Man, you need to get rid of your locks. Your hair condition really is not THAT bad. Any hair loss in your 20's sucks (I am 22 and I am depressed as hell), but aside from your hairline, it doesn't seem to be too shabby.
The hair that you are currently sporting doesn't really give you the real idea of the situation. I am positive that with a shorter haircut - and I don't mean buzzed cut here - it won't look that bad at all. These locks are just magnifying your problem. Make it a bit shorter with some forelock to hide the receding hairline. I am sure it will look great!
It is really painful to see your hair being twisted and pulled in every single picture. One would think that it is harmless, but it is not. It does not take much to cause traction alopecia.
The hair that you are currently sporting doesn't really give you the real idea of the situation. I am positive that with a shorter haircut - and I don't mean buzzed cut here - it won't look that bad at all. These locks are just magnifying your problem. Make it a bit shorter with some forelock to hide the receding hairline. I am sure it will look great!
It is really painful to see your hair being twisted and pulled in every single picture. One would think that it is harmless, but it is not. It does not take much to cause traction alopecia.