Dat Androgenetic Alopecia Life. They Don't Think It Be Like It Is But It Do.


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My brother is bald and fat as f*** because he eats a lot of sh*t every day, drinks coke by the 2 liter bottles and doesnt exercise.

Coke and potato chips are the essence of life.


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Things all hair loss sufferers say at one point:

- I'm heading towards NW7 (they seem to know even when they started balding like 6 months ago)

- My donor is thinning too (so I can't have a hair transplant)

- I have a horrible head shape

- I just can't be bald, I will look like an alien

- If I go bald, no woman will want me... Oh you still get women? That's because you're good-looking/tall/masculine/muscular/black/tanned, you don't understand, it's not the same for me!

Cope, cope, cope.


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Always learn a lot from reading your posts.

Although in real life, I look like a child from Roseanne Barr and Tom Arnold, who is near fifty years old,

1. Join a Mensa Club. You will meet intelligent women like yourself. They are, in fact, probably even nerdier than you are and will improve your stock with other women!

2. If that doesn't work, flash your wallet and pay check. In fact, wear it like a necklace around your neck!

Are you on any kind of medication?


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After five years of treatment with propecia, 48% of men had increased hair growth, 42% experienced no change and a small 10% experienced hair loss. This is quite a success when you compare it to the 75% of men not taking the drug who experience hair loss.

That 10% I think are hit so hard it's devastating. To say 'experienced hair loss' is so mild in description from what seems to happen.

Even guys who microdose have success. @Adam124 is a Norwood 1, if that, at thirty. He only takes .25%.
I was worse than him at twenty!


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You can't fear monger other readers off finasteride if you don't at least have something beyond anecdotal to back it up. I highly doubt you have a circle of 200 buddies and know that finasteride made 150 dicks fall off.

I'm very open minded about how effective or disastrous finasteride can be, but from seeing varying results I'd say at least 70% maintain or grow, possibly up to 90%, nothing wrong with Dench's numbers.

The only "90% GET ED" results turned out to be incredibly biased, which makes me think there's a flip agenda for some as well. If I saw a study group come out with say, 30% success rate (maintain or better) and there were no other factors of suspicion, I'd be open to that too, but there's no way we're seeing test results consistently in a majority success rate and then these handful of other test showing it's a complete disaster.

Anyway, at least put a number on it Bucky, or an article/study if you want.

Just like I can't take those aforementioned test results seriously, I can't take you seriously either, I mean you may as well be on auto-reply when it comes to the topic of finasteride because it's always just fingers-in-ears "LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING IT'S GUTTER TRASH" stuff that isn't worth taking into account.

It's a sad situation for him (@bt), it really is though. It's true what you said, and he should probably stick with it for more than a couple of months... to see any results.

We shouldn't scare people or cause paranoia. In the long run, we don't represent the entire balding population. So what doesn't work for us, might work for somebody else.


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Are you on any kind of medication?

Good question. Truthful answer, no, I haven't used recreational drugs since my teenage years. I really don't use them, don't care for them.

Nothing against drugs, they were fun. Just not into it any more.

And that advice I gave @David_MPN is TRUE. He would have better luck with women, especially the kind he's going for, if he joined a club for high IQ members. He really would.

The second answer, I was so FULL OF sh*t, obviously.


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Things all hair loss sufferers say at one point:

- I'm heading towards NW7 (they seem to know even when they started balding like 6 months ago)

- My donor is thinning too (so I can't have a hair transplant)

- I have a horrible head shape

- I just can't be bald, I will look like an alien

- If I go bald, no woman will want me... Oh you still get women? That's because you're good-looking/tall/masculine/muscular/black/tanned, you don't understand, it's not the same for me!

Cope, cope, cope.

Well, I really don't know Fred. Some people say my head shape isn't good bald.

What do you think? My picture is below:



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Things all hair loss sufferers say at one point:

- I'm heading towards NW7 (they seem to know even when they started balding like 6 months ago)

- My donor is thinning too (so I can't have a hair transplant)

- I have a horrible head shape

- I just can't be bald, I will look like an alien

- If I go bald, no woman will want me... Oh you still get women? That's because you're good-looking/tall/masculine/muscular/black/tanned, you don't understand, it's not the same for me!

Cope, cope, cope.

Isn't this the exact opposite of coping?


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My favorite posts are the ones from guys that say "I don't wanna take Finasteride, I don't wanna ruin my sex life!" then proceed to post a picture with their beer gut and poor facial aesthetics clearly present. It's not like you were probably getting laid in the first place bruh.


