Prior to having my surgery Rahal turned away a 21 year old with diffuse hair loss.
This guy is doing what's in the best of your interests.
listen my frnd
transplanted hair doesn't have the same dense packing as the natural hair does.
transplant hair has half the density as compared to normal hair no matter how good is your transplant.
it just gives the illusion of dense hair and this is where the role of surgeon plays a lot. It's like an artwork for them.
these transplants have a lot of flaws but as these are covered over a larger part ppl can't make out those flaws and generally go undetected.
when transplant is done on the small part like the hairline (especially when you have a lot of healthy hair at the back of it), they will be so obvious to a naked eye that u will regret because there eye can catch the difference in density.
hairline restoration at NW3 is the earliest stage where the skilled surgeon can control the density factor to give it a natural look.
He has a hard time understanding this.
Transplants absolutely never replace native density. it's an illusion of layering, and parting that gives it the appearance of looking natural to the un trained eye. What happens when this guy get transplanted, and he ends up with reasonable density, but it doesn't match the native surrounding hair. He will be left with a see through pluggy wall behind thick terminal hair. Will end up looking worse then he did prior to surgery.
Most people who go for transplants have lost considerable amount of hair across there entire head, despite showing only bald temples. That was my particular case. I might have been only a NW3 prior to my first hair transplant, but under a magnifying glass I have lost density all over my entire head compared to my sides, and back. Transplants work, but not well for people with unfirorm density, and thick hair that's comparable to the sides, and back. it's 100% impossible to replicate this density.
When I shave my head, you can see the horse shoe. grown out, the layers make it appear better then it actually is.
my point is, transplanting on a head with virtually no hairloss is absolutely stupid. I don't care if you have a little bit of temples angle loss.
Not enough reason to warrant a hair transplant. the risk to reward is simply not worth it.
A lot of guys don't understand this. They see polished photos of a surgeons best work, and think anyhting can happen.
I had my head transpanted, and I am telling you as a former rahal patient.. under the right lightning I was left with a visible NW3 outline despite having been restored. Simply cannot replicate native density, which leaves me going for another transplant to go over the same area with roughly an additional 2k graft's. This is with a balding head, not a thick head such as the OPS.
this guy is making a huge mistake. He will still have the bald temple look with massive density behind. essentially leaving a cobweb appearance.