfortable man said:
If he were wearing a good wig instead of a hat, then this would be a non-issue as they would have assumed he wasn't bald and they would have had their little date. Maybe the guy just didn't have enough confidence in himself and it had nothing to do with him being bald. :whistle:

Yeh and if he was wearing a wig and kicked off a relationship she would have found out eventually - And either

a) She would like him enough not to mind
b) Be completely shocked and not like him anymore
c) Be shocked, and although not a case of not liking him anymore, be pissed off that he had lied to her.

Probably a case of c or d.

Who cares? Then he'd date another woman. She had lots of fun. That is why if you wear, it is not wise to date coworkers and other people who can track you down and spread the word about you. Just join a hiking club list serve, meet different people every day, or do the single's matching. Have a good life, maybe just not a marriage or anything. Fact is women don't tell you all their faults either. Why do you have to be the perfect, honest person who tells people all your faults when they lie that they are better than they are? You are not cheating on her. You are just trying to look your best for her. And if she thinks you should be single all your life, then forget her.

How many women do you think will tell you the truth that their breasts are fake? What if they look so real? I bet many would just never mention it. And do you care? Women are brutal to bald men. Have some self esteem; don't tell her; enjoy you life. Do you think I should have to tell women I had hair transplant? I won't.