Darolutamide (odm-201), A Better Topical Than Enzalutamide?


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Liposomes would be difficult. You could try benzos but to be honest I don’t recommend them as a first line response here given how addictive they are. You could always try taking a GABA supplement like you get in sleep formulas. Usually with those it’s mixed with melatonin which also helps you get a decent sleep. If you find however that the anxiety seems insurmountable diazepam is obviously quite effective.

The idea behind benzos wouldn't be to counter the anxious feeling, but to prevent the antiandrogen from binding to the GABA-A receptor so strongly. My understanding behind this stuff is limited, so thought I'd check with you.


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The idea behind benzos wouldn't be to counter the anxious feeling, but to prevent the antiandrogen from binding to the GABA-A receptor so strongly. My understanding behind this stuff is limited, so thought I'd check with you.
Benzos are amazing, and I personally think diazepam is some of the best stuff for anxiety reduction, but as I said it’s highly addictive and one becomes immune to doses in a short period of time, so often you need to continually increase again and again which ultimately can become a dependency. Look, I think if the issue here is biological, then pharmaceuticals are probably your best option. Just be wary.


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Benzos are amazing, and I personally think diazepam is some of the best stuff for anxiety reduction, but as I said it’s highly addictive and one becomes immune to doses in a short period of time, so often you need to continually increase again and again which ultimately can become a dependency. Look, I think if the issue here is biological, then pharmaceuticals are probably your best option. Just be wary.

Lol I tried Benzos and the only thing they did was make me sleepy and phased out.

The best thing I found against anxiety is just having high amounts of androgens and positive feel-good neurosteroids...
Right the very thing we lose fighting f*****g hair loss.


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Lol I tried Benzos and the only thing they did was make me sleepy and phased out.

The best thing I found against anxiety is just having high amounts of androgens and positive feel-good neurosteroids...
Right the very thing we lose fighting f*****g hair loss.
I think I do agree that androgens AND estrogens play a huge role in anxiety and depression. I’ve been absolutely hammering myself with antiandrogens for the past week taking insane amounts stuff and @countjulian can probably attest to how messed up and crazy nice been because the poor dude has to deal with me every day (love you cj). But for sure I think our androgen profile is a large factor.


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I think I do agree that androgens AND estrogens play a huge role in anxiety and depression. I’ve been absolutely hammering myself with antiandrogens for the past week taking insane amounts stuff and @countjulian can probably attest to how messed up and crazy nice been because the poor dude has to deal with me every day (love you cj). But for sure I think our androgen profile is a large factor.

I've taken some DHT-derivatives the past few days topically for gyno and holy f*** did I feel good. Made me feel so confident and self-assured. I f*****g love it. Of course I had to stop due to shedding, but...

The very moment that our hair can somehow be made immune, I am going to be bathing in DHT.


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I've taken some DHT-derivatives the past few days topically for gyno and holy f*** did I feel good. Made me feel so confident and self-assured. I f*****g love it. Of course I had to stop due to shedding, but...

The very moment that our hair can somehow be made immune, I am going to be bathing in DHT.
The moment my hair becomes immune and I’ve got a hot *** head of hair back I’m finding some dude and getting laid because this hairloss sh*t is giving me the longest dry spell of my life. Just keepin it real.


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My first side effect from daro, at least I think it's from daro. I have a couple of red pimples on the corner of my mouth. They are definitely not pimples but they kind of look like it.
Any ideas?


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So without going through all 75 pages how is this stuff working? I mean these are some pretty crazy strong castration level drugs for like prostate cancer patients right? I mean if this stuff doesnt stop male pattern baldness than your really in trouble.


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So without going through all 75 pages how is this stuff working? I mean these are some pretty crazy strong castration level drugs for like prostate cancer patients right? I mean if this stuff doesnt stop male pattern baldness than your really in trouble.

This thread has more people saying it didn't work than otherwise.

I'm one of the exceptions, but the results weren't dramatically better than RU, and now I'm stuck trying to balance side effects vs preventing a shed. Once you start topical AR antagonists, you're stuck on them. I started shedding after 3 days off daro.

That's important for anyone who's depressed or suicidal and wants to try nuclear sh*t like this as a last resort - you might invest a bunch of time, make some progress, and then suddenly just lose all of it.


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This thread has more people saying it didn't work than otherwise.

I'm one of the exceptions, but the results weren't dramatically better than RU, and now I'm stuck trying to balance side effects vs preventing a shed. Once you start topical AR antagonists, you're stuck on them.

That's important for anyone who's depressed or suicidal and wants to try nuclear sh*t like this as a last resort - you might invest a bunch of time, make some progress, and then suddenly just lose all of it. I started shedding after 3 days off daro.

What sides did you get from Daro?


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My shedding is way done, daro is working but I can't shake this rash on the corner of my mouth. It gets a little better and then comes back, never goes away. I've been drinking a glass of water with spoon of baking soda and this seems to help.


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My shedding is way done, daro is working but I can't shake this rash on the corner of my mouth. It gets a little better and then comes back, never goes away. I've been drinking a glass of water with spoon of baking soda and this seems to help.

I also got a rash, but from high dose RU (7.5% 2x/day). Finding the best dose is important.


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My shedding is way done, daro is working but I can't shake this rash on the corner of my mouth. It gets a little better and then comes back, never goes away. I've been drinking a glass of water with spoon of baking soda and this seems to help.
What dosage? I am using it (once a day at night) and don't notice much difference. I am doing a .1 mg per day. I started 2 days ago. The other thing is the stuff doesn't dissolve. I heated it up and let it sit for 2 days. I still see particles floating around. But I went ahead and started using it anyways.