I was NW1 when I was 23...should have gotten on finasteride... instead, i waited 6 years...and now 7 years later, am a NW5 - especially my crown...for reasons that I cannot explain, my hairline has not receded that much...but my crown has gotten fucked...I got on minoxidil almost a month back because I thought that finasteride will get me my hair back... How naive was I...After being a year on finasteride, there has been 0 regrowth. I think I have maintained but if you are NW5, maintaining a bald *** crown still makes you bald.

I find it very weird that the Norwood charts always show no crown balding till NW3. and hairlines recedes first. But my hairline has held up so well and my crown took most of the hit.

The most important lesson I have learnt in my life is - If you do not do things on time, you will suffer its consequences for the rest of your life. It is true not just for hair loss but for a lot of things. There is something called as being too late.

I do not even know if this post relates to the conversation on this thread but I came here to express my frustration as there is no where else I can do that.


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My favorite posts are the ones from guys that say "I don't wanna take Finasteride, I don't wanna ruin my sex life!" then proceed to post a picture with their beer gut and poor facial aesthetics clearly present. It's not like you were probably getting laid in the first place bruh.
What they really mean is, I don't wanna not be able to Jack off 5 times a day


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My favorite posts are the ones from guys that say "I don't wanna take Finasteride, I don't wanna ruin my sex life!" then proceed to post a picture with their beer gut and poor facial aesthetics clearly present. It's not like you were probably getting laid in the first place bruh.
I need some examples. I have never seen these mythical men.


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I need some examples. I have never seen these mythical men.

Lurk some of the posts on the "Tell You Story" section or just other hair loss forums. You'll sometimes see an overheard shot with a massive beer gut sticking out.


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Lurk some of the posts on the "Tell You Story" section or just other hair loss forums. You'll sometimes see an overheard shot with a massive beer gut sticking out.
You can't blame a man for liking beer.


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That's really comforting. I think I'll just drop all treatments now, confident in the fact that my baldness will stop once I hit NW5! /s

IMO, anything worse than NW2 is awful, and that's assuming no diffusion, just receding. When you're diffusing even NW1.5 can look totally awful and un-styleable which is really the whole point.

In my case, anything worse than NW1 is awful. An extra inch of forehead is a couple points in your attractiveness level.


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I got both options simultaneously. f*** my life.

Didn't you choose, and continue to choose, both options? You can always drop finesteride .


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In my case, anything worse than NW1 is awful. An extra inch of forehead is a couple points in your attractiveness level.

Oh you don't have to tell ME. I know the difference that having bangs swept over your forehead can make. I went between NW2 and NW3 and every time when I get a bit of regrowth and can do a comb diagonally or to the side, and make a decent amount of hair fall to my forehead to 'round out' the temple area, it adds like 1-1.5 points immediately. NW1 again would be like god-mode or something.

I think it was Fred or someone who made some comment like "I don't know why people are bitching about their receded temples, hurr durr temples don't really change how you look that much... I know because I never really had strong temples harr harr"

Damn it dude if you've never had them then you clearly can't know how much they contribute. On some people's faces, depending on their face and hairline, being a NW1 versus a NW2 or 2.5 can be the difference between 3-4 points of looks. It definitely is in my case. My face is just really well complemented by having some hair fall down and round out an otherwise high forehead.


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Oh you don't have to tell ME. I know the difference that having bangs swept over your forehead can make. I went between NW2 and NW3 and every time when I get a bit of regrowth and can do a comb diagonally or to the side, and make a decent amount of hair fall to my forehead to 'round out' the temple area, it adds like 1-1.5 points immediately. NW1 again would be like god-mode or something.

I think it was Fred or someone who made some comment like "I don't know why people are bitching about their receded temples, hurr durr temples don't really change how you look that much... I know because I never really had strong temples harr harr"

Damn it dude if you've never had them then you clearly can't know how much they contribute. On some people's faces, depending on their face and hairline, being a NW1 versus a NW2 or 2.5 can be the difference between 3-4 points of looks. It definitely is in my case. My face is just really well complemented by having some hair fall down and round out an otherwise high forehead.

I feel this HARD man. I've been wearing like a shaggy old Justin Bieber cut forever. A few years back I had people telling me to cut it shorter and how it would look "so much better" on me. I knew with my massive forehead it would never work out on me. I ditched the bangs and had people tell me "God you look horrible you should have never cut your hair." JUST f*** ME UP FAM.


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